The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 368: Angel's little devil finished

There was another consciousness in the demon's mind.

A pure white consciousness.

He influences demons.

The devil's hands are no longer stained with blood, and the violence in his mind seems to have disappeared, leaving only calmness, and even... he will become an angel, and his body will be controlled by another consciousness.

The first thing that came to the devil's mind was not his disgust and anger at having another person who might rob him of his body, but his extreme rejection of having an additional rival in love.

It can even be said that he doesn't care that someone competes with him for his body, and it is someone who robs him of his girl who makes him furious.

is his girl.

As long as the devil thinks that after he waits for the girl, the angel will use his body to contact the girl, and even take away the girl's full attention, and he will have the idea of ​​destroying everything.

He tried every means to expel the angel consciousness, but it was completely useless, as if this part of consciousness was inseparable from himself.

Probably realizing that there is no way to take the angel, the devil temporarily acquiesced to his existence.

During this period, the relationship between light and darkness in the world is unequal, and angels are in a disadvantaged group. Once the darkness is far stronger than the light, the world will be destroyed little by little.

The demon didn't care at first, but if the world was destroyed, his girl wouldn't show up either.

He compromised.

He and the angels appear every once in a while, the angels go to heaven to guide the infant angels to become stronger, and even slowly build a temple in the human world, all for the sake of the relationship between light and dark.

The devil has been waiting, waiting for hundreds of years.

Wait until the demon lord Lostyn marries the blood prince Helitha.

The devil is probably looking forward to his child even more than Lostin, and he has a hunch that he will wait for his girl.

The first time he saw her, she was still a baby, so weak that she seemed to die easily with a slight squeeze.

She's not the same as the girl in the omen, a lot like, but not all.

Prophecy soon gave other hints.

He can't get close to her, can't interfere with her, he can only watch from a distance, so as not to affect the future trajectory.

The demon suppressed the emotions in his heart and waited silently all the time.

He knew that the girl was of mixed blood and her body had a serious blood defect. He almost did not hesitate to gouge out his heart, which gradually turned into a purple gem, which he strung into a necklace and gave it to her.

His heart will protect her for him.

When he was plucking out the devil's heart, Zi Mo had an unknowing tenderness, and the blushing lips whispered softly, "Really... I lost to you."

Lost to a little hybrid who hasn't touched at all.

Lost horribly.

He seemed to be completely unaware of the pain, with the first tenderness in his life.

"You must not leave me in the future."

"I gave you my heart."



He is an angel.

He has always lived in the sea of ​​consciousness of the devil.

Since birth, it has always existed, and even because it was born a while earlier than the devil, its strength is stronger.

It's just that he didn't want to appear before, he has been sleeping, and he doesn't want to wake up.

Because no one in the world can tug at his heartstrings.

Until he felt the strong vibration from the devil's heart, he slowly opened his eyes and saw the picture of the portent mirror.

Because he was in the sea of ​​consciousness, he couldn't use the omen in person, so he could only see the picture of her encountering the demon.

But that alone made him willing to wake up.

According to the original trajectory of the world, it should be that the forces of darkness will become stronger and stronger, the light will fall, and the world will decline little by little until it is destroyed.

In the past he was not interested in the destruction of the world, so he never wanted to appear.

He wasn't actually sympathetic at all.

In a sense, he, like the devil, is a downright extreme character, equally indifferent to life and indifference to life. It's just that the demon is bloodthirsty and violent, and he ignores it coldly.

After knowing the existence of the girl from the omen, he took the initiative to help those angels and humans, just to let them have their own strength.

Angel never intended to stay in heaven forever, he was waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to meet her.

He was not ignorant of being attacked, he was intentionally injured.

He doesn't have too many feelings for heaven. Angels look perfect, but they lack feelings. They respect strength and worship the side with the strongest light power.

He deliberately let himself lose part of his memory. After being injured, his body shrank to the form of his infancy and slowly fell from the sky.

What the angel sees through the prophetic mirror is that he is in contact with her in the form of his infancy.

Everything went smoothly.

The immature little angel slowly opened his eyes, looking at the little devil with ice-clear eyes, he heard himself say, "Did you save me?"

He gently held the little devil's hand and dropped a gentle and cool kiss on her fingers, making a lifetime commitment from then on.



【Small daily life】

Luo Ci, who was tossed a little miserably, slept in the quilt, her white and smooth skin still had traces left by Angelus.

Angelus lightly held her round and lovely shoulders in the palm of his hand, looking at the marks he left on her body, his eyes were slightly dark, but in the end he did nothing.

He lay on his side, propped his chin, and stared quietly at the little devil in his arms with beautiful eyes.

The dreamy silver hair fell down, half covering Guangguo's upper body, revealing a white and delicate collarbone, with a little red scratch on it, as if it was scratched by the sharp claws of a little wild cat, showing a little sexy. .

Silver hair intertwined with her black hair, a little intimately lingering.

He slowly pulled her into his arms. After the little guy in his arms felt his approach, there was dissatisfaction on his dazed face. The little hand subconsciously pushed her and complained softly, "No..."

Angelus glanced lightly at the intertwined hair, and then slowly used his silver hair to intertwine her black hair little by little. When he was finished, his eyes showed a satisfied and happy light.

He coaxed in a low voice, his voice a little hoarse and sexy, "My dear, I won't touch you now."

Come back when you have a rest.

The little guy in his arms hummed his dissatisfaction, but his body was very honest and depended on getting close to him.

In his drowsy dream, he smelled the smell of his blood. He showed his sharp teeth again, and leaned into his neck to **** the blood.

The food is close by, and you can take a bite directly in your dreams.

Angelus was very helpless. He knew that the little guy was probably dreaming of something delicious again, but his eyes were full of pampering and pampering, and he even got closer. He grabbed the back of her head, helped her position her, and made her feel more comfortable. Easy to **** your own blood.

His eyes darkened a little.

He didn't let her **** blood for nothing.

Every time he sucked his blood, he teased him, how could he not receive some benefits.

When the little guy wakes up...

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