The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 336: Angel's little devil 1

In the dark area, there was not a trace of sunlight, unknown green vines wrapped around the entire castle with small buds, and a circle of blood-colored roses was planted outside the castle.

They are not decorated with emerald green leaves, and stand erect on the grass. The petals have clear patterns. Among them, a drop of bright blood like fire slowly drips down and sinks into the grass.

The castle is isolated from the world, and ordinary people cannot enter.

On the third floor of the castle, there is a special house with a diamond-shaped exquisite box standing on the wide bed.

The lid is made of crystal clear and transparent gemstones, the border is made of golden nanmu, the edges and corners are decorated with unknown patterns, and a small ruby ​​with good color is inlaid below.

Through the transparent crystal cover, you can see that it is covered with blood-colored roses. On the rose is a little girl with long black hair lying on the rose. She is wearing a black knee-length skirt with intricate and beautiful embellishments.

His face is pale and pure, his appearance is delicate and cute, and his plush hair hides a little pointy little horn, like a small bamboo shoot that has just emerged.

The slender and thick eyelashes hang down slightly, like a row of soft brushes.

She was resting with her eyes closed.

She looked only as tall as a five- or six-year-old child.

After an unknown amount of time, the girl in the diamond-shaped box slowly opened her eyes, her dark red eyes were clear and clear, the transparent crystal diamond-shaped lid slowly opened, she slowly sat up, and her white and smooth little hands were slightly supported on the blood-colored rose. , is very clear.

There was a pair of dark bat wings waving gently behind her. She slowly floated in the air, her small hand stretched forward slightly, and a small gray-white fluffy bat landed on the palm of her hand. It was soft and very cute.

It's tweeting.

The last plane agreed to come to accompany her, so she transformed into a small bat.

Chiu Chiu flew towards her shoulders and cuddled softly.

"Cic, you have a bloodline defect on this plane, so you can't see the light."

Luo Ci couldn't help pinching the little gray-white hairball. When she opened her lips, she could see a little snow-white tiger teeth, and the little devil had a wicked and cute smile on his face.

In this plane, she is a child of a demon lord and a pure-blood family. Because the two powerful bloodlines cannot be perfectly integrated and mutually repelled, she has been in the state of a five-year-old child.

Her father is the demon lord Lostin, and her mother is the blood prince Helitha.

The demon lord is not afraid of light, but some are afraid of the blood of angels whose strength is almost as powerful as him, but Roci has no such weakness.

Purebloods are not afraid of light, but hybrids are afraid of light.

Luo Ci is a hybrid of demons and blood races. Strong bloodlines cannot coexist, which not only restricts her growth, but also fears sunlight more than ordinary hybrid blood races.

Intermarriage between demons and blood races is not an exception. Unless one party is far stronger than the other, the children born will grow up healthily. Almost all children born under the same strength will be abandoned because the defects are too serious.

But Luo Ci's parents are obviously not in this category. They are trying to find a way to make up for the defects. For example, where she rests, the diamond-shaped box is made of transparent crystal with rich energy. It contains specially cultivated rose flowers, which can be used for her. Provide nutrients.

This is also her coffin.

Waving her bat wings, she flew out of the window and landed in a rose bush. She bent down slightly to pick a blood-colored rose, pursed her lips lightly in the petals, took a bite, and the petals at the entrance instantly turned sweet. blood.

After she ate a whole blood-colored rose, the rhizomes slowly turned into powder, sprinkled on the grass, and became the nourishment of other blood-colored roses.

She doesn't need to drink other people's blood.

The specially cultivated blood-colored rose is her master. The little devil's lips are still dyed with blood-colored sweet juice, and the dark red pupils reveal a bit of danger, as bright as darkness, but with a pure breath .

Her parents came back at this time.

Behind the demon lord Lostin is a huge bat wing, the pair of dark horns on his head are closed, his purple eyes are mysterious, and his handsome and pale face has a trace of worry, "Why did Porcelain come out?"

Even if they cut off the castle from the sun, the missing light would still shine in, and they couldn't take the risk.

The blood prince Hai Lisa is a superb stunner. The low-cut and tight-waist skirt perfectly shows her beautiful figure. She has a charming and colorful face, but her red eyes are a little gentle, and she said angrily, "The sun is going down outside now. At that time, Porcelain has been staying in the castle, can't you take a look outside the castle?"

Demons have purple pupils, while vampires have red pupils. Luo Ci is more inclined to vampires, which means that Hai Lisa is a little bit stronger than Lustyn.

The little devil leaned forward and grabbed Hailisha's hand and shook it. He raised his little head, revealing the tips of his snow-white teeth. The little tiger's teeth were pointed, "Can I leave the castle and go outside to take a look?"

In fact, wearing a black cloak and hood can also see the light, but it will still be a little uncomfortable.

This was unanimously opposed by the two.

Luo Steen disagreed and said, "Wait until you grow up before going out." Cici is completely in her infancy, and her energy is not stable enough. If she is targeted by some overly righteous angels, she can't bear it. live.

Besides, pure blood demons and pure bloods will also target her.

Hai Lisa gently picked up the little devil and rubbed her hair, "Actually, it's not impossible, didn't we get back that cloak? You can put it on for porcelain."

The little devil's red eyes flashed with a strange light, and he looked very happy.

She has been in the castle, how could she have encountered fragments.

Gotta find a way to get out.

"What cloak?"

"Let's go back to the castle first."

Hai Lisa took out a black cloak and handed it to the little devil, "This is specially made by us."

Powerful and powerful vampires can find people who specialize in making light-blocking cloaks for their children, because the materials for making light-blocking cloaks are relatively rare, so they cannot be popularized.

They also searched for a lot of materials before they were made.

Luo Ci took the cloak and put it on her body, Hai Lisa fastened the buttons for her, the little devil was tightly wrapped, the cloak was not ugly, but it wasn't good either.

She put on her hood and looked at them with dark red eyes, "Can I go out now?"

She just looked young, but she was actually about to be an adult.

As long as the physical defects are solved, they will quickly reach adulthood.

Lustyn was obviously reluctant to take care of her precious daughter, but her daughter never went out, so she reluctantly agreed, "Okay, but I have to stay tonight."

He tapped the amethyst necklace around her neck, "This necklace will protect you for us."

This was given to him by the Lord of Demons, which contained the breath and coercion of the Lord of Demons, and generally no one would provoke her.

Cici almost died when she was a child, and this necklace protected her.

Luo Ci's eyes were sparkling, and she was extremely happy.

You can go out and find pieces.

After all, her parents wanted her to wait until she was an adult before going out, so I don't know what year and month it will be.

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