The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 352: Angel's Little Demon 17

The little white hairball was pinched at the back of his neck, his body swayed, his line of sight was almost level with the devil, and his claws that were almost buried in the hairball were struggling.

The devil's beautiful face was full of laziness, the blushing lips moved slightly, and he slowly spat out a few characters, with a vague meaning of half a smile, "I'm not an angel, and you can't **** my blood in the future."

He is serious.

Tapping this gadget, what's do's and don'ts, don't cross the line.

He can only take the initiative to reward him, he can't go up to ask for it on his own.

Xiao Mao Tuan stopped struggling, looked at him silently for a few seconds, and suddenly became docile and obedient.

Seeing that she seemed to understand his words, Angelus loosened the back of her neck and held her with the other hand. He was about to continue teasing, but all he got was a sharp tingling on his fingers. And then there is that kind of tiny electric current, only pain.

The vampire can choose to inject or not inject special adrenaline - to relieve pain and bring pleasure to other senses.

Apparently the little devil was not injected with adrenaline.

Angelus let go of his hand slightly, and the little hairball flew to the other side, transforming into a little humanoid girl, with dark red eyes a little annoyed, but she was far away from the devil and no longer approached.

The demon was slightly stunned, frowning without worry, but his tone was normal, "Come here."

The little devil turned his head away from him, snorted lightly, and looked like he didn't want to talk to him at all.

Angelus' purple eyes were deep and deep, he stared at her for a long time, but he also began to ignore her childishly, as if he was going to compete, and he lasted longer than anyone else.

He felt that the little guy would definitely join in on his own initiative.

But the little devil didn't even look at him, and flew out of the window.

He almost stopped, his lips pursed tightly, and he was inexplicably relieved when he saw her wandering outside the castle instead of leaving.

Angelus glanced casually, went to lie down in front of the black crystal coffin, and slowly closed his eyes to rest.

For the high-ranking demon lord, he would not take the initiative to find a little guy for him to amuse.

Anyway, he could sense her breath, and she couldn't run very far.


Luo Ci flew to the vicinity of the garden, circled around the flowers, as if looking at something, and finally waved her small wings and went to the lobby on the first floor.

When the housekeeper saw her, he immediately recognized that she was a little guest brought back by His Majesty, and most likely the future hostess.

It was probably Aiwu Jiwu. He had already put a filter on Luo Ci and looked at her kindly and kindly, with the demeanor and politeness of an old gentleman, "Is there anything I can help?"

Luo Ci handed out a blood-colored rose, her voice soft and glutinous, "Grandpa the housekeeper, can you plant this kind of flower in the garden?"

The housekeeper's eyes were slightly surprised, and he took the blood-colored rose with a just right smile on his face, "Of course you can."

His Majesty never pays attention to how to match the outside of the castle. It has always been arranged by the housekeeper himself. Now that there is a little master, of course he has to comply with the little master's preferences.

However, it seems that the status of the little master is not low.

The housekeeper remembered that there were only a handful of blood clans with **** roses. After all, ordinary blood clans could not survive.

The housekeeper immediately took someone to arrange the garden.

Luo Ci looked in the direction of the second floor, pouted, not planning to go up.

The Devil Card Fragment is obviously different from the Angel Card Fragment. The Devil treats her as a little toy for his amusement, and doesn't let her **** his blood, as if she offended him by sucking blood.

Don't breathe, don't breathe.

She gritted her small teeth and muttered angrily, "Who cares?"

It would make her unhappy to be around Shard anyway, so she didn't want to share a room with him.

Fluttering her small wings, she flew to the garden, silently watching the actions of the butler and other attendants, and took out a blood-colored rose from the ring and slowly bit it.

Then some indignant, as if venting their anger, took a heavy bite of the petals, and the lips were stained with dark red juice, which was a bit strange.

Don't let her **** blood, she is not without other rations.


After the housekeeper found her, he was very considerate and asked someone to bring a basket of blood-colored roses, and politely handed it over.

Luo Ci took the basket slowly, her soft and waxy voice was slightly hesitant, "It seems too much." She couldn't finish it all at once.

The housekeeper smiled and said, "You are growing up now, so naturally you need a lot of nutrition."

In the face of such a kind and kind old man as the housekeeper, what else could she say.

Anyway, it can be stored in the ring, she picked up another blood-colored rose, and slowly felt its sweet juice, which tasted like delicious juice, very delicious.

It was probably the delicious food that made her temporarily forget the unpleasantness brought by the Devil Card Fragment to her. She half-squinted her eyes, very comfortable.

Luo Ci remembered that she had to talk to the housekeeper about the room, so she flew to the housekeeper again, with a sweet smile on her face, "Grandpa housekeeper, can I live in a room alone? I sleep a lot. It may disturb His Majesty's rest."

The housekeeper thought for a while. In the past, when His Majesty was disturbed to sleep, he would be in a bad mood. The little master and His Majesty were in the same room, and they might suffer unintentional disasters.

But he remembered what His Majesty had said before, knowing that this matter could not be decided in private, he smiled, "You have to ask His Majesty's opinion on this. If His Majesty agrees, I will help you arrange it."

Luo Ci nodded her head, the Devil Card Fragment didn't seem to like people who disobeyed his orders, so she probably wouldn't want her to stay in the room.

She flapped her wings and flew back to the second floor, and entered the room through the window.


After Angelus changed back to being a demon again, he punished the two of them again, and after flying for a day or two, he was a little tired, so he rested in the coffin.

His consciousness is not asleep, as long as someone approaches, he can quickly react.

The little devil's breath approached little by little, and the corners of his lips couldn't help twitching, as if he was proud and in control.

The result is still not close to him?

But then he heard her say, "I want another room."

The demon who closed his eyes and took a nap opened his eyes, and even he himself did not notice the sudden anger in his heart, but it came and went quickly.

He slowly sat up from the coffin, his eyes fell on her, his expression was as lazy as ever, and his voice was light, "Are you sure you don't want to live with me?"

Luo Ci said almost without hesitation, "Yes."

She didn't want to be with him.

If it's everything else, it's okay to say, but he just treats himself as a dispensable gadget, wants her to be obedient, and clearly tells her not to cross the line unless he personally gives it.

Why should she listen to him.

For the time being, don't dismantle the pieces.

Too dog.

She still likes Angel Card Fragments, but unfortunately she doesn't know if she will see them again in the future.

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