The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 344: Angel's little devil 9

She told the Pope and tried to stop them, but it was regarded as a failure. She was going to be drained of blood from her body like the angel who died tragically, and she would study further.

She escaped, weakened by the day, and she found that even if she did not use her angelic powers, she would gradually die.

Therefore, she stayed in a small town and used her last life to heal the people in the city, which was the last atonement for the rest of her life.

After listening to the old woman's words, there was no trace of emotion on Angelus' tender face.

He retracted his wings and left with Luo Ci.

She could see that Fragment was uncomfortable, and took the initiative to say, "Let's go to the main city together."

The little angel was silent for a while.

He didn't want to be separated from her, but he didn't even want to take her on an adventure.

But he didn't reply immediately, he just said, "Look again in a few days."

Luo Ci tugged at the corner of his clothes, leaned into his ear and threatened, "If you leave me and run away, I'll go back to the castle so you can't find me!"

His slender lips pursed slightly, and Bingxue looked at her quietly, with a soft voice, "No."

Somewhat aggrieved.

He became docile, "I won't leave you alone."

"It's almost there."

They first went to the grocery store to buy some materials for refining potion, and then they found a hotel to stay.

In the past few days at the hotel, Luo Ci was sucking blood from the fragments every day.

If it hadn't happened to cut his finger and taste a little blood, she wouldn't have thought the shards looked delicious.

After just tasting it once, she was a little addicted, and within a certain distance, she could clearly smell the breath of the fragments.

But she was more restrained every time and didn't smoke too much.

One morning, she suddenly wanted to bask in the sun, so she walked to the window and stretched out her hand slightly, but the burning sensation she expected did not come at all.

She seems... not so afraid of the sun.

Is it the effect of fragmented blood?

Other than that, there seems to be no other explanation.

The little devil told Shard of this discovery, "Can I go with me to the Holy City now?"

After repairing her physical defects, she will soon enter a mature stage, and her strength will increase greatly by then.

Angelus was a little surprised by the effect of his own blood, and finally nodded and agreed. If drinking his blood can work, then she will not be afraid of the Holy Light.

In this way, the people in the temple's attack on her are completely ineffective, and he can rest assured of her.

He made some more magic potions, ready for use on the road.

"Let's go."

Now that his strength has recovered, he will go back to the old castle where the little devil lives after the temple is settled.

The two left the small town together, preparing to fly in the direction of the holy city.

Not far from the small town, Angelus held the little devil's hand, his voice slightly nervous, "My strength has recovered."

Luo Ci blinked and said slowly, "Then what?"

"I can become mature."

After all, his figure slowly elongated, the lines on his face became more angular, and his facial features were as delicate as a gift from God.

He is dressed in exquisite noble costumes, with shining silver hair that hangs down to his ankles, a pair of snow-white wings behind him are huge and powerful, each feather is very soft and shiny, exuding a strong pure breath.

Luo Ci fluttered her little wings, circled around him, and finally stopped behind him, her little hand couldn't help touching his silver hair, which was soft and smooth.

Looking at the pair of fluffy snow-white wings, the dark red eyes were a little envious. Her wings were hairless and felt uncomfortable at all.

He jumped up and hugged the wings directly, and rubbed softly.

Angelus' body was slightly stiff, and the touch that was more indescribable than before made him almost unable to control it. He bit his blushing lips slightly to prevent himself from making strange sounds.

"It's time for us to go..." He said slowly, his voice clear and sweet, very ethereal.

The little devil was lying on his back, muttering softly, coquettishly, "Can you just fly with me like this?"

The angel's beautiful crystal eyes were a little helpless, "I'm afraid you will fall, I can hold you."

If she pinches his wings from behind, he may not be able to balance.

He didn't understand why there was such a big reaction for the time being, he only knew that he wanted to protect the little devil well.

From the first time I met her.

It's like fate.

There was a voice that told him that she was the one he was looking for.


The little devil is not an unreasonable person. He may want to be naughty sometimes, but he is still more obedient.

She waved her small wings and flew to Angelus, reaching out her little hand to hug.

He felt a softness somewhere in his heart, he caught her, held her in his arms, and lowered his head to rub the small horn on her head.

This is his little devil.

Angelus fluttered his wings gently, and the powerful white wings flew faster than before. He protected the little devil in his arms to prevent the cold wind from hurting her.

After using the invisibility potion, he was not afraid that he would be very abrupt in the air.

The holy city is farther away from the small city. It is located in the middle of the northern part of the continent, and the small city belongs to the edge area.

Even if he flew over without sleep, it would take three days.


They were sitting under the tree and resting on the fire, while Angelus was roasting the rabbit.

Angels are not good at appetite, but the little devil suddenly wanted to eat, so he grabbed it and baked it for her.

Jiu Jiu lay on Luo Ci's shoulder and watched silently, a little helpless. In the past few days, Porcelain has shared food with it, and it is the first time that it has eaten human food.

And the food cooked by adults is always delicious.

Luo Ci noticed its gaze, held it in her hands, and rubbed it carefully, no matter how big or small the hair **** were.

She whispered softly, "I'll feed it to you later."

After hearing this, Chiu Chiu seemed to feel the death stare from the boss.

The little body trembled.

Don't be afraid.

Heaven and earth are big, and porcelain is the largest.

Adults won't take it all the way.

Probably because this plane has been similar many times, it has a bit of confidence and is no longer as scared as before.

Angelus glanced at it blankly, and continued to roast the rabbit, brushing it with seasonings.

After a while, he tore a piece of rabbit meat and handed it to Luo Ci's lips, "I'll feed the baby."

She opened her lips to eat, chewing slowly, with a satisfied look on her face.

Just as he was about to feed Jiu Jiu Jiu, the sound of fragments sounded at the right time, with apologetic, "Isn't it not spicy? I just brushed a lot of chili peppers."

Xiao Chiu Chiu, who is satisfied and waiting to be fed, is like a thunderbolt from the blue.

Xiaotong can't even eat a little spicy food.

Luo Ci was a little apologetic, "That can only wait for the next time."

But Shard's inner workings are: his little devil can't feed the ugly bat.

Large double standard scene.

The prototype of the little devil is cute and cute.

Tweet Tweet, the little gray-and-white-haired dumpling is ugly.

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