The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 355: Angel's Little Devil 20

The little devil looked at the angel silently, half biting his lip and didn't speak, his dark red eyes were still a little wet, with ignorant helplessness.

In fact, I am also messed up.

At first, I felt wronged, but now my heart seems to be blocked, and I am so bored.

She was just a little disappointed in her heart, and she could slowly recover by herself, but after the Devil Card Fragment comforted her, she was even more aggrieved, so aggrieved that she said that she wanted the angel to come out.

Let the angel come out in front of the devil. She doesn't even know what kind of connection they have. If she becomes an angel, there will be no more devil. She blurted out without thinking about it.

This is pranking.

But when he saw the fragments of the angel card, he was at a loss.

She didn't really want him to go.

Anger and quarrel hurt both parties.

Even though he won the quarrel, his heart palpitated and panic gradually spread.

The little devil felt guilty.

She asked in a low voice, cautiously as if she had done something wrong, "Do you know what happened these days?"

The angel's beautiful and clear eyes stared at her quietly, her slender lips opened slightly, "I can see it."

The devil knows what she does.

Luo Ci pursed her lips tightly, her little face tense.

She just said something angry, so the devil card fragment chose to let the angel come out, and she made him sad. If she gets along with the angel without any scruples now, she will definitely be seen by the devil, and he will definitely be hurt even more.

But it is even more impossible to ask the angel to let the devil out now, because the angel will also be sad, and the angel card fragment will probably think that she hates him too.

Speaking of... She is obviously one person, but she has two forms and personalities, and now she looks like a scumbag.

The little devil just wants to hide in a dark and closed place, such as drilling a small quilt.

She couldn't see anything and hid under the quilt.

If I had known her earlier, I would have stopped talking.

Otherwise, it would not have fallen into the current situation.

The angel looked at the little devil whose entire body was buried in the quilt, and Bingxue's eyes were vaguely at a loss. He wanted to reach out and touch it, but he didn't dare.

Does she hate him too... so she doesn't want to see him. After all, he hadn't told her his own situation, which was equivalent to lying to her, even if it wasn't his intention.

At that time, he lost part of his memory, and he didn't remember the existence of demon form at all, and when he remembered it, he had turned into a demon.

As long as there was no accident between angels and demons, every ten days, he thought she would get along well with demons. At the thought of waiting ten days to see her, she felt extremely disappointed, and even wondered if she would no longer want him to appear.

But now...

It seems bad.

She didn't like demons, and she didn't want to pay attention to him.

I don't want both anymore.

The demon who silently observed all this was at a loss and confused. He made her unhappy. She said that she wanted an angel, so he could only give the control of his body to the angel.

When she got along with angels, she was always very active and intimate. He remembered that she liked to touch the angel's wings, and she would happily let the angel's wings wrap her to sleep.

But it's her turn... She doesn't want to be in the same room with him, she wants to be so far away from him, she doesn't want him.

The devil is in hindsight.

Because he said the wrong thing.

He wanted to be different from the angels. He was not the gentle and gentle nature of the angels, so it was impossible to pretend to be like that on purpose.

The angel had almost no conditions, and allowed her to drink his own blood, responsive to her needs.

So he said that he couldn't **** his blood indiscriminately, but simply thought that he couldn't let her **** blood so easily, he had to... let him get some reward.

But push her away.

He slowly realized that for her, it was not to cross the line, not to try to commit the following crimes, but to beg him to let her **** blood.

It is disrespect, contempt, and inequality between the upper and lower ranks.

So she is not happy.

At that time, she was still a little bat, and she was still struggling, but after listening to his words, she instantly calmed down.

Well-behaved and docile.

He thought she understood what he meant, but she bit her finger, which was different from the tingling feeling before, it was a sharp sting, but it was very small.

In fact, it was already foreshadowed.

He kept teasing her, making her unwilling to talk to her in the end.

Sometimes being quiet and well-behaved isn't a good sign, because she doesn't respond to what she's doing at all, and she doesn't want to pay attention to her behavior.

So she didn't want to share a room with herself and found spare food early.

It's his own fault.

And now, she hates him so much that she doesn't want to talk to the angel anymore.

Because they were all alone.

Angels and demons shut themselves off at the same time.

The angel silently exited the room and walked slowly towards his room.

a bit far.

They are too far apart.

It is also impossible to wrap her in wings to sleep today.

The butler on the second floor saw the angel without surprise in his eyes, and saluted him, "Sir."

Almost all the people in the castle knew about their Majesty's situation, but no one dared to say it, not to mention that even if they did, they would suffer.

Your Majesty doesn't like traitors, and neither does your lord.

No matter what kind of power they use, they can easily disappear from the world.

They call demons your majesty and angels your lord.

The angel stopped, and Bingxue's beautiful eyes fell on the butler, and suddenly asked softly, "What should I do if I make the other party unhappy?"

Even if the immediate cause was not him, he was at fault. He should have stopped the devil's actions.

The housekeeper was a little flattered. The adults have always disliked the aura on them. They would ignore them every time, and sometimes even kept them far away. This time, they actually took the initiative to ask him.

He carefully observed the expression of the adult, thinking that the little master was probably upset. may not be caused by adults.

Your Majesty is so kind to the little master, not to mention the adults.

Moreover, His Majesty's temperament is indeed the kind that tends to make girls angry.

The housekeeper replied, "You can try to tell the other party that you know what you did wrong. The most important thing is to make it clear and there can be no misunderstanding. After apologizing, you can also prepare a small surprise for her to make her happy."

After he finished speaking, he felt that something was wrong. He was just saying that it was the adult who did something wrong to make the other party unhappy, and he was blaming the adult.

It is also equivalent to accusing His Majesty.

The housekeeper was a little remorseful, and he should have reconsidered his words.

But the imaginary punishment did not come, and he seemed to have heard the adults say thank you to him?!

The angel returned to the room.

A slender phantom appeared in front of him, the appearance was the same as his, but the pupil color and wings were different, and of course the clothes were different.

The devil no longer had the invincibility he used to be, and he was a little vain in the air, his expression was extremely low.

At this moment, he is not the lord of the aloof demons, but like a little wolf dog with a drooping tail.

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