The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 347: Angel's Little Demon 12

The Pope was long overdue.

He smiled, "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

The Pope has always been unassuming, so it is easy to make people feel good. Of course, it is not very effective for Luo Ci and the two.

Luo Ci remembered that in the square that day, the Pope looked like he was still in his thirties. Even though he became a little younger, he didn't change much.

And now, the Pope looks like he's only in his early twenties.

She didn't express her thoughts and seemed innocent.

The Pope said warmly, "Is this your first time to the Holy City?"

His words seemed to carry some kind of magic, and people couldn't help revealing everything they knew, but it didn't seem like they were controlling people's spirits.

So Luo Ci can reply naturally, "Yes, we caught up with the prayer ceremony on the first day."

Pretending to be very happy, and the fear of coming a day later.

Angelus looked at her slightly, he knew that the little devil was pretending, but... he still pretended to be quite similar.

The shallow lips slightly evoked a very faint arc.

The Pope probably also knew that Angelus was not easy to control. He seemed too calm and indifferent, and nothing could arouse his mood swings. Little girls live together.

Guide the little girl first, and then slowly control him for your own use.

The Pope first asked Luo Ci how it felt to live here.

She tilted her head slightly, a little weird, "I think it's very comfortable here, there are people waiting, the room is big and beautiful, except that there are no fun things."

It looks like a playful kid.

There was a hint of contempt in the Pope's eyes, the child just didn't know it.

He smiled slowly, "What do you want, I can ask the attendant to help you."

The Pope pointed to his face, "Are you wondering why I am younger than before? This is because I have studied sacred arts and finally learned the mystery from it. I don't want this secret method to be lost, so I convene people every once in a while. In the square, pick out talented people to teach."

"You have a chance too."

His voice changed, "It's just that there must be temple rules in the temple, because you want to learn the secret method, you can't go out at will."

Luo Ci nodded, pretending to understand, "I see."

It's just that the voice is not as cheerful as before, and the speed of speech is a little slower.

The Pope was not surprised by this, what a five-year-old girl could understand. He said more to Angelus, that day only the beam of light that enveloped Angelus was the brightest, and of course the best things should be saved for the end.

He wasn't worried that what he said would arouse their suspicion. After all, those meals were specially medicated, which could make them psychologically dependent on the temple, and a sense of dependence was sometimes equivalent to a sense of trust.

He called them several days late on purpose, also to make sure that they had eaten their meals, that no one could go days without food, and that they had no food on them.

Above all, no one is not interested in eternal youth, eternal life.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that the little girl he thought was innocent and innocent, had a space ring, was a little half-blood demon, and could indeed go without food for a few days.

As for eternal life, angels and demons have it.

If the Pope found out, he might be mad.

The Pope sent them back to their quarters.


inside the room.

The little devil lay lazily on the bed, then turned over and lay on the bed, a pair of dark-black bat wings slowly appeared on his back, with a slight red light, which looked a little strange.

It's been a long time since he showed his wings, and the devil's horn on his head, his little hand touched the top of his head and rubbed it.

The wings and demon horns that have not grown yet cannot be retracted into the body for a long time, otherwise it will have an impact on future growth, but it will not do much harm.

After that...maybe not long.

Just imagine, if she becomes an adult and becomes 1.6 meters tall, and her wings are still the same as when she was five years old, only the size of two adult slaps, just sticking to the back, and there is no edge. Corner, how inconsistent it looks.

Moreover, when waving its wings, it is more vigorous than other demons, and the frequency is much higher in order to obtain a good flight speed.

As for the devil's horn, it is a symbol of strength in the history of the devil. The larger the devil's horn, the stronger the strength.

There was a demon in the past because the demon's horn was not well developed, so he became a demon lord when he grew up, and people still spoke with his horn.

Angelus looked at the little wings behind her, his eyes flashed, and he sat beside her and said softly, "Do you want me to rub it for you?"

The little devil responded lazily, she didn't think too much, it just happened that the wings were a little stiff, and it was uncomfortable to keep them.

Angelus' snow-white fingertips lightly touched her bat wing, and she observed her reaction with her eyes. She just began to shrink subconsciously, and soon returned to normal.

He gently touched the little wings, which were different from his own. The little wings were a little soft, and the cool ones had no temperature. They had a texture like cold jade, but they were softer.

It feels smooth and comfortable.

In fact, the little wings are not without hair, but they are too small and soft, and they still feel fluffy when you touch them carefully.

I don't know where my mind is drifting, the little wings in my hand are suddenly pulled away, the little devil's face is crimson, staring at him fiercely, and the little hand is still holding his "sinful" hand, but her hand is too small, even his wrist. Can't hold half of it.

"What are you messing with!"

The tone was fierce and milky, and even the disguised pupil color unconsciously changed back to dark red, beautiful and seductive.

Angelus suddenly had the urge to hide her, and lowered his beautiful feathered eyelashes slightly, hiding the look in his eyes, and a very pale purple flashed across his beautiful eyes.

But angels don't have purple pupils.

But Luo Ci did not find it.

He gently let her hold his wrist like a prisoner, with a soft voice, "I was a little unskilled just now, I don't know if it will hurt you, but now I know."

A little bit of sympathy.

He hasn't touched the little devil's wings enough yet.

And...she had touched her wings many times before.

And he never did.

It's not fair.

The little devil stared at him for a few seconds, then slowly lay down on his lap, his voice soft and cute, "Knead seriously this time."

She couldn't touch it herself, so she could only ask the fragments to help.

Angelus restrained his playfulness this time, and rubbed her little wings seriously, gently and cautiously, not daring to use force at all.

He lowered his eyes to observe her expression, narrowed his eyes comfortably, and lay down on his lap softly, completely relaxed.

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