The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 353: Angel's Little Demon 18

However... the dog things uploaded on the Internet, dog men, are not unreasonable.

Seeing that the little devil responded to him without hesitation, Angelus' purple eyes were cold for a moment, but soon returned to normal. He raised his white chin with one hand and said lazily, "Yes."

The little devil immediately shouted to the housekeeper from the window, "Grandpa housekeeper, Your Majesty agrees!"

She was shouting downstairs in the Shard's room in front of him, so that everyone clearly agreed and the housekeeper would know that Shard didn't refute.

The demon looked slightly worried, but didn't say anything after all.

It is really unnecessary to deal with such a little devil who has not grown up.

He wasn't so careful yet.

He was just about to ask the little guy to come over and say a few words with him, and if it made him happy, let her **** his own blood.

But after the little devil finished shouting, he didn't turn his head to look at him at all, and flew out of the window again and left him.

Angelus' face was completely devoid of emotion, he stared out the window expressionlessly, his slender fingers resting lightly on the black crystal coffin, and the fingertips became whiter and whiter.

He was silent for a while, and there was an unexplainable depression in his heart.

But he had absolutely no idea why.

The demon lay back on the coffin again, and the black crystal coffin lid was slowly closed, this time it was really time to rest.


The housekeeper took Luo Ci to choose a room. There were quite a few rooms on the second floor. After looking at them in turn, she chose the smallest one, but it was said to be the smallest room, and it was 20 square meters, but compared to other rooms, It is indeed much smaller.

The most important thing is that this room is far away from the debris.

The housekeeper looked disapproving, and even felt that she was wronging herself, "You can choose a bigger one, for example, the room next to Your Majesty."

Luo Ci shook her head, her voice soft, "But I don't like an empty room." And if she lived next to the Devil Card Fragment, wouldn't it be easy to reach, she also prepared Cold Cold Fragment.

She is not the kind of person who will catch up and stick to each other, obviously the fragments are clearly displayed, what she does to please.

Probably because her cuteness was useful, the housekeeper agreed, and quickly led someone to decorate the room. Every item of yours in the room was very exquisite and luxurious.

"Thank you, Grandpa Steward."

After they left, Luo Ci took out her small diamond-shaped coffin, put it on the bed, and brought Jiu Jiu out to rest in the coffin together.


Day two.

Angelus slowly woke up, opened his eyes in darkness, the lid of the coffin slid by itself, he got up from the coffin, looked around and found no existence of the little devil, and he couldn't even sense the breath.

His face was not very good-looking, and he called the housekeeper, "Where is the little guy? Didn't I tell her to come with me?"

The butler was puzzled and pondered his words, "Your Majesty, didn't you agree to let the little guest live in another room yesterday?"

Angelus pursed his lips slightly, obviously remembering something, his expression became more and more worried, and his voice was cold, "Take me to her room."


He let the housekeeper lead him to a room farthest away from him, his laziness disappeared completely, his face became colder and colder, and a tone of accountability, "How did you arrange this for her?"

so far from him.

The housekeeper wiped off the cold sweat that didn't exist and explained, "The little guest doesn't like the big room, but this is the only one that's small, so..."

Angelus pushed in the door, glanced left and right, his eyes were a little disgusting, and he really wouldn't pick it up.

Mingming... I live in a room with him. It's big, spacious, and fully furnished. It's much better than the furnishings here.

But this is the little guy's choice.

He wanted to see if she could last a few days.

Angelus' eyes fell on the beautiful diamond-shaped coffin on the bed, it was it that isolated his sense of the little guy.

He walked slowly to the front, and the transparent crystal made it easy for him to see the little devil sleeping sweetly in the coffin, and... a gray-white hair ball.

The long and narrow purple eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a dangerous atmosphere.

He stretched out his slender fingers and tapped the crystal cover, as if very unhappy.

Obviously he could bear it before, and he would never do such rude behavior, but after seeing a little bat sleeping in a coffin with her, he seemed to explode.

I don't think it's fair...

I don't want to be with him, but with an ugly bat.

The devil is online disturbing people's dreams.

Luo Ci was awakened by the sound, rubbed her eyes, and was still a little dazed, with the air of getting up, and was about to have a seizure when she opened her eyes and saw the demon card shards knocking on the crystal cover.

She stared at him blankly, without saying a word.

Probably this look pleases the devil, his fears will soon disappear, she is not happy, he is happy.

Bending his knees on the bed, one hand resting on the crystal cover, his eyes were unclear, and a cold smile appeared on his lips, "Are you awake now?"

The little devil stared at him hard.

She slowly opened the crystal cover, held Chiu Chiu in one hand, and flew out of the diamond-shaped coffin.

Angelus glanced at Chiu Chiu, "Why is it in here?" He has the memory of an angel, so he is naturally clear about Chi Chiu Chiu, but it still makes him dissatisfied.

The little devil had a cold and cute face, "It has always been by my side."

It's just that sometimes the fragments can't be seen.

"Don't let it rest with you."

Some strong commands were spit out completely subconsciously.

He is the master of demons, and he has never treated anyone equally. Such a tone is normal to him, and it is also normal to the housekeeper who has long been used to it. If His Majesty is not strong, but becomes gentle, it will surprise the housekeeper.

Luo Ci gave a coping ooh, put Chiu Chiu on her shoulders, and looked at him flatly.

She complied, but she didn't listen.

The demon frowned, his eyes staring at her motionless, he slowly realized that the other party's beautiful dark red eyes seemed to have lost something.

This feeling made him very disliked.

He felt that she had changed, and she was a little different from yesterday.

Suddenly, it was a little dull, Zi Mo looked at her deeply, and then strode away.

But the devil didn't know at this time that he didn't suddenly lose interest in her.

Just because of some kind of panic in his heart, he didn't want to continue to entangle with her.

Maybe, if he stayed any longer, he would say something that displeased her even more.

It's not that she has lost something in her eyes, but something more.

He didn't want to see that kind of emotion.

Seeing the fragments leave, Luo Ci slowly crawled back to the bed and lay down, rolling a few times.

The demon card shards were too stupid, and she kept banging on the crystal cover to wake her up, and inexplicably asked for a call, with a strange look.

Should be well trained.

She was only cold to him temporarily, and didn't say that she would give up the shard.

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