The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 334: Cool Online Game God 43 (2,500 words)

He walked out of the Internet cafe in despair.

Thinking that she must live nearby, he went from house to house asking about her, all the houses in the neighborhood, from afternoon to night, as if tirelessly.

But for the girl he wanted to ask, he didn't know her name or appearance, so he could only vaguely know the approximate age and describe it with his imagination.

A very cute girl.

Some residents will be impatient, and some residents will take the initiative to cooperate with the inquiries when they see him looking a little embarrassed.

I've asked almost over and over, but still nothing.

It was raining at night, and he wanted to find her even though he was soaking wet.

But no one knew of her existence.

It was as if the traces she left in the world had been wiped clean.

He felt as if he had fallen into an abyss of ice, unable to see the bottom, falling continuously, it was dark and cold, and he could only watch him get further and further away from the exit, never waiting for what belonged to him. bright.

A certain nerve in the brain seemed to have ruptured, trying to vent something, and finally beat the telephone pole a few times in the rainy night, as if not knowing the pain at all.

Has lost consciousness, only numbness remains.

He returned home in a daze, and soon fell ill.

When he woke up, he was lying on a hospital bed, his fingers twitching, his right hand wrapped in a blood-stained bandage.

He glanced almost indifferently, then silently looked at the ceiling.

During his time in the hospital, he thought a lot.

They used to be in the team, there were seven or eight people, and they had a good relationship with her. One person asked her if she had become a real friend with the great god.

The great **** in their mouths is him as the top one.

At that time, after he refused to accept her as a disciple, she hadn't come to him for a long time to brush up the copy, so he took the initiative to take her, and she also brought other people.

He remembered what she replied at that time: I couldn't chat with the Great God if I added friends, so I didn't add it.

After seeing that string of words, anger arose in his heart for no reason, but it quickly extinguished.

Why can't we talk?

...he can listen to her.


It was inevitable that she would leave.

The first time they met, they were very unfriendly. If it wasn't for her not holding grudges, if it wasn't for her good character, he would have become the target of vendetta if he killed her more than a dozen times.

What's more, he replied, "I killed him easily".

Every time she would share her adventures and good luck with her, a long list of texts, and he just said a short "um".

She wanted to worship herself as a teacher, but he also refused.

He always answered her coldly.

In the chat records in the game, more often she took the initiative to find herself.

"God, do you want to do a copy? I'm almost ready to refine the weapon with just a few materials."

"I dug up the purple jade spar again today, do you want it?"

"Today, a lot of people are looking for me to fuse gems, and they have made a lot of money, so I can buy a lot of delicious food!"

"Great God, can I worship you as my teacher? I will be a very obedient and obedient apprentice, especially good!"


And he.

It seemed that all that was left to her was a cold and indifferent.

Although it wasn't his intention.

She didn't know that every time she watched her happily run over and send him a large text, sharing the interesting things that happened today, he would subconsciously raise the corners of his lips, and his mood would slowly become more cheerful.

He thought the reply "um" meant he was looking at it seriously.

But after she left, he flipped through the chat records little by little and found that all he left her was indifference, even indifference.

He didn't know that she was surfing the Internet in an Internet cafe, and even played until half past eleven one day.

A girl is still outside at 11:30 at night, especially in a place where Internet cafes are mixed.

He saw that there were some gangsters in there, and other people who smoked loudly. He didn't think about her at all in such an environment.

Because of his indifference, she probably felt that she was tired of her sharing in large chunks from time to time, so she stopped coming to him.

She also didn't think about adding contact information, so as not to disturb him, because chatting is unnecessary, so adding friends is completely useless.

He wanted to say, no.

not like this.

He likes to read the text she sends.

But who to tell.

She was not the friends she had after alienating him, but a long time ago, but he didn't know it because he didn't pay attention.

Not because he didn't care enough.

He has a cold and slow personality, so it took a long time to determine his heart, and this time made them drift away.

He was thinking about how to express himself, how to leave an unforgettable impression on her, and wanted to show her an inextinguishable fire.

But ignore her.

The long night platform, the long night tree, the fire tree, the silver flower, and the night sky, who are they to see?

It's too late.

She completely disappeared from his world.

He could only keep the chat records they had, day and night watching how indifferent he had been, as if he was self-abusing, and begging himself over and over again.

Come to think of it, even if she didn't leave, she would not like herself if she made the appointment as she wished.

Why would you like him.

He was not careful enough, not considerate enough, and all he left her was indifference and rejection, so she was unwilling to add his contact information in the end.

They are just gaming buddies.

There is no relationship between relatives and friends, no teacher-apprentice relationship, and no love relationship.

Ordinary gaming buddies.

He finally figured out that he refused to be her master because he wanted to be her love.

But in the end it ended up empty-handed.



After being discharged from the hospital, he became more silent.

His body was at a loss due to the rain all night, and after that, he was tirelessly busy designing the game.

When I sleep at night, my eyes are open to endless darkness.

Let the abyss surround him, he thought.

Anyway, it doesn't matter.

It looks normal in the daytime, but at night, guilt and self-blame, bewildered, confused, and deeply missed slowly emerge from the lonely heart.

He misses her.

She never fell into his dreams, not once.

In reality, in games, or even in dreams, you can't see her.

She probably... also doesn't want to fall into her own dreams.

After long hours of work and irregular life and rest, he fell ill again and lost a lot of weight.

Lu Yunqi woke him up.

That was the first time he got angry, "Who are you doing it for now? Apart from spoiling your body, letting yourself die fast, and letting your relatives send the white-haired people to the black-haired people? Have you ever thought about your parents, have you ever thought about it? , if she comes back and you are in a sickly state, will she despise you?"

He really can't let his parents worry.

Probably still having some thoughts.

What if she comes back?

So he started exercising silently, forcing himself to eat even if he had no appetite.

He keeps an eye on newly registered accounts.

Whenever a number nicknamed "Snowflake Cake" appeared, he would check it from all sides.

There have been many "snowflake cakes" in the past three years, but none of them are hers.

until she appeared.

She left without a sound, and never thought of looking for him when she came back. He had such a trace of resentment, but it soon dissipated.

What does he have to complain about.

Just to give him another chance.

He must be nice to her.

He has learned a lot in the past three years.

He knew she was a snacker, so he tried to learn how to cook and dessert.

He was afraid that he would be cold and unable to speak, so he was slowly adjusting.

He was too afraid of her leaving again, and he had nothing to do with her, just an ordinary game friend.

So he took the apprentice as soon as he came up.

She has been a teacher to him, is it too late to accept an apprentice now?

He can't act close in the first place, so that she might think he's having bad intentions. He could only be cold and uneasy at the same time, fearing that she would be left out in the cold, one day he would take the initiative to terminate the teacher-apprentice relationship and find another teacher.

Later, it seemed to go well, and the contact information was added. She took the initiative to talk about the current situation. She said that she had been flirting with him, and they were together.

But it always gave him a sense of unreal illusion.

He was afraid that it was just his fantasy, and she still hadn't come back.

Each of his fantasies ends with the Qixi Festival. The ending is always that she leaves silently, and he stays for the whole day.

So be sure to see with your own eyes, she was still there on the Qixi Festival, and they watched the fire tree Yinhua together, she was really by his side.

After the Qixi Festival, the knot seems to be unraveled.

This is not his fantasy.

She will be with him forever.


I wanted to be nice to her when I was a child, and I fell in love with her three years ago, and it hasn't changed.

"Your preferences are the same as before."



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