The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 345: Angel's Little Demon 10

When resting at night, Angelus held the little devil in his arms, and the huge white wings enveloped the two of them, like a silkworm cocoon, which was tightly covered, keeping out the chill of the night.

They stopped and went, and it took a few days to reach the holy city.

Because the people of the temple were already trying to figure out the angels, Angelus made a more potent magic potion.

They put on simple and plain clothes, and their appearances have also changed a lot, and even their hair and eye color have changed significantly.

Outsiders may think that this is a father and daughter.

The holy city kept pouring in people who came to worship, with piety on their faces, and the Pope of the Temple was their faith.

Some people have even reached the point of blindness.

They rushed towards the Temple Square in a hurry, with anxiety and joy on their faces, for fear that they would not be able to see His Excellency the Pope one step later.

Among them, there were adults with children, one hand pulling the child to run inside, completely ignoring whether the child was able to follow behind. Even the child was accidentally thrown behind without grasping it. Compared with other adults, the child was very short and could not be seen in the crowd at all.

Some people squeezed and bumped the child and knocked him to the ground. He was constantly bumped and could only hold himself helplessly to relieve the pain, but more people stepped on him.

At first, Angelus took the little devil and walked down the street. Later, he noticed that there were more and more people, and he was worried that the little devil would be hurt, so he picked her up with one hand.

Luo Ci was held at the height of his eyes, with her small hands on his shoulders, watching people come and go.

Suddenly, I felt that my vision was much wider than before, and the scenery I saw was very different...

She lay slightly on the shard, her head turned back, her eyes froze, she couldn't help tugging at his clothes, her clear voice was anxious, "A child fell down!"

Stampedes can kill people.

Children's bodies are more fragile than adults.

Angeluston paused, "In which direction?"

He followed the direction pointed by the little devil and walked against the flow of people. He was surrounded by a transparent light film, which cut off the touch of others. When he came to the child, his immature face was full of tears, and his eyes were full of horror. at a loss.

Angelus stood in front of the child, stretched out his hand and grabbed his shoulder, and helped him up, his voice couldn't be heard, "Are you a relative?"

The child flirted with each other, crying and answering, "He's in, in front."

"Follow us." He said lightly.

The child was still in great fear, but when he saw that Angelus went against the flow of people, pushed aside the crowd, stood in front of him and helped him, the fear in his heart slowly subsided, and an inexplicable mind was born.

He felt that this big brother was better than the Pope.

He originally stretched out his hand and wanted to grab Angelus, trying to gain a little sense of security, but he was a little scared, so he could only try to take steps to prevent himself from falling again.

After walking for a long time, he saw a middle-aged man hurriedly rushing back, and he was obviously a little happy when he saw the child beside Anglius.

Angelus guessed that the middle-aged man was a relative of the child. After seeing him holding the child again, he glanced at him coldly, "Is it so important to see the Pope?"

The middle-aged man originally had a thankful expression on his face, but after hearing this, he looked at him with a bad expression, and said reverently, "Sir Pope drove away demons and blood clans for us, ensured our safety, and obtained the care of angels, It is our honor to come to the holy city to see the adults with our own eyes!"

Soon his words became fierce, "Sir Pope is of course very important. This time, for the sake of saving my son, I won't care about you!"

The little devil turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man quietly, "The Pope is more important than your child? In order to see the Pope, can you disregard his safety and let him be trampled by the crowd?"

She didn't want to get involved too much, but just watched the middle-aged man express his admiration and love for the Pope, completely ignoring her own children, and she was a little blind.

The middle-aged man was at a loss for words, and he couldn't say anything to refute. He looked down at his son.

He almost blurted out as usual: Of course the Pope is more important. But stop, the safety of my son is definitely more important.

After being awakened, his mind of some blind worship cooled down, and he suddenly felt a little guilty when he saw the person who saved his son before leaving with the little girl in his arms.

He bent down and wanted to hold his son, lest he be dropped again and someone bumped into him, but this time he knew to protect the child.

The middle-aged man was a little apologetic, "I didn't protect you well."


Finally, Angelus brought the little devil to Temple Square. They stood in a corner and watched silently.

The square was crowded and noisy, but when they saw the pope in the golden holy robe appear, it was as if the pause button had been pressed. Everyone stopped talking and looked at the pope with fiery eyes with worship.

The Pope looks like he is in his thirties, and his appearance is not amazing, but he is more elegant and easy-going, giving people a sense of intimacy like a spring breeze. His pale golden eyes seemed to be able to accommodate everything. He walked to the center of the square, looked at everyone with a smile, and slowly said some polite words.

But it was these polite remarks that made the people present almost boil.

The little devil frowned, leaned on Angelus, and whispered in his ear, "Have you seen him before?"

He shook his head.

"I think he's a little hypocritical." Just talking empty words and doing nothing, he won the love of a group of people. What the middle-aged man said before drove away the blood clan and the demon, but such a thing has never been recorded in the history of the two clans.

Moreover, because of their long-term marriage, the two clans have a very good relationship, and they are both dark creatures. The interests of the two do not conflict. The strength of the two clans combined is stronger than the temple, how could they be driven out so easily.

The northern part of the continent is not suitable for demons and blood races to survive.

Where did the rumors come from?

Luo Ci also felt that golden light spots slowly overflowed from everyone present, and flew towards the Pope in the center of the square. I don't know if it was her illusion. She seemed to see that the corners of the Pope's mouth were getting bigger and bigger. Kind of crazy.

And the Pope seems to be suddenly a few years younger, but few people find that they have completely lost the spirit of exploring the Pope's changes, and they listen to what he says.

After finishing the speech, the Pope entered the topic, "Today I will bless everyone and give everyone the opportunity to bathe in the Holy Light. Among them, those who are selected can stay in the church to be selected and cultivated as the saints."

Almost everyone looked surprised, wishing that the one who was chosen was themselves.

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