At the extreme, a wisp of purple flashed across his eyes.

The Lord God breathed slightly, put his hands on her sides, silently looked at the marks on her body, lowered his head and kissed gently.

He likes doing this kind of thing.

He raised his hand to lightly hold half of her face, and said in a low voice, "Are you tired?"

Luo Ci replied in a low voice, "It's okay."

After all, he was quite gentle.

Then she heard him say, "Yeah."

He continued to press down, but this time it was a little fierce.


In the end, Luo Ci was so tired that she fell asleep. The Lord God picked her up and washed her, put on clean clothes, and held her in his arms when she was about to sleep, wrapping her tightly so that she would not be seen.

The next day, Luo Ci woke up first.

The Lord God did not know when to leave.

When she moved, she was tightly entangled by the debris around her, she didn't want to loosen it at all, it was extremely clingy.

In the morning, Nan Heng's voice was still a little hoarse, and she buckled her head against his chest, "Sleep a little longer."

She couldn't help but pushed Nan Heng, her voice hoarse, "A-Heng, I think of drinking water."

Hearing that she was thirsty, Nan Heng got up slowly. He put on a casual dress and poured a glass of water for her, "Do you want more?"

Luo Ci shook her head.

He went back to the bed, hugged her tightly, and even moved his body slightly, letting her lie on his body and hound her, "Then let's continue to sleep."

He just wants to be close to the little guy now.

Luo Ci couldn't, and she was a little tired now, so she went back to sleep.

They didn't get up until it was almost noon.


Later, the Nan family held a wedding for them in a quiet and natural place.

They still play games and watch the fire tree and silver flowers together every Tanabata festival.

There are still people on World Channel telling their stories.

The great **** who had waited for three years under the long night tree finally found his sweetheart.


【Nan Heng's side story】

One day at the age of seven, his temper became colder and colder, as if he had closed himself.

His parents were worried at one point and took him to see a doctor.

Actually he is healthy.

He was just not interested in the things around him, he didn't understand it at the time, he just thought all the entertainment was indifferent.

There is always a kind of silent loneliness in my heart.

Because the one who could arouse his mood swings the most had already left him.

So he also lost the fun.

Such days passed slowly, and he seemed to gradually suppress those lonely voids and devote himself to learning.

Until high school, in a vague dream, I dreamed of a person.

She was wearing an extraordinarily delicate dress and looked small, and in his dream, there was a sweetness in his heart.

When he woke up, he almost forgot all about it, and there was a deeper emptiness in his heart. He only remembered that she was wearing a beautiful dress and a pair of wings.

He started to learn about computers.

I want to create a game world, I want... a little bit through the game, through the appearance, to get back that dream.

He unconsciously drew people according to the dress in the dream.

Because there are no clothes of that kind of material in reality, let alone those pairs of wings, they can only be created through games.

He was looking for something in his own way, seemingly blindly.

While in college, The Long Night was born.

He quickly climbed to the top of the game and became the top of the list. It was obvious that what he had been working hard for had been successful, but the result was even more hollow.

It seems that he has suddenly lost his purpose and has no interest in life.

Until one day, he saw a little Umbrella who recklessly rushed to his face, and subconsciously swung a sword.

Unsurprisingly, Umbrella died.

His location is a non-stop zone, and anyone can attack, so once a stranger approaches, he is almost a sword second, which has become a habit.

What he didn't expect was that Umbrella still dared to rush up. At first, it was a subconscious action. Later, he probably felt that she had aroused his interest and continued for a second.

Until she asked herself why she kept killing her.

There was a moment of silence in his heart, and he felt a little guilty for no reason, but what he replied was "kill him easily".

Actually not.

After he seconded her a few times, he clearly saw that she was a newcomer, but he continued to second her, but because he wanted to tease her.

The thought was so inexplicable that he didn't notice it at all.

It took her a while to reply to herself.

Oh only one.

She was obviously very angry, but she had to be cowardly because of her own strength. He suddenly felt that she was cute, so he thought of taking her to play games.

After playing together for a while, she wanted to be her teacher, but he didn't agree.

He remembered that she seemed a little excited that day and asked him if he could accept her as a disciple, but he refused because of inexplicable thoughts, and only replied "no".

Looking cool.

At that time, he was very flustered. He found that he seemed to have some special feelings for her, and he rejected her in a hurry, completely ignoring her sudden loss of mood.

Since then, they seem to be the same as usual, but there seems to be a little more estrangement.

He remembered that she used to share with him what gems she had found, what rare herbs she had dug up, and how much pocket money she had made by integrating gems.

But then it doesn't seem to be there anymore.

Not once.

She seems to have new game friends around her. They will say hello in the world channel and brush dungeons together.

And he is no longer around.

It wasn't until a few months later that he figured out his thoughts and decided to confess to her.

Confess at his newly designed Long Night Stage.

He took the initiative to ask her to write a copy on Qixi Festival, and she agreed.

But she didn't come that day.

He waited all day.

His heart was sinking to the bottom, and his mind was filled with anger that made him feel helpless, both angry and lost.

That night he thought about asking her why she missed the appointment the next day. If it was because of something, he would forgive her.

But if it was intentional, he doesn't seem to know what to do.

Is it intentional, can he let her go?

But there is no second day.

She is not online.

None for the next few days.

He began to worry that something was wrong with her, but thought that maybe she would be back soon, and he waited nervously, praying silently that she would show up soon.

He was afraid that something would happen to her.

As long as she comes back safely, he won't blame her anymore, okay?

He will be very kind to her.

As long as she can come back.

He didn't see her online until three days in a row, and the nickname was gray from beginning to end. He went to check the domain name she was last online.

in an internet cafe.

He almost couldn't wait to run over. He breathlessly asked the boss about her. She has been playing games in the Internet cafe. The boss must be familiar with her, he thought.

But what got was totally unimpressive.

He didn't believe it, he couldn't restrain himself and grabbed the boss, staring at the Internet cafe boss with red eyes, he didn't believe it!

How could he not know her!

Yet no is no.


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