The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 398: 30 after swapping bodies with the tyrant


He kind of misses her.

During this time, she has been by her side, urging him to eat, caring about his body, coaxing him to sleep, and secretly applying medicine to him at night, even though the medicine could not be spread evenly because she couldn't touch her.

She said she would always be by his side.

No one will always be with a person.

What's more, she is still in this state.

But he was still touched.

If she really is a soul that has passed away, she will leave sooner or later, when her obsessions dissipate.

What is her obsession...

She has been staying by her side, is it related to herself?

But he never saw her.

Xiao Junheng silently covered her with the quilt. He couldn't touch her, but he could cover her with the thin quilt. After a long pause, he placed his hand on the thin quilt and exerted a little force. This time, he did not wear it again. her body.

He pursed his lips slightly, withdrew his hand, and followed him on the bed.

He has been infected with toxins since birth. Although it is not as serious as that of his mother, it has spread to the whole body, so he will not lose control when the attack occurs.

No one except Eunuch Li knew that he had ever been ill.

Those imperial physicians only thought that the poison in his body was rare, and that he could get better by prescribing some medicine, or maybe they didn't dare to say.

After all, he was the only imperial heir, and those imperial physicians had to take care of him in an accident.

He sent someone to threaten him in private, and no imperial doctor dared to use this as a reason.

He wants to hold the power in his own hands.

So you can't let others control your own life, and you can't let people hold the handle.

He secretly gave the emperor a chronic poison, the kind of poison that makes the body degenerate a little bit, colorless and odorless.

He doesn't care about the so-called patricide.

Anyway, he has no relatives.

His grandfather was a former prime minister, but he was framed by the concubine and the current prime minister, and was charged with trumped-up charges. First, he took his grandfather into custody, and then there was news that he committed suicide in fear of the crime.

His so-called father emperor just checked at random, and found some prisoners who broke into the house and robbed them. After they were executed, the case was hastily closed.

He was only two years old then.

do not know anything.

I only know that the queen mother rejects him, and the father does not like him very much, and only Eunuch Li is by his side.

Later, Eunuch Li was taken away by the imperial concubine.

Xiao Junheng stared at the ceiling quietly with his eyes open.

My head started to hurt again.

It's just not as serious as the mother's mother to lose her mind.

When he had a headache the night before, he suppressed the pain and didn't make a sound. He had just closed his eyes and fell asleep, but she thought she was asleep, and quietly approached her and hummed an unknown tune.

In fact, it still hurts, but inexplicably felt relieved, and gradually fell asleep.

He knew she cared about herself.

Many times he noticed her every move, and he once thought about whether he should tell her that he could see her, but there was a voice shouting in his heart.

"Don't let her know, she will disappear."

So he pretended not to know.

Xiao Junheng turned around silently, moved towards her slightly, and lifted the thin quilt over her body, almost covering half of her face.

His voice was small, "Can you hug me?"

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your promise."

The young body slowly leaned over and rubbed against her arms through the thin blanket.

He also doesn't like being alone.

But there was no one around him.

Only when no one knows, will the ruthless and ruthless wolf cub show his fragile and soft side in front of outsiders, leaning cautiously in her arms, taking some comfort.

When Luo Ci woke up, she still felt a little strange, she was not sleepy at all before, why is she now sleepy.

Silently glanced at the quilt on her body, she recalled it carefully, she didn't seem to have a quilt on before she went to bed, and her eyes couldn't help looking in the direction of the debris.

He seems to be still practicing.

She put aside her doubts, she really didn't sleep well, and it was normal for her to pull the quilt cover when she felt cold.

Shaking his head, he always felt a little groggy.

Is it time for her to leave?

It's been a month indeed.

The soul is separated from the body again, and it has arrived more than ten years ago. Over time, it will inevitably bring a load to the soul.

He sighed faintly.

She was still not very concerned about the fragments.

He got out of bed slowly, went to Shard's side, and quietly watched him practice calligraphy.

I don't know why, but the original neat handwriting suddenly appeared wrong, as if the hand suddenly lost the strength, and the last one was soft and collapsed, and the trajectory was still a bit wrong, destroying the beauty of the whole sheet of paper.

Luo Ci fixedly looked at that word, and said quietly, "What a pity."

She is obsessive-compulsive.

She was all focused on the paper at the moment, and there was no such thing as the stiff body of the small fragments and the slightly cramped eyes.

When it was time for Fragment to eat dinner, she stole an order while Fragment was not paying attention, and tore off a big chicken leg.

Originally, she wanted to go back to the bed and rest. After all, she was not in a good mood. She wanted to spend more time with the fragments, so she could only replenish her energy as much as possible.

And eating was actually useful to her in her soul state, so she opened her stomach and ate a lot, just wanting to leave later.

Tonight was a little different. She saw a beautiful woman in red, looking at the fragments with a sad look in her eyes, which contained tenderness and reluctance.

Luo Ci was startled.

Before, she thought that her divine power had been reincarnated by the mother who was protecting the fragments, but she never thought that she would never leave.

The first queen turned slightly to meet her gaze, and said in a very gentle tone, "Follow me."


The first queen brought Luo Ci to the emperor's bedroom, led her into the secret passage, and came to a secret room, which contained many treasures treasured by the emperor.

The first queen stopped in front of a wooden box with hope in her eyes, "I can't touch these things, can you help me take out the contents and bring them to Heng'er?"

Luo Ci nodded, the Empress Xian was different from her and could not touch anything in the world.

She opened the wooden box and saw the contents inside.

It was a small jade seal given to her by the fragments, with dragon and phoenix entwined on it.

She paused, "What is this?"

The first queen slowly replied, "It controls all the troops of the Dayan Dynasty and represents an absolute order."

Luo Ci's beautiful eyes stared blankly at the little jade seal in her hand.

It turned out that the fragments were even given to her.

Obviously, he has this thing, and he has an absolute advantage. He doesn't have to fight Meng Chi in court, but he gave it to her.

"I discovered it occasionally with the emperor before."

Empress Xian gave her a gentle and kind smile, "Thank you for protecting me."

She remembered the blessings that were given.

Otherwise, even if she was the queen during her lifetime, she would not be able to get close to the emperor who had the aura of a real dragon to protect her body, and she would have been devastated by the talismans pasted by the imperial concubine.

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