The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 367: Angel's Little Devil 32

But Angelus didn't pursue it at all, leaving only one sentence, "Turn over 70% of the family's wealth, now, get out."

If he didn't want to make blood in front of her, he definitely wouldn't just deal with the traitor so easily.

He hates betrayal the most. If it was in the past, it would be impossible to abolish those people. After all, there are several demon lords in it.

The blood clan present hurriedly left with their fellow clan, daring not to stay any longer.

They thought that the Lord of Demons possessed the blood of an angel and would be weakened.

Angelus returned to Luo Ci, the coldness and bloodthirsty lingering on his body disappeared, gentle and gentle, like a tamed violent beast, showing a soft abdomen in front of trusted people, begging for He lowered his head like a reward, with only tenderness and intimacy in his eyes.

He is now in the form of a demon, like a wolf cub who only invites pets, soft, cute and strong.

Luo Ci couldn't help pinching his face, and then touched his long silver hair, "They won't come to make trouble, will they?"

Angelus's eyes were doting, and his tone was firm, "They dare not."

The purple eyes faintly glittered with the silver light of ice and snow, finely broken and beautiful, very beautiful, she was immersed in his eyes for a while, staring blankly.

Much like the main god.

The pupil colors are very similar, they are both purple and silver, but they do not appear at the same time, the hair is also very similar, and the appearance is the same exquisite and exquisite.

The personality seems to be somewhat similar, but the mood swings are larger than that of the Lord God.

Does eye color originally represent part of personality?

Angelus squeezed her chin lightly, narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, and his voice was slightly uneasy, "What are you thinking about?"

He always felt that the little devil was thinking of others towards him.

How can this be.

So, he grabbed the back of her head and kissed her eagerly, aggressively, somewhat strong, but softly.

She has to know who he is.

The Lostines, who arrived late, were a little embarrassed to see this scene. They heard that some people rebelled. Although they were assured of His Majesty's strength, they were still worried that he would not be able to protect their precious daughter, so they came to help. seems to be over.

Luo Ci saw her parents and quickly pushed the pieces. This scene was really embarrassing.

Angelus looked dissatisfied, but he let go of her, and turned around to be more polite to the Lostins.

He invited calmly, "Are you coming as a guest?"

Lustyn murmured silently in his heart, is this your attitude of letting them be guests? He can see clearly, this is an attitude of chasing people.

Hai Lisa smiled, "We heard that some people rebelled, so we're going to come and help, but since the porcelain is all right now, we will go back."

Angelus nodded lightly, "Walk slowly and don't send me off."

You are welcome.

They are not destined to become the relationship between the son-in-law and the father-in-law of an ordinary family, but he has more respect than ordinary people.

They used to be their subordinates, but now they are treated as equals.

Luo Steen wanted to say something else, but was taken away by Hayley Sarah.

Don't disturb the children's romance.

As soon as they left, Angelus wanted to continue the kiss that had been interrupted earlier, and his beautiful eyes stared at Luo Ci.

"...Go back to the room first."


The vampires and demons presented items such as jewelry that they had treasured for a long time, and they did not dare to be sloppy or hide anything.

So the castle has a few more rooms full of jewels.

It was probably because Angelus was in a good mood and rewarded some of the attendants of the castle, but of course the housekeeper did not fall behind.

The attendants all thought, since the little master came, His Majesty has become more and more generous to them, and his temper has become more and more... weird.

Angelus led Luo Ci to see the jewelry. Those blood races and demons lived a long time, saved a lot of wealth, and left behind a lot of good things.

"What do you like?"

You can give it to her as long as she likes it.

Luo Ci looked at the jewelry in the room. Among them, there were many gem pendants that had been around for a long time, exuding a simple and elegant atmosphere. Those guys had really good taste.

She shook her head and smiled, "I don't like it."

She approached Angelus, stepped forward and hugged his waist, looked up at him, and smiled, "I like the necklace you gave me the most."

"I just want it."

Angelus's heart trembled slightly, and the light in his eyes softened instantly, and there was joy and joy in it. That kind of joy was like the tip of his heart wrapped in honey, and he didn't feel tired at all, and just wanted to immerse himself in it all the time.

That necklace is his heart.


【Angeles side story】

He is the devil.

A born slayer, wandering between darkness and blood, ignoring everything in this world.

He accidentally got the omen, got a little interest, and used it.

The demon saw an unforgettable scene in this life: the girl with black hair was sitting on top of her, her dark red eyes shining like rubies, and the bat wings stretched out on her body added a bit of a bewitching color to her. The immature pointed horns are a little out of place and cute.

She opened her lips slightly, and she could vaguely see the sharp white teeth, like a bewitching and unaware goblin, ignorant and cute.

The devil missed half a beat, almost staring blankly at the girl shown in the mirror. Just like him in the picture, he was completely reluctant to look away, with a tenderness that even he himself hadn't noticed.

He wants to find her.

But the mirror only told him this picture, and he didn't know the rest.

The devil has never been so aggrieved, he has always wanted what he wants, and he has never waited so long.

Rao is that he is angry again, and it is impossible to smash this mirror.

It was the only way he could know her.

It was rumored outside that the Demon Lord had changed his temper and was no longer violent and bloodthirsty. In the name of visiting, he went to the residences of all demons and blood clans in the domain.

He clearly remembered the girl's appearance. She had dark red eyes, but also had demon horns and bat wings, so she was most likely mixed blood.

But there were not many examples of demons marrying blood races at that time, and there were almost no mixed blood among the descendants, so it is very likely that she had not yet been born. So he issued the first order, encouraging the blood race to marry the demon.

Encouragement, not coercion, he thought, so it shouldn't affect her birth.

The demon visited all the places under the realm, trying to find someone related to her.

In the end, Rothyn and Halitha were found, who were not together at the time and were young.

With the help of memory, the demon vaguely recognized the girl in the future and the imaginary part of their appearance, and secretly sent someone to guard it.

It's just, in order to wait for a little guy who hasn't been born yet.

For some reason, since learning of her existence, the demon has slowly become kinder and sometimes compassionate.

He quickly realized that something was wrong with him.

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