The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 366: Angel's Little Devil 31

Angelus didn't take this to go deeper, and his voice was light, "I will appear in whatever form you like from me in the future."

At the end, he asked very calmly, "Do you want to **** blood?"

He turned his head slightly, revealing his fair neck, as if being picked by Ren Jun.


The sharp teeth pierced into the skin, except for the stinging pain at the beginning, it was full of joy afterward. His breathing was no longer smooth, and his body could not help tensing up, as if he had been stimulated by something.

She has a deeper influence on herself than ever before.

All restraint fell flat in front of her.

The fluffy little head between his neck was immersed in his own food, Angelus bowed his head slightly, his chin lightly touched her head, and he couldn't help holding her tightly, feeling the reality of her being in his arms.

After that, his body froze, and his wings were tightly grasped by her. The little guy was a bit like a scratching kitten, and his claws were quite sharp.

He hissed softly, it doesn't matter if it hurts or not, it's just...

want to eat her.

The ice and snow silver eyes revealed a dark light.

The little devil tried his best to tease him, but he didn't know how he felt, so he ran away after teasing him, and he didn't know how to find the right moment for the time being.

Luo Ci licked his wound gently, but the wound on his neck did not heal.

Before, because he was not an adult, he would feel dizzy when he sucked blood, but now it is normal.

It's just that the little face will be flushed, and there is still a little bit of drunkenness.

She murmured softly, "Is your blood made of fruit? I feel a little dizzy every time."

While talking, she hiccupped, and she quickly covered her mouth, her face getting hotter and hotter.

Kind of embarrassing.

Luo Ci almost covered half of her face, revealing only a pair of beautiful ruby ​​eyes, looking at him dodgingly, very embarrassed.

Angelus laughed dumbly.

"Cover what?"

He thought it was cute.

He can accommodate everything about her.


During this time, they got along very well in the castle, and the intimacy ended with hugs and kisses.

He sometimes uses the angel form, and sometimes uses the demon form. Probably the number of characters in the angel form appears more frequently, and he was soon known by some restless vampires and demons.

It is represented by the descendants of the blood clan king who was brutally killed by him at the beginning, as well as several demon lords who disliked him.

In the name of condemning the angels, they surrounded the castle together.

Angelus was going to take the little devil out to play, but he encountered such a thing, so he waited for them in the castle in advance to throw themselves into the net.

It's not that someone tipped him off, but he took out the portent mirror to play with the little devil, and she saw the scene soon after: the aggressive blood clan took most of the elite of the family, and there were several demon lords beside them. An unknown light flashed in his eyes, he looked at the castle arrogantly, and said something to the inside, as if the castle was already in their applause.

Simply, they waited.

Through the window, Luo Ci could clearly see that the outside of the castle was tightly surrounded and airtight.

It looks like a serious situation.

She blinked, "Let me deal with them?"

Angelus didn't object and rubbed her hair, "Okay."

She waved her wings and slowly floated to the top of the front door, seeing the face on the opposite side.

They were very angry.

Because the servants and housekeepers in the castle seemed to ignore them, watering the flowers, cleaning the sanitation, and not worrying about what would happen.

Luo Ci looked at the pile of dark creatures outside and felt that she should say something, but there was something missing in her hand.

Well, one less speaker.

Chiu Chiu immediately exchanged a horn for her, which was very considerate.

This is a recently opened store feature.

Holding a horn, she shouted outside, "You are surrounded by me."

Extremely arrogant.

A half-blooded demon who has just grown up, dares to speak nonsense in front of them, and needs to be trained well.

The corner of Angelus' lips, who silently looked at her from the window, drew a smile, the little guy is really naughty.

Luo Ci retracted her horn, and her figure began to change. The dress on her body turned into a white dress with gold-trimmed lines, and the wings behind her spread out a little bit, so pure white wings exuded a pure aura.

The demons and vampires outside were shocked.

Why can this half-breed also become an angel?

But they couldn't allow them to think at all, and the whole body was purified by the pure white light of the little angel, fainting out of black smoke, and they let out a tragic cry.

Obviously this is a dark area, and the power that angels can exert here will be greatly reduced. They have also killed a single angel before, and the light emitted by that angel can't bring them such heavy damage.

It is precisely because they found that the Demon Lord has become an angel, and their strength will be greatly reduced. They can resist his rule together on the grounds that the other party's race is different, but the result seems to be completely unexpected.

Didn't even see the Demon Lord.

After Luo Ci swayed around, making sure that everyone present was stunned, she flew slowly to the debris, looking a little proud.

Angelus kissed her lips lightly and smiled, "This is a reward."

The perfect potion he took from the Acquired Angel originally wanted to make her stronger, but who knew that she suddenly possessed the power of an angel.

He slowly appeared in front of the group of vampires outside the castle, his thin lips curled into a cool arc, his voice mocking, with a freezing pressure of three feet, "It seems that I am too kind to you."

Different from the damage that Luo Ci brought them before, the aura around Anglius was like a **** Shura, making them feel like a blood-colored purgatory. They gradually recalled that hundreds of years ago, the man in front of him was called a tyrant. The presence.

Perhaps the senses that the Demon Lord has given them for hundreds of years is too easy-going, making them forget that he has never been a good person.

Soon, some demon lords began to beg for mercy, claiming that they were fascinated by ghosts, and they expressed their willingness to offer treasures to make amends and never approach this place.

Angelus' eyes were indifferent, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he finally agreed, but, "70% of the family wealth is paid, and no fault will be pursued."

No one dared to refute it. After all, it was much better than the agony that was more painful than death. They were still alive, and there was no pain. They all said they could.

But the blood clan leader was not reconciled. He pretended to surrender, but in fact attacked the demon master behind his back.

But he didn't even touch the corners of Angelus's clothes. The blood clan's whole body solidified, and he watched helplessly as he was crushed into pieces by an extremely powerful invisible force. From bottom to top, he clearly felt the period of time. excruciating pain until death.

No blood at all.

But let the demons present fall into the ice cellar.

What a terrifying power.

How dare they resist such an existence.

The other vampires are so sick of it that they hate that vampire so much, don't drag them down if you want to die.

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