The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 376: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 8

Coincidentally, when Luo Ci opened her eyes, she found herself sitting on the imperial carriage, no need to think about it, she must have changed her body.

She looked at the surrounding scenery, and roughly recognized the time, it should be about seven o'clock in the morning, not long after the fragment.

She thought silently, if the fragments were not sitting in the imperial chariot, but walking back, then she would not react at all when she opened her eyes, wouldn't she just fall to the ground.

Luo Ci withdrew her gaze, and slowly noticed the fatigue and weakness of her body, and there was a tingling in her palm.

She stretched out her hand and stared at it for a long while, and four deep half-moon marks appeared on her palm, oozing red blood, and bursts of tingling pain.

She pursed her lips, her jet-black eyelashes dropped slightly, and she slowly retracted her hand.

Yu Nian stopped outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she swayed slightly when she stood up, but quickly stabilized her figure and walked slowly towards the hall.

Not only the legs and feet are weak, but the whole body is a little stiff and sore, and no one is comfortable.

At the very least, the day before yesterday was in excellent condition. There was no nail print on the fragmented hand yesterday. It was just one night, and it became like this.

Moreover, the wound was not treated at all, and it was touched with water, and the wound had turned white.

Luo Ci instructed the people around her to bring ointments and bandages. When she entered the inner hall, she found Jun Heng wearing clothes expressionlessly, looking unskilled.

He heard footsteps and knew that someone was coming in. Feng Rui Binghan's eyes shot in the direction of the person coming, and he eased a little after seeing Luo Ci.

Jun Heng didn't ask anyone to help him. He never liked being served. When his eyes touched her calm gaze, his lips moved, and he finally put on his own dress.

The whole process was silent, and the two did not speak.

Luo Ci blinked slightly, and slowly sat down at the table. The palace servant brought in the ointment at the right time, put it on the table, and then bowed his head and left.

She picked up the ointment. It was a small porcelain bottle. The ointment was milky white with a light cold fragrance. She scraped it a little with her fingers, lowered her head and smeared it evenly on the wound.

The cold ointment touched the half-moon seal and caused stinging pain. After wiping it evenly, she slowly wrapped a bandage several times and wrapped it tightly.

Although not very skilled, the victory lies in being careful enough.

Treat it like something cherished.

The boy's slender and jade-like hands were bandaged and wrapped with a delicate bow, both of which were the same.

Jun Heng didn't know what she was doing with the ointment at first, until he saw her focus on applying the medicine, her side face was calm and soft, obviously using his body, but he seemed to see the beautiful soul of the girl through her body.

Seriously focused, meticulous and careful.

The apex of the heart suddenly ironed, and the long eyelashes trembled slightly.

Probably sensing his gaze, Luo Ci raised her eyes to look at him, "Is it alright for me to wrap it like this?"

Jun Heng shook his head, his voice was very soft, with a softness that he didn't realize, "No problem."

Jun Heng had given orders for the meal pass yesterday, and it was brought up after the morning ceremony, including her medicine of course.

There is not much communication between them, Jun Heng eats elegantly and gently, Luo Ci doesn't care much about the etiquette because there is no one else around, almost all the sounds in the hall are made by her, or the sound of the porcelain bowl touching the table, or The sound of chopsticks accidentally tapping the dishes.

After breakfast, Jun Heng's eyes fell on the medicine bowl. He was using her body now, and of course he wanted to drink medicine for her.

When she picked up the bowl and decided to drink it in one gulp, Luo Ci said faintly, "This medicine will be very bitter, put a candied fruit on it and drink it."

He thought to himself, how could he feel miserable.

No matter how bitter the medicine, he has drunk it.

So he answered lightly and didn't listen to the persuasion, probably because he felt that he was a man anyway, how could he be afraid of hardship, so he poured it down in one breath.

Different from what he imagined, it was indeed much more bitter than what he had drunk before, as if the senses were suddenly enlarged, and the bitter taste lingered after drinking it for a long time.

Because of his face, he didn't show it, and even if he wanted to eat a candied fruit that filled his mouth with bitterness, he gave up his mind.

Jun Heng turned his head slightly, probably feeling a little embarrassed.

After all, the girl just let him take it, but he didn't respond. Now that he feels bitter after drinking the medicine, he takes it again, which is a shame.

A candied fruit was stuffed around his lips, he turned his eyes slightly, and saw her dark and quiet eyes.

When she spoke in her own voice, she had the clean and clean texture of a teenager, her tone was lazy, and her thin lips poured out two characters without any emotion, "Eat it."

Jun Heng froze for a moment, opened his lips slightly and bit down on the candied fruit.

Still very bitter, this sweetness can't completely cover the bitterness in the mouth, it is astringent and long.

He thought that when he changed back to his body, he must punish the hospital.

After improving the prescription, even he felt bitter and was incompetent in the hospital.

But in the next second, I heard her words, "This body is very afraid of suffering. A little bit of suffering will be infinitely magnified. Thank you for being willing to drink medicine for me."

She paused when she said this, as if thinking about her words.

Extraordinarily rusty.

She was far apart from him.

Jun Heng now knew that it was not because of the hospital.

Her eyes swayed slightly, and her beautiful pupils reflected her indifferent expression.

"You don't need to say thank you to me. After all, I am using your body now and I am responsible for your health."

For the first time, he said it in a serious tone, as if he was defending something.

As he said, he will take care of himself.

Luo Ci slowly responded and said, "I'm going to rest."

After all, the body is really uncomfortable, and only by lying in bed and relaxing, can you slowly recover.

If she didn't rest well, her body would be replaced, and the fragments would definitely not stop government affairs because of her physical fatigue.

She knew that he didn't cherish his body very much.

Although she is a little indifferent to Fragment now, she doesn't want to see anything wrong with him.

Luo Ci walked straight to the bed, sat on the bed, put her legs on it, rolled lazily inside, covered the quilt to rest, and lay down on the bed lazily, her whole body relaxed.

All in one go.

Jun Heng felt that the behavior she made with her body... was a little cute, and it was a little strange no matter how you looked at it.

But he doesn't seem to be angry.

"Your bed is quite soft."

Her words came from the bed, like intimacy, but also like casual words.

Jun Heng almost blurted out, he slowed down, "You can also rest here in the future."

But there was no response for a long time.

He was suddenly a little lost.

"No, I'm going to leave the palace in the future."

The girl murmured softly before going to bed, her tone rarely soft.

She has fallen asleep.

It was just her murmur before going to bed, but the young emperor was stunned in place.

He almost forgot.

He once told her that he would send her out of the palace.

So it's normal for her to call him you.

Not sleeping on the couch is normal.

It's what he said.

I said it myself.

It was vivid in my eyes, but it was only two days later.

But a lot has changed.

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