The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 346: Angel's Little Demon 11

The Pope waved the staff in his hand and cast magic towards the holy stone in the center of the square. The holy stone slowly radiated a circle of pale golden light. This light quickly enveloped everyone in the square, including Luo Ci and Angelou. Sri Lanka is no exception.

Luo Ci looked down and saw that she was shrouded in light. She was not afraid of magic similar to holy light now, so she did not struggle. This ray of light seemed to be just a brief exploration, and then a beam of light appeared on her body, which meant that she was selected.

Turning his head to look at the fragments, he was also enveloped in a beam of light.

The ordinary face was dyed with a layer of faint golden light, and the tan pupils were flat and calm. Even if the pupil color was changed, the shape of his eyes was still good-looking. In the past, the snow and silver eyes had a mysterious and dreamy feeling, but now the tan eyes are deep and real.

Soon the candidates came out. There were two little girls and three adult men, including Luo Ci and Angelus.

The Pope was quite satisfied, but still calmly appeases everyone, "Pray a lot, communicate with the holy stone, maybe next time you will have a chance to choose."

The people who were in a very bad mood because they were not selected were instantly inspired to fight.

As usual, the previous middle-aged man was also looking forward to the appearance of the Pope, and even fantasized about what he would do after he was selected and qualified to enter the church.

But only this time, he had doubts in his heart.

The original firm belief in the Pope seemed to be in turmoil, as if it was about to collapse.

He took his son and walked on the street. When he came, it was bustling with people, but when he went, it was no longer so crowded. Many people went shopping in the holy city.

But the place with the most people is the hotel.

He remembered that every time he listened to the Pope's speech, his body would be a little tired when he came back. At that time, the Pope said that his preaching had washed their body and mind, and the illumination of the Holy Light would make subtle changes to their bodies. , Feeling tired indicates that their body is changing in a better direction, and they can pass the test as long as they come back a few times.

He had never had doubts before, but this time he was a little shaken.

He also checked into the hotel with his son. He didn't seem to feel weak today, but everything he did today was the same as before.

So he tentatively asked some people in the hotel how their health was.

"My whole body is sore now. This is a good thing. It will be fine tomorrow. Maybe I will be selected for the next prayer ceremony!"

There are many people who have the same thoughts as that person.

The middle-aged man had an inexplicable feeling of chills down his spine.

If... it's normal for him to be like this for a few days.

This left a seed of doubt in the middle-aged man's heart.


After Luo Ci and Angelus were selected, they decided to enter the church together and act according to chance.

Each of them lived separately and had their own room. Angelus proposed to be with the little devil, but he did not trust her alone.

The Pope did not object.

A little girl of eight or nine years old gave Luo Ci a slightly hostile look.

The little girl has been instilled by her family with the idea of ​​how good the church is since she was a child, and she also knows that the younger the selected person, the greater the hope of becoming a saint child and a saint, and Luo Ci looks younger than her. treat each other as a competitor.

Luo Ci, who was being carried away, noticed a line of sight, looked at her, and was stunned for a moment.

Back to the residence.

The rooms allocated to everyone are exquisite, and there are three meals a day, but they always have nothing to do, and the Pope has not come to tell them what to do.

In addition to being unable to leave the temple, the temple controls them more easily.

Looking at the meal delivered by the temple maid again, Angelus glanced coldly, but did not eat it.

Instead, he slowly ate the food he took out of the little devil's ring. Now that he has recovered all his strength, he doesn't need to eat every day like ordinary people. As for the little devil around him, he can completely **** his blood.

He was not concerned about the things of the temple.

Angelus looked down at the little devil who was sucking blood buried in his neck, and gently stroked her hair, "Suck a little more."

That way he can rest assured.

After living here for a few days, he was temporarily unable to detect anything wrong, but he was a little more focused on the people with them.

Angelus noticed that something seemed to be missing from those people's bodies.

Luo Ci sucked a little more blood today than before, lying on the shard in a dizzy manner, her face flushed, and she kept leaning on him to hug him.

His eyes paused, and he reached out to probe her forehead, and then touched her little hand, and found that her whole body was hot, and her consciousness seemed a little awake, as if she was drunk.

what happened to the little guy?

The body temperature is not at all like normal, and the little body is a little hot.

Angelus probed the energy in her body and found that everything was normal, but the strength of the little devil was slowly getting stronger, and he was relieved.

What he didn't know was that the amethyst necklace on Luo Ci's neck flashed a deep, noble and mysterious light.

After a few hours, Luo Ci slowly regained consciousness, the disguised pupil color showed a dark red color, and soon disappeared.

She blinked and looked at her hand. She seemed to have become a lot stronger. As for the Holy Light, she was completely immune.

All physical defects seem to have been repaired.

Just as he was about to say something to Angelus, the door was knocked, and a temple maid said, "Sir Pope, please go to the inner hall."

Angelus rubbed the little devil's hair, held her in his arms, opened the door and followed the maid.

Even though he knew that going to see the Pope this time was likely to find something, his mind was more on the little devil.

Ever since he held her on the street before, he suddenly had the idea that it would be good to keep holding her like this, and he was completely reluctant to let go.

After regaining his strength, he couldn't be like the state of the little angel before. He always felt that he couldn't get too close for some reason.

Because... he has the appearance of an adult angel, and she is just a little devil in her infancy.

He lost part of his memory, but he didn't lose his intelligence. He knew that some behaviors should not be too intimate. It was okay to say when he was a child, but now he needs to avoid it when he is an adult.

He couldn't take advantage of her because she was still young.

Not only that, in the previous state of the little angel, his thoughts towards her were very pure, and he just wanted to follow her and protect her.

And now there seems to be more.

Instead, it restrained him.

So it's rare to have the opportunity to be intimate with her, so of course I have to hug her for a while.

The maid led them into the inner hall and left.

There was no one in the inner hall at this time.

Angelus sat on the chair with the little devil and waited quietly.

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