The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 365: Angel's Little Devil 30

Angelus' head rested on her shoulder, her beautiful feathered eyelashes drooped slightly, and a thick silhouette fell, covering the dark and unclear emotions in her eyes.

Although the fusion has been successful, the feelings for her are somewhat uncontrollable. After the fusion of the two consciousnesses, the feelings for her are not as simple as one plus one equals two. The emotion is like an active volcano, and it will spew out hot at any time. The magma, once it erupted, would inevitably hurt her.

To hurt her is to hurt yourself.

This month, he wanted to go back to see her as soon as possible every day. He endured severe pain deep into the bone marrow, suppressed the double mental torture, and his mind was almost filled with thoughts.

Because he lacked a devil's heart, the experience was more difficult than that of an angel, and even this consciousness was almost destroyed.

But he dared not.

Unless she doesn't want this part of his consciousness, he will never give up on his own.

With this belief and the angel's healing light, he managed to survive, and his consciousness was perfectly integrated.

But when he succeeded, he did not dare to come back immediately.

Instead, he tried to control himself to suppress his feelings for her, so that he would not do anything to hurt her because of this beyond love.

There was a faint sign of turning to scarlet in the gleaming purple eyes, with a strong aura of abuse, but the red light flashed away and soon returned to normal.

He closed his eyes, suppressed the thick clouds floating in his eyes, and hugged her into the coffin together.

Angelus embraced Luo Ci and kissed her gently on the lips, with restraint, "Good night."

my little devil.


During the night, Angelus did not rest much. He clearly felt the changes in the girl in his arms. There were not many changes, but some subtleties that could not be explained.

It seems to have grown up.

The eyebrows and eyes opened a little, the greenness and tenderness faded away, and the face was a little more charming than before.

Demons and vampires are inherently good-looking, especially vampires, they are always tempting, and every move exudes an emotional charm.

Of course his little devil is no exception.


She's softer than ever.

Angelus supported his face with one hand, and stared at her quietly, his hand was still around her waist, and the soft feeling made him squeeze subconsciously.

Really soft.

His eyes glanced at a certain place inadvertently, and then left quickly, pretending that nothing happened.

She looks small and doesn't have much flesh, but he likes it especially when she is hugged. She is soft and doesn't feel like she is too thin and sullen.

The pulp of her fingers gently rubbed her soft petal-like lips, and her purple eyes darkened slightly. Now he should not be rejected when he gets closer to her.

Thinking of this, he bowed his head slightly, and pecked and kissed her on the lips, holding her small face lightly with one hand. The deeper the kiss, the deeper the desire in his heart gradually enlarged, but it seemed that he could not be satisfied no matter what.

Luo Ci was awakened by a kiss.

Before she opened her eyes, she felt that her breathing was not smooth. She pushed her hands subconsciously, but was held by the other person with one hand. She opened her eyes in a daze, her dark red eyes still glowing with blurry water, a little aggrieved. .

Seeing her waking up, Angelus not only did not let go, but intensified his kiss, trying to get her response.

With her beautiful eyes fixed on her face, the tips of her snow-white teeth bit her slender pink lips lightly, hearing her inaudible low voice, her long and narrow eyes were slightly happy, she rolled over and pressed her on the back of her head and continued to kiss.

Luo Ci was forced to raise her head to respond to him, her hands being released by him at some point, and subconsciously clinging to his shoulders to prevent herself from falling.

Angelus narrowed his eyes.

Yes, that's right, relying on him wholeheartedly, getting close to him, and only seeing him alone.

After a long time, Angelus let go of her, her long and narrow purple eyes were half satisfied and half happy, her figure was a little lazily leaning on the edge of the coffin, with a blushing little guy lying on her body, slender fingers caressing her hair thinly, The movements are very gentle and tender.

Luo Ci's lips were a little red and swollen, her whole body was a little soft, her fingertips were a little numb, and she silently nestled in his arms, like a small quail.

Even though her body temperature should be very low, she felt like her whole body was on fire. It was too hot.

But even if he was extremely shy, he was reluctant to leave the fragments, and he was almost attached to him.

The heartbeat beside his ears was a little violent, pounding, not knowing whether it was his or his own, or their common heartbeat.

She misses him too.

Silently calming her breath, Luo Ci asked, "Did the process between you go smoothly?"

Angelus had a slight smile on his face, and continued to hold her small face in his palm, "Very smooth."

She subconsciously rubbed his palm, and did not continue to ask.

He obviously knew her temperament, so he chose to hide the twists and turns he encountered in the middle. Anyway, he has come back.

If he was going to tell her, he would have to explain why he lost his demon heart, and she'd know she was there to blame herself.

But she doesn't need to blame herself for this, it's his choice.

He can keep himself safe.

As for the possibility of other injuries, he would definitely not hide it, because she would feel distressed, and he liked her to feel distressed for himself.

That kind of full satisfaction is his own feeling, which is particularly exciting for him, and his body and mind are filled.

Luo Ci slowly raised her head, her eyes as clear as rubies looked at him, her voice hesitated, "Then... where is the angel?"

"Are you going to look like a devil from now on?"

Angelus' thin lips moved slightly, "I can become an angel, or I can become like this."


Luo Ci seems to understand, but does not understand his special situation very well.

The beautiful eyes have been staring at him, as if comparing with the past, there is indeed something more than a pure devil, the facial lines are softer, with the tenderness of an angel.

Probably because of his form, he was more inclined to the temperament of a demon at this time, and his behavior was the same, but it was also mixed with the gentleness and quietness of an angel.

Seeing that she didn't blink her eyes, Angelus chuckled softly, somewhat pleasant to the ear, and he coaxed in a low voice, "Want to see another form of me?"

"Hmm!" The little head nodded hurriedly.

He slowly opened his snow-white wings, and the pair of demon horns on his head slowly disappeared, less aggressive, and his breath became soothing. Bingxue's beautiful eyes were soft and quietly looking at her.

There was only a tinge of purple in the bottom of his eyes.

The angel is still there, the devil is still there, this is the best ending.

Luo Ci thought it was over, but the angel pinched her chin lightly, and her soft crimson lips spat out soft-spoken characters, "Is there no reward?"

The voice was calm, and the ice and snow eyes were fixed on her, slightly soft, but also a little strong.

A serious look for benefits.

Probably because she was a little embarrassed by these eyes, Luo Ci kissed the corner of his lips symbolically.

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