The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 354: Angel's Little Demon 19

Angelus sat at the dining table, casually looking at the food that was filled to the brim, his eyes paused, as if looking inadvertently towards the second floor, "Why doesn't she come down to eat?"

These foods are useless to her, she must drink blood, but only his blood satisfies her the most, and her other rations are not prepared here, so she will definitely go downstairs and let him feed her to drink blood.

The devil thinks well.

But the housekeeper replied, "The breakfast for the little guest has already been delivered."

Angelus paused for a moment, his long and narrow eyes seemed particularly dangerous, and there was an inexplicable coercion in his peaceful voice, "What are you preparing for?"

"Scarlet Rose, I already sent her a basket before." The housekeeper replied truthfully.

The housekeeper secretly observed His Majesty's expression, and found that His Majesty didn't seem very happy, and quickly added, "Yesterday, the little guest asked me to plant blood roses in the garden. It was my own initiative."

Angelus nodded slightly, indicating that he knew, "Go down."

The butler breathed a sigh of relief and left the table, apparently not to blame.

I sighed silently in my heart, how could His Majesty be more moody than before.

The demon pursed his lips slightly, looked at the food on the table, and suddenly lost his appetite.

Totally unconcerned.

He felt something was wrong, but he couldn't find out.

Because he said not to **** his blood, she simply ignored him and chose her previous food.

And since yesterday, blood roses have been planted in the garden.

A decision was made then.

So early...don't want his blood.

The demon felt very irritable, and the depression in his heart was something he had never experienced before.

He doesn't like emotions that are out of control.

And the source of this emotion is her.

So there is no way for him to be like in the past, all the things that make him unhappy and unhappy are eliminated.

He couldn't possibly hurt her.

Angelus probably felt unwilling, and returned to the little devil's room. She leaned lazily on the bed, holding a blood-colored rose in her mouth, chewing slowly, her face was pale, and her lips were brightly colored. Some inexplicable beauty.

For a moment, he suddenly thought of how she grew up.

If she poses such a picture as she grows up, it should be very charming.

There was some anticipation in the devil's heart.

The little devil glanced at him, looked back lazily, and continued to enjoy her breakfast.

Angelus was more patient this time, and his voice was calm, "Why don't you go down to eat?"

Luo Ci muttered in her heart, if she went down to see the fragments, and if the fragments said something to make her unhappy, and how to make her unhappy, it would affect her mood too much.

It's too emotional.

But she doesn't want to.

She takes her feelings seriously.

Mingming... I remember what happened before. I was very careful and considerate before, but I just changed my identity as a devil, and suddenly it changed.

It's as if the memory from before didn't exist at all.

What's more terrifying than losing his memory is that the other party clearly remembers it, but doesn't care about this memory, and is completely untouched.

She didn't realize it until yesterday. She knew about the changes in the fragments when she was still in the holy city. After that, she was flying to tease her, as if she was an interesting gadget, even when she returned to the dark zone and met her. Her parents, still with a strong tone of "she has to stay with me for a while", did not ask her what she wanted.

Doesn't what he meant by that sentence was that he would not treat her like an angel, so she couldn't cross the line, and only when it made him happy, could she give her a reward.

She always has a high-spirited tone like charity, treating her as a gadget for fun, coaxing him to be happy, and giving him some favors, optional, as long as you are not interested, you can discard it at will.

always unequal status.

Treat her... as something.

Really sad.

So she didn't want to touch the debris for the time being.

She lowered her head and did not look at the devil.

The mood doesn't look good.

Angelus was a little worried, walked to the bed, pinched her chin, and she had to look up at him.

The devil was about to ask her what was wrong, but found that the little devil's dark red eyes were a little wet, full of water, she pursed her lips, and seemed a little stubborn to keep the tears from falling, especially aggrieved.

It was as if he had been hit by a sharp arrow in his heart.

Suddenly at a loss.

All the strength, awkwardness, stubbornness, and refusal to admit defeat suddenly disappeared.

she cried.

Very aggrieved.

And this grievance was given by him.

After realizing this, the demon was even more at a loss.

Almost in a hurry, he gently stroked the tears from her eyes, and cautiously, his voice slowed down several times, his expression was too serious, and he kept apologizing, saying that he was wrong.

"Don't cry, okay? Do you want to **** my blood, or I'll give you my crystal coffin. Whatever you want, I'll bring it to you, okay?"

The Lord of Demons doesn't understand feelings, he can only hold everything he has in front of her to please her.

He was completely unaware of the emotion in his heart.

Because he has no heart.

Someone was probably coaxing him, and the more he coaxed the little devil, the more aggrieved, the little hand kept wiping away tears, "I want an angel..."

The demon froze.

Obviously the devil's heart is gone, but he feels a pain in his heart, and his mind seems to be suffocating like drowning. Even if he struggles desperately to jump out of the water, he can't get fresh air.

She only wanted the angel, not him.

Yin Yan's eyes dimmed instantly, and she was very sad.

And this sadness was brought to her by him.

Obviously...he didn't want that.

He just wanted to be different from the angels.

She has to understand that they are not the same.

But it seems... screwed up by him.

The slender lips were slightly open, and the always strong demon suddenly had some tenderness, muttering in a low voice, and a shallow arc was slowly drawn on his face, much like an angel, "Okay."

Slowly closing his eyes, the bat wings glowing with dark red light behind him slowly disappeared, and at the same time, a pair of white wings exuding a pure and soft atmosphere appeared.

He gently wiped away the little devil's tears, "Don't cry."

Luo Ci was a little startled.

Demon card shards... back to angel card shards?

what happened…

The angel explained slowly, "We have always been in this state, sometimes he appears, sometimes I appear."

"But we are alone."

The angel then reassured her, "In fact, he just doesn't know how to express it. He has a very awkward temperament. You...don't blame him."

Although it was a little strange to speak for himself, he had to.

Because angels and demons are one person.

If she doesn't accept one of them and hates one of them, she also hates herself.

They can't get away.

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