The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 375: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 7

After Luo Ci changed her clothes and came out, she found that the fragments were sitting at the table with her back to herself, and she always felt that she had changed positions.

She said slowly, "Your Majesty, I am not suitable for sleeping on your dragon bed."

Before, it was understandable for her to sleep on the dragon bed with a fragmented body, but now she can't be so arrogant.

Of course, the most important thing is that she can't take the initiative to get close to him.

Unlike the online game plane, Nan Heng just seemed to have a cold temper, but she was still very kind to her, so it didn't matter if she took the initiative to hook up.

This plane has not been a good situation since the beginning.

——She was put into the cold palace for half a month, bullied by the concubines, and suffered physical losses. Even at the first sight of the fragments, she looked at her with extreme indifference, and said that she would be sent out of the palace.

So she couldn't take the initiative to approach.

It's not that she doesn't know about his subtle actions, it's just that these actions can't erase those facts.

Once he chooses to be cold and unfamiliar in the new plane, she can only restrain all her emotions and regard him as a new stranger.

Her attitude towards Shard depends on Shard's attitude towards her.

It's impossible to get better until these things are revealed.

Jun Heng clearly heard the girl's words from behind him.

He understands.

She was telling him not to carry her to his bed again.

Because there is no relationship between them, it is not suitable for men and women to be inseparable, to sleep in his dragon bed, to be in love with reason and status.

She called herself me, called him Your Majesty, and called him you.

Not the concubine, not the husband, not you.

She was telling him that she did not recognize the Queen's heavy identity.

The veins on the back of Jun Heng's hand burst out, trying to keep his voice calm, "I see."

Luo Ci was lying on the soft couch. She felt sleepy when she was taking a bath before, and the effect of the medicine had already come up. Now lying on the soft couch, she quickly fell asleep.

After she fell asleep, the young emperor sat alone at the table, his fingers were almost clenched into his palms, every nerve in his mind was aching, and the pain was so mad that he was about to go mad, and a scarlet color flashed from the bottom of his dark eyes, with a Some chaotic madness.

He is not normal.

The only remaining consciousness told him not to make a move, not to let her see it, not to... hurt her.

He should go out and stay away from her.

No one knew what he would do when he got sick.

But he didn't want to go out.

After he went out, he was really alone.

Jun Heng held his body strong, his consciousness was a little blurry, he wanted to lie on the bed and slowly calm down the violence in his mind.

He was a little staggered, and he fell to the ground. The sound was not too loud or too small. It just didn't wake up the drowsy girl, and other palace servants would not approach at night.

The young emperor quietly lay on his back on the cold floor, the chill penetrated his back through his robes, the warmth of the beast's golden charcoal in the room, but the chill on his back. He tried his best to keep his eyes open to stay awake, but the more he resisted, the deeper the violence raged in his mind.

After a long time, he regained some strength. He was supposed to go back to the bed, but for some reason, his body slowly moved towards the soft couch, his scarlet eyes couldn't see clearly, he only felt that everything around was covered with A deep red blood.

He bowed his head slightly, his brain's nervous response was a little slow, and he paused for a while before climbing onto the soft couch.

A faint scent passed through his breath, and his already blurred mind passed over the pale and frail beautiful face of the girl, his body moved first, and he embraced her in his arms, his arms tightened uncontrollably, almost rubbing her into it. In the bones, but soon loosened like an electric shock.

Can't use force.

She will be in pain.

He probably felt the taste of her in his arms before, and it felt as satisfying as owning the whole world. The tyrant hugged her slowly again, this time with a moderate strength, feeling the fragrance in his nose, leaning his head slightly towards her. The neck is like a ruthless cub seeking dependence.

The sharp pain swept through the whole brain, trying to control him, let him lose himself a little bit, and kept clamoring for him to destroy everything.

Not only the pain from the nerves, but also the pain that spreads little by little all over the body. The pain is like ice cold to the bone, bit by bit eroding the bone marrow, and the pain is cold and numb.

His face had already turned pale, and his pupils were somewhat absent-minded.

At this moment, Jun Heng only knew that the girl who was close to her arms was absorbing the only warmth.

Maybe after an hour, maybe two, the pain left him like a tide, leaving him with a sudden collapse and weakness, and his body was too stiff.

The vague consciousness slowly woke up, and he noticed that he was holding the girl in an extremely intimate posture.

Unlike before, he did not wantonly destroy, nor accidentally hurt others. He was like holding the last straw, relying on each other tightly, but he didn't dare to exert himself.

There was bewilderment in the dark and dull eyes.

He opened his eyes and looked at the roof without blinking. After a while, he slowly got up from the soft couch and walked towards the dragon bed.


Because of the illness last night, Jun Heng was slack in the early morning, and he listened to the minister's advice casually, and he felt a little less sharp, which made the minister's pressure plummet.

Several people who belonged to the Prime Minister's faction looked at each other, and one of them, as a representative, remonstrated, "Your Majesty, this minister believes that the queen has been established in the harem, and the phoenix seal should be handed over to the queen as soon as possible."

They did not dare to remonstrate when the empress entered the palace, and they also did not dare to criticize after they fell out of the palace. Now that the emperor brought the empress back to live in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, they suddenly became more courageous, and they dared to intervene in the matter of the phoenix seal in the harem.

Jun Heng glanced at the Prime Minister with his long and narrow black eyes. Looking at him from left to right, he ordered several ministers at one time. For example, Zhang Yushi was punished for half a year, and two people were dismissed from the Ministry of Rites. Waiting to turn over some of the family wealth to contribute to the national treasury.

These are still within the limits of the other party's tolerance. Even if they are dissatisfied, they have to endure it. In case the tyrant beheads first and then pays, a person who is unhappy will have his head beheaded. What kind of infamy the tyrant bears afterwards has nothing to do with them.

After all, people are dead.

It's none of their business if they die.

The ministers who were named swallowed their anger, Taifu Xu looked at the young emperor in disbelief, and wanted to say something, Gong Li, who was beside Jun Heng, said openly, "Concubine Xu has committed this crime, not only offending the Queen, but also threatening His Majesty as the daughter of the Taifu. ."

Taifu Xu trembled slightly, lowered his head and gritted his teeth, "My minister... according to the order."

His aged figure was inexplicably cold, and Mrs. Xu knew that this was the last mercy of the emperor.

After seeing this incident, some ministers who thought that the emperor began to get close to women and could start from the harem rested their minds and did not dare to be the first bird.


The emperor left the Golden Palace, feeling more fatigued than before, Eunuch Li walked to the back with some worry and covered him.

The sharp-eyed Prime Minister noticed this, and narrowed his wily fox eyes.

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