The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 374: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 6

Jun Heng couldn't help but want to look in the direction of the girl, but he held it all the time, his mind was flying out of the sky and he couldn't concentrate.

It feels weird.

In his world, there are only three kinds of people, one is his subordinates, who have to obey him; one is his enemies, and sooner or later he will dismount them one by one; one is irrelevant people, Neither a subordinate nor an enemy.

But she doesn't seem to fall into any category.

So special that I don't know where to put it, so I don't know what to do with it.

The only thing he knew was that he didn't want to kill her, hurt her, or see her sick.

After processing some of the memorials, Jun Heng slowly got up, walked to the soft couch, and looked down at her quietly.

There was fine sweat on her fair forehead, and her face was flushed abnormally. It was probably too hot. She couldn't help but stretch out her white and tender hands from the quilt to dissipate heat, but she soon felt cold again. Embarrassed, she shrank back.

This is because of the efficacy of the medicine.

In the room, the royal animal gold charcoal was specially burned. This charcoal is smokeless and has the aroma of pine branches. It is very warm, and the girl will naturally feel hot.

Jun Heng stared at her silently and asked someone to bring a basin of hot water. He wrung out the handkerchief and gently wiped the fine sweat from her forehead.

He could tell that the girl felt very uncomfortable.

The slightly damp handkerchief felt a little cool not long after it left the hot water, and when it touched her skin, it brought a little coolness. Her brows and eyes gradually calmed down, revealing a rare softness, rather than the casual calmness when dealing with him.

Jun Heng paused, then wiped the rest of her neck and above for her.

Her face is small, white and pure, and her delicate eyebrows are full of tenderness, and she looks very young.

She used to be pale and her blood was deficient, but she just looked weak and sickly, but now her face was flushed, and the paleness she had changed before was even more worrying.

After wiping his face, he put the handkerchief in the basin and subconsciously touched the girl's flushed face, which was really hot.

If the imperial doctor hadn't told him about this situation in advance, maybe he would have thought she had a fever.

When he touched her cheek, Jun Heng realized that something was wrong.

It's not like him.

She wanted to withdraw her hand almost instantly, the petite girl turned her face slightly, her face was half pressed against his cool hand, and she rubbed affectionately, as if she was reluctant to let him go.

Jun Heng pursed her thin lips slightly, staring at her motionless.

The hot and soft face was pressed against his cool palm, as if he was dragging the girl's face with his hand.

The heartbeat slowed for half a beat, almost imperceptible.

Probably feeling more comfortable with this half of her face, she turned her head and put the other half of her face on his hand.

He thought, maybe when both of her cheeks don't feel hot, she will switch to her forehead.

Jun Heng leaned over slightly and picked her up. She was very light and curled up when she slept on the bed, wrapping her body with her tail like a cub that lacked security.

He walked slowly to the dragon bed, put her down, and covered her with the quilt.

After that, I returned to the front of the book desk and continued to deal with the memorial.

Feeling inexplicably calm.

Although he was still a little confused.


The whole day was relatively normal, and there was no more exchange of bodies. Jun Heng finished processing the memorial and issued some orders to his subordinates.

In the past five years, he has gradually become powerful from a puppet emperor, and gradually has his own power.

After all, he is the only bloodline left by the late emperor, so even if someone has an unrighteous mind, he will not dare to do that thing for the time being.

The young emperor got rid of control step by step, established underground forces, and secretly planned and planned. When those people came to their senses, they were all afraid of the methods of the young emperor.

When Luo Ci woke up, it was already evening. After drinking the medicine and sleeping, her body felt better, at least she was no longer so weak, and her head was much clearer.

She didn't say anything about her transfer from the soft couch to the dragon bed, which made Jun Heng, who was ready to speak, inexplicably relieved, but then followed by a depression that gradually spread and lasted for a long time.

The young emperor suddenly felt a little uneasy, probably because she was too calm, and he himself had many unreasonable mood swings because of her.

This is not reasonable.

Obviously, it was only a day or two of effort, and he didn't even say a few words.

Totally unreasonable.

No matter how worried Rao was, he didn't do anything to her.

Xu Shi knew that it was not appropriate to offend her, after all, no one knew whether they would suddenly switch bodies.

Xu Shi felt that her health was too poor and did not want to treat her harshly.

Or... that inexplicable emotion in his heart was involved in his every move.

Jun Heng let the palace people pass the meal, which is still some light food, but it looks a little different from the previous dishes, and the smell is a little herbal.

The palace maid filled several small bowls for Luo Ci, placed them in front of her, and then left with her head down.

Apparently the order was received in advance.

Luo Ci looked at the soup dishes in the small bowl, and did not reject them, and simply ate them directly.

The taste is different from the previous one, with a slight astringency, but it is not obvious, and the taste is acceptable.

She took it very quickly, so she didn't raise any objections at all.

Jun Heng suddenly felt a sense of frustration in his heart.

The words that I want to say are like being blocked, and I can't say it at all.

He doesn't seem to say anything right.

He should have told her that he had specially made a medicated meal to warm up her body a little bit, and told her what he had done for her.

But never made a sound.

He could only eat dinner together quietly, and as usual, people would bring medicine bowls up after the meal.

He knew that she was afraid of hardship, so in the afternoon he specially arranged for the imperial doctor to prescribe a new prescription to ease the hardship.

The girl beside her finished drinking the medicine without changing her face, and her expression remained normal and calm, so he couldn't tell by her expression how much the new prescription had improved and whether it had any effect.

After drinking the medicine, the weak and beautiful girl said, "I want to take a bath."

This is the first time she has made a request.

Jun Heng suddenly felt an inexplicable joy in his heart.

She had always been calm and submissive before, and accepted all this quickly, without crying or making trouble. This was the first time she made a request, even though it was such a simple request.

The emperor called someone to get hot water, and he knew vaguely in his heart that she didn't like being served at such a time, so she withdrew from the palace servants.

Her clear and beautiful eyes quietly looked at the young emperor, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Very polite.

Luo Ci went to the screen with her clothes in her arms, and didn't tell the fragments whether she could avoid it.

Jun Heng didn't look at the screen, but he had an excellent ear who had been practicing martial arts since childhood. The sound of **** from the screen and the sound of water swiping gently were amplified infinitely, and some images appeared in his mind.

His ears slowly turned red.


His throat suddenly became thirsty, Jun Heng poured a cup of tea and drank it, but it didn't seem to be relieved.

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