The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 399: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 31

Luo Ci looked at the little jade seal in her hand, "If you take this away, it will be discovered, right?"

She wondered if she could find something to replace.

While she was thinking hard, a flash of light flashed from Empress Xian, and something was peeled from her body. It was a phoenix phantom, but the breath was already very weak.

The former queen's phoenix life will dissipate little by little, but in the end she was the queen, so she will retain a little breath, and now even this breath has been stripped away and turned into a small jade seal.

"Use this instead, it should last for a while." Empress Xian's eyes gradually softened, "At that time... Heng'er will definitely be able to protect herself."

Obsession has dissipated.

The only thing she was worried about was her child, who could now let go.

The figure of the first queen began to blur, and she could no longer stay in the world.

With a contented smile on her face and a soft voice, "Thank you for being by Heng'er's side."

She had nothing to give but wished the girl in front of her from the depths of her soul.

An extremely pure force flew towards Luo Ci's eyebrows, very warm.

Luo Ci rubbed her eyebrows in a daze, but she didn't have much time to think about what it was. She gritted her teeth slightly, and used her divine power to bring the broken mother back to the bedroom quickly.

She wanted Fragment's mother to see him one last time before she left.

When she returned to the dormitory, the figure of Empress Xian had become more and more illusory. She looked at Jun Heng's figure with reluctance and nostalgia in her eyes, and turned into a light ball and left.

Xiao Junheng stared blankly at her vanishing shadow, pursed her lips tightly, the dark and pure pupils faintly swayed with water, sparkling, dazzling.

This time, the mother really left him forever.

Luo Ci paused, the fragments seemed to really see them.

She walked slowly in front of him, squatted down, handed him the little jade seal in her hand, and said softly, "This is given to you by your mother."

Xiao Junheng stared at her closely, without looking at the little jade seal, her tender voice was a little hoarse, "Will you also leave like a mother?"

Like his mother, he will leave him forever.

His eyes were stubborn, as if he would not give up until he got a reply.

She thought for a while, "I'll be gone for a while."

"But we'll meet again."

But he seemed to have only heard the first half of the sentence.

His temperament does not allow any possibility of separation at all.

A trace of panic flashed in Xiao Junheng's eyes, and he couldn't help reaching out to grab her, but he couldn't catch anything. His hand passed through her body, telling her that she was different from himself.

Like a mirror, it is an illusory bubble after all.

The hand he stretched out slowly drooped down, and the crow-like feathered eyelashes drooped slightly, leaving a light-colored silhouette.

The shadows and paranoia in the bottom of his eyes were all concealed.

Obviously he will leave him.

He said he would always be with him.

There was a soft answer on his face, "Yeah."

Xiao Junheng touched the little jade seal, but did not take it, but kept this posture.

The jade seal has become the link between him and her, and only through the medium can he truly feel that she exists.

He took it slowly and said in a low voice, "Then you must come back early."

Luo Ci felt that her eyelids were starting to become heavy, and she wanted to close it uncontrollably, her head was a little drowsy, as if she would fall asleep in the next second, and her consciousness was recovering fragments, but the actual situation was that she fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

Xiao Junheng stared blankly at the girl who fell to the ground. He wanted to reach out to support her, and he was ready to be a human flesh mat.

But he could only watch her pounce on him, and some illusory figures passed through his body and fell in front of him.

Feeling a little warm touch, very soft.

His fists were slightly clenched, and even with the small jade seal, his palms ached.

He brought the blanket over her in silence, gritted his teeth slightly, and lifted her up, ready to take her back to the bed.

But after all, he was still young and had little strength. In the middle, Luo Ci regained some consciousness and stood up and walked towards the bed.

After finally lying down, Xiao Junheng's voice was slightly trembling, and Chun Che's eyes were full of panic, "What's wrong with you?"

Is she going to disappear...

Luo Ci's tone was soft. At this moment, her consciousness was a little confused, but she forced herself to think, "Sleepy."

"I'll just get some sleep."

She thought that the fragments could see her now, and she didn't have to eat secretly to maintain the status quo, and immediately ordered, "Leave me some food."

After all, he fell directly into a coma.

Xiao Junheng looked at her fixedly, with dark and unclear emotions intertwined in his dark eyes, he hid the jade seal in a place that few people would find.

It's not that he didn't discover that her body was much more illusory than before, fragile and transparent, as if it would soon disappear into a bubble.

Can't accompany him at all.

Obviously not to leave for a while.

When the mother left, she would definitely leave too.

If you can't do it, don't deliberately coax him to leave hope.

It hurts when hope is shattered.


When Luo Ci woke up again, it was the next morning, and a scent came like a hook. She slowly sat up and looked over.

Hands on stomach, a little hungry.

But the meal is being set at the moment, and she has to wait for the others to leave before she can start eating.

Xiao Junheng's voice was flat and indifferent, "Let's all go down."

The palace servant trembled in fear and withdrew from the palace.

His Highness has been too terrifying during this time. Many people have seen the means by which he sent people to deal with the palace servants, so they did not dare to be careless.

Luo Ci sat next to him, took the small buns unceremoniously and started to eat.

Xiao Junheng looked at her silently, her tender and crisp voice with a commanding tone, like a domineering little lion, attracted her attention, "I want to eat too."

She was still biting the bun in her mouth. She didn't care much about the tone of the shard. Now the shard is just a child, and her sullen face made her temperament cute. She took a bun and handed it over, "Eat it."

But the other party didn't take it for a long time, and the tender voice was soft and waxy, "You want to feed me."

Luo Ci stared at him thoughtfully for a few seconds.

Did the little shards like this?

On the surface, she was not very close, but in the end she changed her way to get her close to him.

Xiao Junheng's body was slightly tensed, and he was a little nervous for no reason. He was afraid of being rejected.

But she just stared at it for a few seconds, with interest in her eyes, and quickly handed the bun to him.

The tips of Xiao Junheng's ears suddenly turned red.

He lowered his head and took a big bite, suddenly ruthless, as if he was going to bite down with her hand.

In the end, only half of the bun was bitten, and there was no other expression on his face.

He was just a little annoyed.

Can't touch her at all.

She is not like herself.

But after she slept, her body didn't seem so illusory.

Does that mean she can still stay?

As long as the obsession is not achieved.

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