It happened to be the weekend, and the Nan family was almost there.

It was ten o'clock in the morning, Nan Mu asked Nan Heng Luo Ci's favorite dishes early, and went to the supermarket with her eldest daughter-in-law to buy vegetables.

Nan Ye, who rarely had a rest time, was called out early in the morning and had to do the coolie to pick up vegetables.

At this moment, the Nan family members were all sitting on the sofa in the living room, and a fruit platter, nuts and other snacks were placed on the table.

Nan Mu looked at the door from time to time and kept talking, but she was even more nervous than Luo Ci who wanted to see her in-laws.

Father Nan had to comfort her by the side, "The person A-Heng likes must be a good girl, you don't need to think too much."

Nan Ye felt that it was very baffling, shouldn't he be so nervous, just sit and wait like this?

Until the doorbell rang, Nan Heng led Luo Ci into the house.

Nan Mu's eyes lit up when she saw Luo Ci, but she was worried that she was too enthusiastic and embarrassed the little girl, so she pretended to be reserved and greeted her with a smile on the seat.

She likes it when she looks soft and clean, with dimples and dimples when she smiles.

He couldn't help but whispered in front of Father Nan, "Even if she's not A-Heng's girlfriend, I will abduct her back to be my daughter."

Father Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The Nan family had a good impression of Luo Ci, but Nan Zizhuo's eyes were about to pop out.

Luo Ci first said hello, then handed over the delicate little basket in her hand, her soft and crisp voice was slightly nervous, "This is the jam I made myself, you can add some tea leaves and drink it."

Nan Mu took it with a smile, "This little basket is quite unique."

She opened it and looked at it, and the label was made on it, and smiled, "Just to make tea today."

The eldest daughter-in-law took the initiative, "I'll come."

Luo Ci and Nan Heng were sitting on the sofa beside him, their hands still being held by him.

After Mother Nan noticed her son, she had a new understanding of her own son. She was also worried that according to A-Heng's cold temper, she would ignore the little girl. As a result, she was still reluctant to let go of her hand when she entered the door. When I was young, I was also sweet.

Nan Zizhuo couldn't help sitting beside Luo Ci and whispered, "So it's you."

Nan Heng glanced at him, "Have you seen it before?"

Nan Ziyan was a little embarrassed, "A little over a month ago, this elder sister... Auntie helped me fight and drive away some thugs."

Although his voice is small, but everyone is close enough to hear a general idea.

I am even more fond of Luo Ci's success for Nan Zizhuo. As for the fact that little girls fight, it's not a problem, girls just have to be good at it.

Nan Heng's eyes flashed with complicated and difficult emotions, and the depression in his heart surged again, making him panic.

He heard the nephew continue to say "wanted to thank her but was rejected".

I couldn't help thinking in my heart, if he knew about this, if she had an intersection with Nan Zizhuo at that time, would he have met her earlier.

Luo Ci also thought it was quite a coincidence. He didn't expect to meet the relatives of the fragments on the first day.

Nan Zizhuo said again, "Actually, that **** is the illegitimate son of Ji's family. It doesn't seem like he really wants to rob me."

He later saw the man helping people catch thieves one time after school.

Even if the Ji family is an illegitimate child, they will not be reduced to the point of living by robbery.

Nan Ye said coldly, "He is in disguise, but he actually wants to rob my son. I have to find time to settle accounts with him."

Nan Zizhuo didn't understand, "Why?"

Although Luo Ci knew that the red-haired man was not bad, he didn't expect to do something that would confuse people on purpose.

It was rare for Nan Ye to explain it seriously, "He is an illegitimate child, and he is not seen by the Ji family. The more serious he is, the more relaxed the Ji family is towards him."

There is no such mess in their family, and it is normal for their son to not understand.

The guy surnamed Ji clearly knew that it was his son, and he deliberately came to find fault. Nan Ye thought blankly, and decided to let him suffer a little from the next cooperation.

The Nan family is to protect the short.

The eldest daughter-in-law brought over the fruit tea, Luo Ci thanked her and took a sip.

Nan Mu praised the jam she made again, and looked at her carefully. The more she looked, the more she liked it, but she suddenly realized a question, "Cicci, are you an adult?"

It looks a little small.

Thinking about it this way, her expression became complicated. She really likes little girls, but if she was not an adult son, she would be turned over and subconsciously said, "Start in three years."

The corners of Nan Heng's mouth twitched slightly, and her tone was very helpless, "She is only three years younger than me."

Where did it all go.

Nan Mu said a few more words, and it was almost eleven o'clock, she got up, "I'll cook for you, you can take the porcelain upstairs to have a look, and stay at home for one night today."

Nan Heng nodded slightly and led Luo Ci upstairs. Nan Zizhuo saw his uncle came back and couldn't help but miss the computer in the game room. He didn't dare to play alone.

When he was about to reach Nan Heng's room, he stopped, hesitant. His room... was too dark. He didn't usually open the curtains. The carpet and walls were all black, so she probably wouldn't like it.

Luo Ci didn't notice his hesitation, and couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter? Don't you want to go in?"

Nan Heng didn't want to hide anything, to tell the truth, "My room may not be as comfortable as yours at home."

"It doesn't matter." She waved her little hand, "and your room must be according to your liking, you don't need to tell me this."

Not only this reason, Nan Heng's previous room was not like this.

They spent several days together when they were children.

It doesn't just mean his room anymore.

It was the place to keep their childhood memories, but he turned the room beyond recognition.

Luo Ci opened the door, and it was pitch black. She thought it was because the shard had not come back for a long time and the curtains were drawn. It was not until the shard turned on the light that she realized that the wall was covered with black wallpaper and the floor was black again. carpet.

She asked curiously, "Do you like black very much?"

Nan Heng was silent for a while, then spoke slowly, "It's okay."

He gave only ambiguous responses.

He just likes the closed dark atmosphere.

I can't see anything, but I feel much better when I'm in it. A darkness means nothing, but the thoughts in my mind are infinitely magnified, and more things can be imagined.

In this mood, he changed the device little by little and successfully projected those pictures.

Luo Ci walked over and opened the curtains, and the light from the window came in, slightly dazzling.

She looked around the room, feeling a little monotonous, and couldn't help asking, "Aren't you bored?"

There are no other decorations at all, the furniture is complete, but there are books on the desk, only pillows and quilts on the bed, no gadgets.

There's nothing like children's toy pendant posters or anything, is that the way fragments have been since childhood.

Nan Heng shook his head gently, "It's not boring."

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