The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 335: The Great God of Cool Online Game (3,000 words)

【Ji Yuyan's side story】

He has lived with his mother since childhood.

The mother was often pointed at by outsiders, saying that she was pregnant out of wedlock, and that she was disrespectful.

It is also the same, saying that he is a wild species, a child without a father.

His mother took him to an unfamiliar place, and a young woman had to take care of her children and go out to work to earn money.

She works hard.

He had asked him why he didn't have a father before. His mother was silent and his face was very ugly. It took a long time to reply to him, "I'll tell you when you grow up."

At that time, he didn't quite understand it, but he felt that his mother didn't like him to mention his father, so he never mentioned it again.

They lived like this for sixteen years.

He saw that his mother's beautiful face had become haggard, no longer young, only the vicissitudes of the years, and he was looking forward to growing up every moment.

As long as he can make money, mother doesn't have to work so hard.

He studied hard, got full scholarships, and didn't care about other people's eyes, just to get ahead, improve his living environment, and relieve his mother's burden.

It's not that the mother has no chance to remarry these years, but few people will accept her, so she chose to refuse.

She once also graduated from a prestigious university and worked for two years with a high salary and a bright future. As a result, he had to quit his original job and leave his hometown.

So he was always worried that he wasn't working hard enough, and that he had failed his mother's expectations of him.

She always said to herself, don't hold grudges, look forward, and change your destiny by yourself.

He looked forward with great anticipation to adulthood.

As long as I am an adult, my mother will not work so hard.


Mother has cancer.

Prolonged malnutrition and fatigue overwhelmed her body.

It was completely unacceptable for him to be struck by lightning.

After that, a man who claimed to be his father came out and asked him to recognize his ancestors and return to his family. He could see that the so-called father was a luxury and obviously not an ordinary person.

He said that as long as he went back to Ji's house, he would help to ask a professional doctor to treat his mother and be responsible for all expenses.

His mother didn't agree, and he didn't want to agree at first, but the treatment fee was far from what he could pay, and it was even more impossible to hire an authoritative doctor, so he agreed.

The mother was angry, but more than that, there was nothing she could do.

For the first time she spoke of her own experience.

After four years of love in college and two years of work, he has reached the point of talking about marriage. As a result, his cruel father abandoned her for the future, and soon married the daughter of a boss.

She was two months pregnant at the time.

During that time, she was very much used by her boss. She was busy with work and didn't notice the delay in her menstrual period. She just thought it was caused by staying up late. When she was done, she found out that the person who was about to marry her chose a rich family daughter.

He has already cheated.

That's when she found out she was pregnant.

She hesitated, hesitated, and finally chose to give birth to a child.

Her parents didn't accept her unmarried pregnancy and didn't want to see her, so she could only swallow the pain and leave her hometown.

He didn't expect him to be born like this.

The mother said, "I don't want to go back, and I won't let you recognize your ancestors, because I don't want you to be seen as an illegitimate child."

But he still chose to go back.

He wanted his mother to get better.

When his father's wife saw him, she was mad with anger, she was completely worthless, shouting, her hair was disheveled, but she looked like a shrew, no matter how gorgeous her appearance was, it couldn't hide her vulgar heart.

There was a sense of pleasure in his heart.

He doesn't care how she and Ji Si treat him, as long as his mother gets better soon, he can leave Ji's house without hesitation.

Mother told him not to hold grudges, not to take revenge, and he did.

But what about them.

Obviously, his mother will get better as long as he has another operation. Obviously, the success rate of that operation is very high. Obviously, his mother said that he will take him home. They will make dumplings together, and they will be reunited.

But the operation failed.

His mother never came back.

He couldn't accept this fact at all.

He overheard that it was the woman who killed his mother, and the man knew, but he chose to cover up.

Because it was rumored that killing people would have an impact on the company.

That man only cares about profit.

Desperate and suppressed emotions were accumulating, and he seemed unable to resist the fate brought to him by God.

He wandered the streets, walking aimlessly.

Already homeless.

That man's home is not his home.

In the end, he was surrounded by a group of people, some with iron rods, some with knives.

They forced themselves into a corner.

He heard them say they were going to beat him to death, and he didn't care whether it was illegal or not, and whether he would pay the price.

Somebody would pay bail anyway, they said.

His two fists were no match for his four hands. He was beaten with a lot of sticks, and some deep cuts were scratched on his body.

The worse he was, the happier the employer was and the higher the commission, they said.

He thought his life was over.

But I saw a little girl, she really looked very small, only fourteen or fifteen years old, she was probably still in junior high school.

She knocked down the whole group by herself, without even touching.

