The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 350: Angel's Little Demon 15

"No matter if you are deliberately disguising the investigation or whatever, since it has been planted in my hands now, you can rest assured that the value of your whole body will not be wasted."

The Pope looked at Angelus like a commodity, full of malicious intent and plunder.

He was holding the crystal bottle tightly in his hand, with a wild smile on his face, just when he was about to give Anglius an order, a white feather slowly fell, and a figure gradually appeared in the secret room, the white wings stretched out. Come, the angel floats in the air, with a soft glow all over his body.

The angel's golden eyes were blond, and the pale golden eyes were very ruthless, "You have researched the perfect potion."

The Pope firmly held the potion in his hand, and he was unwilling to send the bottle of potion out.

It seems as simple as adding all the ingredients bit by bit, but he has failed many times in order to grasp the dose.

The most important thing is the blood of angels and the blood of demons, which he purified from the bodies of several saints and saints.

He didn't take it seriously for the angels who loved and yearned for those outside. How could the angels cooperate with him and murder the lives of the same kind if they were so good.

The angel glanced at the Pope lightly and beckoned to him, "Bring it to me."

Then the Pope found himself uncontrollably trying to present the bottle of potion in his hand, and his eyes were horrified.

"You can use puppet magic on him, how do you know I won't use it on you."

The Pope really didn't think about it. After all, angels can only learn magic of light. How could they learn the methods of witches?

What made him even more unacceptable was that he had also planted puppet magic.

He could only watch the angel take away the potion he regarded as a life-saving medicine, his eyes were split.

The angel said slowly, "Actually, I would like to thank you for bringing our archangel over here."

His eyes gradually shifted to Angelus, "Angeles, you will not be controlled by a mere human being."

Angelus' figure slowly changed, his white wings exuded a pure breath, and his delicate and beautiful face was unusually cold.

He remembered this breath, his previous injury was given by this angel.

Feeling the breath on the other side, he opened his mouth with a firm tone, "You devoured other angels."

The angel responded lazily, "Actually, I would rather devour your power." That was the power of the devil.

At the beginning, he wanted to surpass Angelus and become the archangel, but no matter how he cultivated, he would never be able to compare with the other. The other angels always turned towards each other and revolved around him, and he was always the extra one.

What made him even more unacceptable was that he accidentally discovered that Angelus had a demonic breath on him, but the Creator still let him serve as the archangel.

Obviously angels and demons are absolute opposites, why?

Just because he was selected and transformed by the Creator, should he always be excluded?

The so-called tolerance of the angels, but they do not accommodate him at all.

So he secretly murdered those angels, absorbed their power, and led the Pope to do research.

He knew that a human being could have everything an angel could, because he was an example.

All these plans are for the purpose of absorbing the power of Angelus.

The little white dumpling was shrunk in Angelus' sleeves. She felt a little squeezed now. After the fragments changed into the noble clothes, the sleeves were not so loose. It was definitely not her fat pot.

The little body moved, trying to get out, but it got stuck.

One or two angels looked at her location one after another.

Angelus lowered his eyes slightly and looked at the bulge on his sleeves. The little guy was moving around, as if he didn't know her existence, he raised his hand and pinched the ball of hair through his clothes.

His lips drew a faint smile.

Xiaobai Danzi felt that she was pinched somewhere behind her... She was facing the broken wrist, and her back was against her sleeve, so...

The small body trembled, and she showed her sharp teeth and bit down on his wrist.

Where to touch!

The angels did not expect to reach this point, and Angelus still had his mind on other things. He ignored him at all, gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "Do you think you are still the former archangel?"

He not only absorbed the power of other angels, but also possessed the power of belief of many human beings. The more power of belief, the stronger he became.

Angelus reached out and grabbed the little ball of hair that was biting him, and this time he finally raised his eyes to look at the angel.

He stood up, the ice-silver pupil color slowly changed to shimmering purple awns, and the long silver hair that reached his ankles was scattered. There was no wind, and the clear aura of ice and snow changed slightly, and the white wings were slowly retracted. , and re-stretched a pair of demonic bat wings exuding dark red light, from the harmless appearance of ice and snow to a very aggressive lazy appearance, the powerful and lingering aura almost made the angel and the Pope crushed.

With a sloppy expression, the crimson lips slowly spit out a few words, in a light and casual tone, "Who told you that I am an angel?"

"I was originally a devil."

He just stayed in heaven for a while to balance the relationship between light and dark.

But...he doesn't want to settle for the angel in this mess now, and he doesn't really like the kindness of being an angel.

How could he ignore the side that betrayed him and attacked him.

Geez, angels are really annoying.

He took time to pick up the little white hairy ball that was biting his fingers tightly, and an unintelligible smile formed on the corner of his lips, and a smile bloomed on his face that was astonishingly beautiful, as if it could make people dizzy.

The little guy is so small, the teeth are small and sharp, and it hurts a little bit.

Fingers caressed the fluff on her body at will, as well as the little wings behind the hairball.

Holding his lower jaw with one hand, he vaguely remembered that the little guy didn't let anyone touch her wings at the time, and he had a small temper, but he was not the angel before. Thinking like this, he held the hand of the little hairball and gently pinched her, random I rubbed it around, not letting it go almost anywhere.

The devil looked at the two people who were collapsed on the ground, and flicked his fingers. The wings behind the angel slowly disappeared. The angelic breath he captured flew towards the sky, and they would return to heaven and turn into angels. Egg.

Haven't you always been proud of being an angel? Then you will completely lose this pair of wings and become an ordinary person again. Where did you come from, and where do you go back?

As for the Pope, he remembered that he wanted to control him and order him to attack the little guy before. When he was an angel, he had murderous intent towards the Pope, and of course he couldn't let it go now.

The demon slowly thought about what to do.

Then... let him fight back.

Those people don't believe in him and love him, so it must be very interesting to become the appearance of everyone shouting and beating.

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