The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 348: Angel's Little Demon 13

The wings were fully stretched out, and he had just finished rubbing the tip of the wing on this side, when he saw the little devil stretch his fingers in the other direction, and urged, "The other side is also to be rubbed."

After saying that, he took the initiative to adjust the direction and lay down on his head, so that he could rub the wings on the other side.

Angelus laughed dumbly.

He gently rubbed the little wings with one hand, stroked her long hair with the other, and finally touched her milky white pointed horns.

The horns of other demons are dark black, only she is milky white.

In fact, he also felt very strange that the little devil could **** his blood and be selected by the holy stone. It was obviously a half-blooded little devil with an aura of darkness, but he was chosen by the holy stone.

Only those with pure aura in their bodies will be selected.

The little devil who was rubbed comfortably with his little wings found his horns pinched and wanted to struggle, but it was probably too comfortable to get up.

Forget it, let the pieces touch this time.

Can't do it again next time.

Luo Ci thought with some compromise.

After Angelus finished rubbing his wings, he found that the little devil had fallen asleep, holding his waist with both hands.

Sometimes it seems a little temperamental, but obviously the body is very honest.

He hugged the little devil and lay on the bed with her.

Probably knowing that the environment was wrong, her wings and demon horns slowly retracted.

Angelus gently stroked the broken hair on her forehead, and her slender lips placed a light kiss between her brows.

An angel's kiss means blessing.


It was not until the third day that the Pope talked to them that he really began to believe that they were affected by the medicine in the meal.

The Pope asked the maids to take them to the holy pool for baptism.

His plan is to draw a pie of eternal life first, then give them a chance to soak in the holy water with some sweetness, and then guide them little by little to the place where they can realize their ultimate dream.

Angelus is not unfamiliar with the holy water pool. If his strength is not restored, it may still be useful, but it is of no use to him now.

If the holy water pool can help the angels who are in a state of victory to improve their strength, then the energy contained in it is enough to burst any human being.

The guards outside the holy water pool are strictly guarded, and there are guards in all directions outside the door to resolutely put an end to overturning the wall.

The maid took out the token, and the guards only entered the two of them.

Inside is an open-air pool, the water exudes a faint golden light and is filled with white mist.

Angelus' expression was slightly condensed, and his voice was slightly lowered, "There is angel blood in this."

Judging from the bloodline level, it is a weaker angel.

He had never paid attention to human affairs before. The holy water recorded in the book was formed by the water dripping from the stalactites that contained rich energy in the blessed land, so the quantity was very small, even in heaven.

Holy water can quickly restore the strength of angels, and there is no other use for the time being.

He was a little surprised when he heard that there was holy water in the temple, but after seeing the real face, he realized that it was diluted holy water. In order to ensure the energy in it, angel blood was added.

He pursed his lips, not knowing whether he started investing in angel blood a long time ago or recently.

If it happened a long time ago, then... the people of heaven may also be accomplices.

——They took the initiative to provide weaker angels for the temple to study.

This is even more chilling.

Luo Ci looked at the holy water inside, "Then do we still soak it?"

Angelus walked to the edge of the pool, bent down, and flicked his fingers over the holy water, "You can soak it, it should be good for you."

There is also the blood of the devil in it. Since the blood of the devil and the blood of the angel can coexist in the pool water, it will also be good for the little guy.

Anyway, it won't hurt her.

After all, even her own blood seemed to repair her body defects.

After Luo Ci heard his words, she jumped down with a thud, unable to stop her.

Angelus silently withdrew the hand that wanted to pick up her, and looked at her quietly.

The little devil showed his small head, and his long eyelashes were slightly wet after dipping in the pool water. He blinked his eyes and looked at him wetly, his voice soft, "What's wrong?"

He opened his lips but said nothing in the end.

The little devil is too impatient.

I didn't worry about whether the holy water would harm her, so I believed my words and jumped in.

Angelus watched the little devil swimming in it as if playfully, and was a little stunned for a moment.

After all, for angels with a lot of feathers, they don't like to go into the water. The wings will be very heavy when wet, which is very inconvenient to move.

However, when I thought of the little devil's wings, it would easily dry even if it got wet.

He silently stood by the pool and looked at her.

After soaking in holy water, he asked, "How does it feel?"

"Very comfortable, a bit like a hot spring."

For the body temperature of the devil, the holy water pool is indeed a hot spring.

The maid prepared clothes for them, a white holy robe specially made by the temple with a gold-trimmed pattern.

Angelus turned his head away from her, and changed his clothes one after another.

After leaving the holy water pool, the maid led them to the inner hall. In addition to the Pope, there were three other people who were selected together, one girl and two adult men.

The three of them were hostile to Luo Ci and the others, as if they had robbed them of their money.

Especially the little girl, the hostility and jealousy in her eyes almost condensed into reality, staring at Luo Ci viciously.

Originally, she had the opportunity to go to the holy water pool. If it wasn't for Luo Ci, why would she be standing here now.

Luo Ci ignored it.

The Pope asked kindly, "How does the holy pool feel?"

As soon as these words came out, the jealousy of the three was aroused again.

They were also selected together, why are they not qualified to go to the holy water pool?

The little devil glanced at the three and said slowly, "It's like taking a hot spring, it's very comfortable. It would be nice if you could come here a few more times."

This almost didn't **** off the other three.

It's not enough to go once, and they are asking for a second chance in front of the Pope? They didn't even go!

The little devil is deliberately angry with them.

The more you stare at her, the more angry they will be.

Angelus rubbed her hair, his lips were slightly raised, and the little guy was a little bit bad.

But he liked it.

The Pope almost choked, he explained slowly, "The energy of the holy water pool needs to be accumulated slowly, so it can't meet your requirements for the time being."

"However, if you are willing to come to the Secret Pavilion with me to help in the past few days, I can make an exception and let you soak again."

He thought that Luo Ci and the two were very concerned about the holy water pool, and thought that it was just a eliminated holy water pool. If they could be tricked into serving him, why not do it.

Carrying out that kind of experiment is not just about arresting people. After many failures, he has figured out the rules. He must believe in him wholeheartedly and cooperate with his people before he can hope to succeed.

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