After she beat them to the ground, she called the police.

He was half lying on the ground, with many cuts in his clothes and blood seeping from his body. She turned her head and glanced at him and asked the ambulance to take him to the hospital.

He didn't expect her to go with her too.

When he woke up, he heard her muttering, "I paid for your medical bills, do you still have any money? That's my living expenses for many days."

He endured the pain and asked her to report her contact information, and he would definitely pay her back in a few days.

His mobile phone was broken by those people and could not be used.

Later, when he was discharged from the hospital, the man didn't care about how he was injured. He just made money with a fake face. Anyway, he never had any hope for that man.

Just talking about money is fine.

From that night, he had made up his mind to let them suffer the consequences and pay for their sins.

Now that he has money, he can pay the girl back, call her, and she asks him to go to KFC to find her.

When she arrived, she was holding the tender beef five squares, eating with a big mouth, and when she felt spicy, she poured Coke into her mouth, her beautiful eyes were half-squinted, she looked very happy, and she was easily satisfied.

He was envious.

But he will never be able to be like her, so easy to be happy.

She looks harmless and cute, she looks delicate, but she is so good at fighting. Who would have thought that she could knock down so many people with weapons in one go.

There was still something sticking to the corner of her mouth, and her clear and beautiful eyes were curved into crescent moons, "It's a pity that you have an injury on your body, so you can't eat fried and spicy food, otherwise I will still invite you to eat it."

He thought with some expressionless face, even a stranger noticed that he couldn't eat fried and spicy food, and that man would only make money, making him choose trivial matters.

"By the way, go and pay now."

It turned out that she ate here without paying.

"I told the sister that you would come over to help me pay, so she agreed to give me food first." And the phone was also heard.

He rarely had contact with her, and this was probably the last time at KFC.

Because he's worried about Jiss and that crazy woman targeting her.

He remembered what she had said to himself before they parted.

The sun shines on her tender and lovely face, and her voice is a little soft and waxy, and her tone is very serious.

She said, "You will get better and better in the future, and you can't ruin yourself because of those people."

A little adult's tone.

Since then, he has never seen her again.

He had wanted to get them punished at all costs, but somehow changed his mind.

He began to save money to invest, and pretended to be an ignorant gangster to disguise himself. The man became more and more disappointed with himself, and the mother and son became happier.

By the time he graduated from college, he had already established a company with others, and had cooperated with the Nanshi Group several times. He was only one chance away from crushing Yaotian.

Yaotian mainly plays games, but also involves other industrial chains. He wants to let the man see how Yaotian is destroyed, and he wants to ruin his reputation.

That day, disguised as always, he disguised himself as a silly and uneducated gangster, and surrounded Nan Ye's son with his younger brother. Of course he would not do anything to this child.

Just wanted to let the people behind him see how ridiculously he provokes the Nan family, let them clean up the mess, and face the anger of the Nan family.

I didn't expect to be hit by her.

It hurts to hit her.

He recognized her quickly, so he pretended to be a three-legged cat.

In fact, no matter how bad he is, he won't be beaten up so quickly. Since that night, he has practiced Sanda in a planned way, and he is no longer the weak boy he used to be.

He didn't come across her and entered the Internet cafe by chance, but because he saw her going to the Internet cafe and went in with him.

He wants to get close to her.

I want to play games with her.

he looks like……

like her.

But she seems to already have a master, and they have a very close relationship.

She doesn't remember herself at all.

Once he deliberately spoke out when she was talking to that person, and asked who she was talking to, she replied coldly to herself.

In fact, they rarely meet.

Later, her boyfriend brought her to take the oath of sovereignty, and also took out the new couple's mobile phone, and the last bit of extravagance seemed to be gone.

The mobile phone he once used will definitely not be left behind.

On the day of Qixi Festival, in the game, he deliberately checked her position and came to her side on purpose.

He wanted to say something, but it seemed like nothing was right, and it might even make her hate herself.

But he didn't want her to hate him.

He has seen someone ask for nothing, so he would rather let the other person hate him, and also make an impression on that person.

But he doesn't want to.

He hoped that he was a good person in her eyes, a friend who could talk about loyalty.

At eight o'clock in the evening, he also boarded the Long Night Stage and saw the beautiful scenery her boyfriend showed her.

He had long known that God H had been waiting for someone under the Long Night Tree for three years.

It was her who was waiting.

That's why Bu Ye Tian didn't fall in love with her for a long time.

Looking at her game character Feng Guanxiapi, he felt a little lonely.

This is their wedding in another sense.

He can only bless.

"You are mine, but you can't find it, you can't have it."



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