Nan Heng spoke slowly, "Do you need my help?"

Luo Ci shook her head, "I will do it."

If it is something that she has never been exposed to at all, she must not be able to do it completely. There is also the issue of the fishing holiday. If this aspect is not involved at all, it can only be relied on.

After completing these questions, another question pops up on the interface:

do you have a lover? If so, if you are terminally ill, will you choose to hide it, push it to someone else, or choose to tell the other party?


Luo Ci looked at the title silently, and replied: If there is no if, the decision that is envisaged is different from the choice that is made when faced with it.

She may choose to tell, but she may choose to hide because of other factors, but the only thing she won't is to push the other party away.

Just like the beast world, in terms of fragments, her relatives and her can't have both, even if he chooses himself, she doesn't want him to feel depressed.

So she is willing to go to his world to accompany him.

Nan Heng clearly saw her reply and looked at her quietly. He heard her say to himself, "But I will never push it away."

After uploading the answer, after a few minutes, the game interface displays:

Congratulations, you passed the special dungeon, got the chance to board the long night stage, and presented you with nine special iron balls.

At the same time, the World Channel issued a golden announcement:

[Player Snowflakes get the chance to climb the long night stage]

What Luo Ci didn't notice was that the use of the two Bingxinmist blue flowers she had obtained at the Hanjiang Center had been unlocked.

She looked at the extra special iron ball in the backpack. The detailed picture was a bit bumpy and not smooth at all, giving it a dirty feeling.

"What's this?"

Nan Heng's slender and thick eyelashes drooped slightly, somewhat mysteriously, "You'll find out on the Qixi Festival."

She didn't even ask.

Luo Ci roughly guessed that the fragments were to surprise her.

Surprise or keep the mystery better.

Tanabata day.

During the day, he was not busy at all. He still remembered what he said about the Qixi Festival card. He got up early and took Luo Ci to the Civil Affairs Bureau to obtain the card.

Looking at the two red books in his hand, Nan Heng couldn't tell how he felt, his heart was numb and sweet, and he couldn't help hugging Luo Ci tightly in front of the staff.

His always indifferent voice was slightly excited, "You are mine now."

In your name, take my name.

Mrs. South.

Luo Ci hugged him back and said softly, "I'm yours."

After that, the two bought a bunch of vegetables and went back to Nanjia to eat together at home.

Mother Nan expressed her shock at the sudden arrival of her son's certificate, and hurriedly called for the eldest son to come back, and the family had a meal to celebrate.

Mother Nan gave Nan Heng a reproachful look, "You kid, don't tell your family, get the certificate directly, and don't even give Cici a wedding?"

Immediately, he turned his head to appease Luo Ci, "We will be a family in the future, and Mom will definitely arrange a wedding for you."

After saying that, he glared at Nan Heng again.

Nan's father, Nan Ye, and others all looked at Nan Heng with disapproval.

Seeing that the fragments were about to become a group of diss objects, Luo Ci held his hand, her gentle voice mixed with apology, "It's not A Heng's problem, it's that I want to be simple, not too complicated."

"And I know what A-Heng has in mind for me." This was not to be seen from whether the wedding was gorgeous or not.

Nan Mu's face softened immediately, a little helpless but tolerant, "It's good that Porcelain likes it, we will have a less personal wedding then." There is still a wedding.

She instructed Nan Heng again, "A-Heng must prepare the wedding ceremony for the porcelain."

Nan Heng nodded seriously, "I will."

It is obvious that his own son married his daughter-in-law, making it like a father-in-law looking at his son-in-law.

At noon, Nan Heng personally cooked and cooked a large table of dishes.


After dinner, they stayed at Nan's house and played games in the game room. Nan Heng rode with her to watch the scenery in the game, very leisurely.

A horse, a jug of wine, a sword, a pair of people.

Slowly and leisurely, it is the rivers and lakes he wants.

"Long Night" can be saved as a wallpaper with screenshots, and the picture quality is very good. However, because of problems such as the position of weapons and characters, it is time-consuming and extremely patient, so there are people who take screenshots to earn a little money.

Nan Heng watched the two of them riding a horse on the screen, and happened to walk under the willow tree. The willow tree moved gently due to the wind, and his mind moved slightly, so he started to stop the horse and took some serious screenshots.

Luo Ci saw that he wanted a screenshot, and clicked on stealing kisses in the interaction. Players with high intimacy could steal kisses from each other without their consent.

The riding posture is that Milo is in front and Umbrella is behind, and the little Milo kisses him, her face is facing Umbrella, next to her neck, and it is somewhat intimate.

It just so happened that Nan Heng captured this picture.

He laughed dumbly. Previously, he only thought that the scenery here was good, and he took screenshots at will, but he didn't think of other intimate poses at all.

At four or five o'clock in the afternoon, Nan Heng kissed her, "I'm going to the company. I have something to handle myself. I'll wait for me at Chang Yetai at eight o'clock in the evening."

Luo Ci blinked, was it a surprise?

Nodding obediently, she grabbed the corner of his shirt, "I have to come back early in the evening."

Nan Heng thought that they were already a legal husband and wife today, so he suppressed the tenderness in his heart and rubbed her hair, "Wait for me."

After the shards left, she was half-prostrate on the table, resting her cheek in one hand, quietly looking at the screen.

Suddenly, on a whim, I tidied up my backpack.

When I saw the Bingxinmist blue flower in the backpack, I tried to click the viewing function, and the interface showed its utility diagram: it can be used for refining, and it belongs to a special kind of spirit grass.

Luo Ci opened the refining plane and saw the formula that was not there before. It seemed that it was extra in the past few days, but the finished product on the formula still showed a question mark.

Items that have not been refined will not be displayed. This is the fun of "Long Night" for players to explore on their own.

She happened to have all the ingredients needed for the recipe, and immediately clicked Refine in the lower right corner.

It takes fifteen minutes to make one.

She didn't want to wait, so she continued to run to find the adventure.

While digging out the rabbit's nest, I found a red-haired game character.

Hong Mao took the initiative to chat her secretly: What a coincidence.

Luo Ci slowly replied: Hello.

Very official, not close, not cold, normal conversation.

Hongmao really wanted to continue chatting with her, but it seemed that she couldn't find a topic at all.

She wouldn't like herself, but he didn't want her to hate him either.

In the end, I just asked: I have a piece of equipment here that needs to be fused with gems, so I can get a discount.

Some condescending tone.

Luo Ci typed: I'll give it to you for free, and thank you for borrowing my mobile phone.

Hong Mao looked at the reply above, his eyes dimmed, but he still suppressed the discomfort in his heart and pretended to be very relaxed: OK, I'll pass it on to you.

After Luo Ci was fused, it was passed on to him, and he performed Qinggong and flew away from the foot of Nanshan Mountain.

Hongmao looked at her distant figure, thinking silently in her heart.

Bye now.

This unrequited love.

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