The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 356: Angel's Little Demon 21

The demon muttered softly, "What should I do now?"

She doesn't seem to want to deal with them anymore.

The angel is relatively calmer, looking at the demon coldly, "Apologize to her."

"I see."

The angel looks more like a calm and sensible brother, and the devil looks like a naughty and naughty brother, and the older brother has to clean up the mess for the younger brother.

The demon whispered, "But she hates me and doesn't want me anymore."

His voice was soft and lost.

She probably didn't even want to see him.

At this moment, the demon didn't have the imposing manner of the Lord of Darkness at all. Instead, he was like a disfavored cub, whimpering softly.

The angel was silent for a while, and continued to self-isolate.

But she doesn't want him anymore.

The slender ice and snow feathered eyelashes drooped slightly, covering the loss in the bottom of his eyes, biting his slender lips slightly, leaving a shallow tooth mark.

The devil suddenly spoke, as if he had made up his mind, "Let's find her secretly at night."

He didn't look at the angel, but looked elsewhere, and said in a low voice, "If she doesn't like me, I can either not come out in the future, or... I can separate from you."

Anyway... he is the same as the angel, and it is possible without him.

Even if it costs a lot to detach from the main body... that's okay.

The angel raised his eyes to look at him suddenly, his beautiful pupils were cold, and he spit out every word, "I don't agree."

He didn't expect that the devil who always wanted to push him out before was willing to give up.

The demon was silent for a while, then snorted softly, "How could I really give her to you."

How could it be so easy to give up.

That was the man he had seen through the omen hundreds of years ago.

He waited so long.

The prophecy mirror told him to follow the trajectory and not disturb in advance, otherwise the world would deviate from the original trajectory, which might have an impact on her.

So he clearly saw that she and the angel got along very well, and he wanted to come out, but he always restrained.

"Go to her room at night."

You can't leave even if you stay.

The devil said so.

Angels and demons are united.


Luo Ci kept sighing in the little quilt, so sad.

Not only have to make it clear with the demon card fragments... but also how to get along in the future.

Will they always be like this?

Just thinking about the time she spent with angels, and then seamlessly with demons, makes me feel...weird.

Although it is one person, the consciousness is separate.

And the other party is fully aware of what happened to her and the other party.


There will still be a sense of guilt in my heart, as if I have done something wrong to them.

Luo Ci thought silently, if this happens in the future...


The situation now is dire.

It hurts so much that I want to scratch my hair.

The little devil rolled on the bed wrapped in the quilt, tossing and turning.

The housekeeper knocked on the door at the right time, with a proper smile on his face, "This is your dinner today."

On the tray is a transparent crystal cup, which is filled with bright red blood, with purple light lingering, and the capacity of a whole cup is actually not much at all.

Luo Ci looked at the crystal cup, paused for a while, reached out to take it, and asked aloud, "What about him?"

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment before returning, "Sir, rest in the room."

She responded slowly, "Oh..."

Seeing that she didn't move the cup, the butler couldn't help reminding her, "Hurry up and drink it."

He had to watch the little master finish the task before he finished drinking.

The little devil glanced down at the cup of blood, the taste and color were different from before, so it was a demon card fragment.

It turns out that different forms of blood are also different.

She drank it in one breath, put it back on the tray, and looked at the housekeeper quietly, looking well-behaved and docile.

After the housekeeper left, Luo Ci felt a little dizzy, her thinking slowed down many times, as if she was drunk, her small hands covered her forehead, her dark red eyes were misty.

She is not feeling well now.

She has to lie down and rest, yes, lie down and rest.

The little wings fluttered slowly, wobbly flying around the room.

She didn't seem to be able to find the bed no matter how she looked. She walked around the room for a long time and still couldn't find the bed. Then she slowly flew out of the window. There was a row of windows from the outside, and her head was still dizzy. I went in and looked at each room, but none of them fit, and ended up in the largest room.

She saw the black crystal coffin at a glance, her dark red eyes lit up obviously, she hurried in and closed the coffin lid to rest.

It's more comfortable here.

Her exclusive coffin was placed in the necklace. When she was unconscious, she completely ignored it. She only knew that she had to find a comfortable place to rest, and she would recover after resting.


The butler left with the tray in hand, but he had not recovered from the shock in his heart. His Majesty actually regarded himself as the other person's breeding partner. Isn't this like the blood servant of the blood clan?

His Majesty's blood is so precious, as long as it can make any dark creature reborn, he actually gave such a cup, and it seems that it will be like this in the future.

The housekeeper forced himself to wake up and maintain the proper behavior of a good housekeeper. He went to His Majesty's room and knocked on the door lightly. When he was about to report the situation, a cold voice came from inside, "Go down."

Although cold, it seems that there are other inexplicable emotions.

Seems like... feeling better than in the afternoon?

The butler didn't stop, he left consciously, and told all the servants not to approach the second floor.

Inside the black crystal coffin.

The demon silently watched the little guy who slipped in and ran onto her body. She hugged her in a dizzy manner, rubbing it as if she smelled something delicious, which made the demon's depressed mood instantly cheer up.

Now he won't let the angel come out, he has never gotten along with her like this before.

Although he didn't quite understand why she became like this after drinking his blood, but even when she was in a daze, she still came to him, didn't she...she didn't hate her.

This greatly pleases the devil.

Excessive brain supplementation is a common problem of angels and demons.

Different from the original plan, he originally thought to find her while she was asleep at night, and she must have slept in his little coffin.

He is the master of demons, so he can open her coffin, secretly take her out, and then let Tian use his wings to wrap her to rest. Once wrapped, he can't leave easily, even if he relies on him.

It's a big deal... just show weakness.

He took the opportunity to let the angels coax her.

This was the original plan.

But I didn't expect that his blood would react to her so much, like being drunk.

His fingers lightly touched her small horns, and after thinking for a while, a pair of dark horns slowly appeared on the top of his head, approached slightly, and lightly touched her sharp little horns that had not yet grown.

It feels... weird.

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