The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 351: Angel's Little Demon 16

The demon abolished the Pope, and when he turned his gaze, he saw that the angel who lost his wings was trembling, trying to drink the potion, stretched out his hand, and the transparent crystal bottle was in his hand.

He lowered his jet-black eyelashes and looked at the little hairball, and he had an idea in his heart. This bottle of potion is not bad, and it can be given to the little guy, but not now.

He put away the potion bottle, spread his bat wings and left with Luo Ci.

The Pope is already too old to be human, and even his teeth are about to fall out. There are only some scattered and sparse yellow-white hair on his head. He struggles to support his body and wants to get up. It is a dream of eternal life.

The life force he once took from people through the power of faith has returned to everyone, and the body that has been stealing for hundreds of years has been ruined.

As for the man who lost his wings and lost his angelic breath, he collapsed on the ground, staring at the sky with his eyes open, sluggish and empty.

The best way to break a person is to destroy what they value most.


The demon flew Luo Ci to the dark area. Every time the wide and powerful bat wings waved, they traveled a long distance. The oncoming piercing wind was like a blade, blowing on the body, but it was useless to the demon.

He glanced at the small hairball with scattered eyes, and put it in his neckline.

The little guy is too young, he has to protect him well before he loses interest.

He's not an angel guy, he just wants to stay by her side for the rest of his life when he sees him.

Just a gadget for his amusement.

You can coax temporarily.

The devil who has lived for an unknown number of years expressed that it is rare to meet a little guy who can arouse his interest. Not only is he not afraid of him, but he dares to bite him and can temporarily bring him back to his territory.

The Demon Lord's interest in things is always short-lived, and he may find it interesting one second and dislike it the next.

Luo Ci can't come back to her senses, the fragments are demons?

It seems more than that, she can feel the strong demonic aura on the fragments, stronger than Lostine, the demon lord.

There is only one possibility.

- Fragment is the master of demons.

That's why she likes to drink the blood of fragments, because they were originally from the same ancestry, and the blood of the Demon Lord is enough to repair the bloodline defect.

She nestled in his collar silently, quietly.

The beautiful devil has a lazy expression, and his purple eyes are noble, and there are shimmering rays of light. His eyes fall, and the amethyst-like eyes reflect the figure of the small hairball.

Seems kinda nice.

Snow-white fingertips fiddled with her hair lightly, and the next second she bit her again.

The devil seemed to have found some fun all of a sudden, and teased her again and again, except that he was bitten at the beginning, and then the little hairball was bitten empty every time.

But after a lot of times, no matter how he messed with the little hairball, she didn't respond, her long and narrow purple eyes narrowed slightly, a little worried.

But in the end, it's whether she doesn't respond to him, or whether she's disrespectful to him.

Disrespect is disrespectful.

The former doesn't like her ignoring her, the latter is angry at her for being bold.

The devil did not understand at this time.

The crimson lips gently pulled the cool arc, and did not tease her anymore.

Because of his memory and identity, he is now stronger than when he was an angel, so his flight speed is much faster.

It only took a day and a half to return to the dark zone.

He just stepped into the realm of dark creatures, and he saw many demons and blood clans who welcomed his return, and the demon lords were almost gathered.

His strength is at the top, and he is also a dark type, and the blood clan basically recognizes him as the king.

They fell to their knees, welcoming the return of his demon lord.

The devil glanced at it at will, but nodded slightly, and didn't pay much attention to it, and flew away and wanted to leave.

But was stopped by a voice.

Standing up is a couple, one is the demon lord and the other is the blood prince.

Luo Steen's voice was respectful, "Your Majesty, I feel my daughter is by your side, can you let my husband and wife take her home?"

The demon raised some interest in his long and narrow purple eyes, raised his hand to fish out the small white hairball, and found that the little guy was sleeping soundly, and there was a small and weak breath from his small body. Then move away.

He looked at Rosteen nonchalantly, "She has to go to my place during this time."

The tone was light and casual, but with an unmistakable tone.

No one can resist the Lord of Demons, and his blood pressure is something that any demon and blood clan can resist.

So Lustyn could only watch him go.

Hai Lisha looked a little anxious, "Is it okay for Porcelain?"

Lustyn reassured her, "No, Your Majesty won't hurt Cici." He was certain of this.

Because the Demon Lord has an uncertain temperament, but he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.


The domain of the Demon Lord.

The old castle, abandoned for hundreds of years, finally welcomed its owner.

The gate of the ancient castle was open, and inside were his butler and some attendants, all neatly arranged to welcome the return of the Demon Lord.

The butler asked behind him, "Your Majesty, what do you need me to prepare for you?"

The demon was stunned for a while, and then replied indifferently, "No need to prepare."

There is nothing to prepare.

The butler noticed the little white hairball in his hand, his eyes widened slightly, and His Majesty actually brought back a little half-blood demon.

He considered his tone and said, "Does this little guest need a separate room?"

"No, she shares a room with me." After leaving this sentence, the demon went upstairs and returned to the room.

The butler was left with a shocked face.

Does Your Majesty want to cultivate from an early age?

It turns out that His Majesty likes it.

As a qualified housekeeper, it is necessary for him to overcome the preferences of the little master. He feels that since His Majesty brought her back to live in a room, it must be very important.

In the room, in addition to a comfortable big bed, there is also a coffin made of black crystal, which is low-key and restrained without revealing its brilliance.

Angelus was about to put the little devil down when he was caught off guard by the tingling pain from his fingers, but he felt a tingling sensation, like a tiny electric current passing through.

Her long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the little bat in the palm of her hand. She was still sleeping, but her teeth didn't stop at all, gorging on his blood.

Just the blood on her finger wasn't enough for her to suck.

The devil stretched out his hand and twisted the place called the back of her neck, and lifted it up. The disobedient little guy should be repaired.

But how to fix it is a question worth thinking about.

The little guy is small and fragile, and he can't handle it like he used to treat outsiders.

And the means he is good at seem to be enough to destroy a person, and it is even more impossible to use it on such a small guy.

Thinking about it this way, it seemed that she felt a little helpless.

He didn't think about hurting her.

Finally decided to temporarily let go of the disobedient little guy.

He wasn't an angel and would let her **** blood for no reason.

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