The two of them stayed quietly for a while, and Luo Ci finally calmed down. She remembered what Lu Yunqi told her yesterday, and her little hand lightly grabbed the hand of the Lord God with clear joints and beautiful hands, and her voice was soft, "A-Heng... I'm going to take a cos photo in a few days."

The Lord God slowly clenched her little hand and responded lightly, thinking of the comments she had seen about Qin Nan and Niluo before, her beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of fear, and her lips were slightly opened, "Together."

He didn't want to see someone group his girl with someone else.

Her eyes widened slightly, "You want to shoot too?"



After Lu Yunqi heard the news, he was extremely happy. He never thought that A-Heng would be willing to get involved in this, and immediately asked the people over there to hurry up and make clothes.

The day of the cos photo shoot.

It was a special show for Luo Ci and the Lord God.

Luo Ci is Jian Luo, and the main **** is Jian Xiu.

Their clothing is a couple's style, with snow clothes and cloud patterns, and the lines complement each other. Each holds a long sword. The female sword is delicate and slender, and the male sword is majestic.

The two stood together, very right.

Before they were different, they appeared in the same frame, not separately, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that their postures were intimate.

At the same time, the flaws that Nan Heng deliberately exposed were misappropriated by Yao Tian. Yao Tian and Nei Gui cooperated with each other, and quickly integrated this new technology into their game. Yao Tian sent someone to expose them and counterattack the long night, saying Chang Ye stole their company's new technology, and Yaotian also bought it on the hot search.

There was a lot of discussion on Weibo.

Changye players did not believe what Yaotian said, saying that they had to wait for Changye to stand up and make a statement, while passers-by were eating melons quietly. The next group ridiculed, all kinds of swear words came out.

Lu Yunqi and some key personnel watched with cold eyes until the momentum became louder and louder, and the Lord God sent a message in the group: The network can be closed.

The plot quickly reversed, Chang Ye Guan Bo threw out a pile of evidence to prove his innocence, and dragged Yao Tian directly off his horse.

Then the police sent people to arrest a group of people who were charged with stealing other people's new technology and slandering others' reputation. imprisonment.

Chang Ye Neigui is an arrogant employee. He is dissatisfied with the technology he has developed with the name of the company, so he grows out of courage and steals the technology and sells it to many companies. He behaved badly and was fined a large amount of money. and sentenced to fifteen years in prison.

The technology was researched by everyone in the company, and the contract had been signed earlier, so it was right to be named the company, but he was not convinced, thinking that he had a lot of credit and little pay, and less chance to become famous.

The official media reported on the Internet that Chang Ye issued a statement that the netizens who slandered the company will not be spared, and the big Vs who have reposted and commented a lot have received legal leaflets.

The whole network was in uproar.

Luo Ci listened to the entire follow-up and felt a bit like fishing law enforcement.

But they also deserved it.

Yaotian's stock plummeted, its vitality was severely damaged, and its reputation was severely damaged. Another company engaged in other industries suddenly burst into light, and took the opportunity to win Yaotian, thus establishing the company's status.

The owner of the company is the illegitimate son of the Ji family.

If it weren't for him being in the blood of the Ji family, President Yaotian would not have let him take the position, because Ji Si, who already has a criminal record, would never be able to hold office again, and Yaotian's credibility had plummeted, and he was jointly attacked by Changye and other companies. It also involves stealing new technologies from other small companies and implementing forced buying and selling.

Therefore, when the other son shines brightly, Yaotian will be handed over to him.

Immediately afterwards, Chang Ye launched a new cos photo, Chang Ye V:

Leng Meng Jian Luo is a cute little girl and Qing Leng Jian Xiu. 【picture】

Delicate and pretty pink-clothed umbrella Luo and gentle exile Xueyi umbrella repair. 【picture】


After the photo was released, the entire network was in an uproar again.

A succession of events.

【Is this a couple? Is this a couple? Ask! 】

[This little brother is really handsome, this is a knock on CP]

[Love, love, the official candy? It's too good]

[Cough, I know who this man is. He is the president of Chang Ye, so there is no doubt that he is a real couple]

【! ! ! President Chang Ye is so handsome, biting the veil]

【Wish 99! 】


The netizens are now all two-person CPs, which makes the main **** very satisfied.

before the coffee table.

The Lord God gently twisted a raisin and brought it to Luo Ci's lips. She was still bowing her head and replying to the comment, and she opened her lips and bit it directly.

His ice and snow eyes quietly looked at her leaning beside her, the beautiful pupil shape ups and downs with stars, dazzling.

He is leaving for now.

But he will come back to see her.

Fingers caressed her smooth long hair, extremely gentle, her lips slightly curved in a slight arc, and she closed her eyes slightly.

When he opened his eyes again, although there was not much change, the momentum around his body eased somewhat.

He was very similar to the main deity.

Nan Heng wrapped her waist around her tightly.

He has those memories, and he knows what he has done with her.

Except for not knowing the existence of the Lord God.

Before the Chinese Valentine's Day approaching, Nan Heng was always busy and often dealt with affairs in the study.

Luo Ci was playing with his own, worried that he would neglect her, so he would get close to her from time to time to kiss her, and observe her expression, fearing that she would be unhappy.

One day, I got free time.

Nan Heng asked her to open the game, and he wanted to pass her something.

Luo Ci looked at the token he handed to her, which was marked with the word "Long Ye" in seal script, and was a little puzzled, "What is this?"

Nan Heng's eyes flickered, "This is the token to enter the special copy."

In the past, he designed it to be able to bring couples up, but later changed it, and people who cleared customs could no longer bring people up.

He couldn't arbitrarily choose to close the long night platform, he could only limit the number of people who could get there.

"This time, you have to clear the customs yourself. The dungeons of each occupation are different. Check the comprehensive score to determine whether you can pass the customs."

What he didn't say is that some players are required to destroy all monsters within a certain period of time, and some are to heal all wounded within a certain period of time.

There are also manual ones, that is, answering questions, and backstage staff judges.

This kind of problem is difficult to say, easy to say.

Luoci clicks the right mouse button, the game interface pops up:

Whether to enter the question and answer.

Her mind was full of question marks.

"A-Heng, why did the copy ask me to answer the question?"

Nan Heng's clear eyes fell on the screen, "Because this is a special copy."

She was instantly speechless.

After entering the answer, I found that there are poems, astronomy and geography, and politics and law. Almost all subjects are involved.

Luo Ci stared at the screen silently for a few seconds, and said in a low voice, "Is this a question that a game should have?"

It is very similar to the first twenty-five questions of the civil servant comprehensive test that she has done in a certain plane.

Nan Heng was silent for a while, this question was not proposed by him, but by an employee who failed to pass the civil service exam.

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