The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 400: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 32

Thinking of this, Xiao Junheng picked up the small bun, pursed his lips and handed it to her, "You eat."

She wants to eat more.

Luo Ci blinked, unable to react.

I let myself feed him just now, why has it changed now.

She lowered her head and opened her mouth to hold the steamed bun in her mouth, a bit like a snort, but she was cute and lovely, looking at him with beautiful eyes, motioning for him to let go.

As I said long ago, she can solve one small bun like this in one bite, and she can eat five or six in one meal.

What's more, she is in a state of soul now, she doesn't feel full, and she doesn't eat to support her.

After Xiao Junheng let go, she started to feed her other things she liked more, with a pretty little face, as if she was accomplishing some important task.

But obviously... this is not what she should do.

It was she who wanted to supervise him to eat well, so why did he turn around?

He immediately said, "You also have to eat more." Then he put a piece of pastry in his mouth.

He didn't object.

This is not feeding each other.

After breakfast, Luo Ci was planning to wander around, for example, to observe the situation of the emperor and the noble concubine of Yilan Hall.

But the small-faced fragment said in a fierce tone, "You need to rest now."

He also wrapped the blanket around her, and pushed her towards the bed with his little hand.

As long as she rests more and eats more food, she can stay stagnant for a longer time.

He thought so.

Even though he is still young, his own experience makes him different from ordinary children, his mind changes quickly, and he can think of many things.

Luo Ci was pushed with a little force, and obeyed obediently.

It was actually taken care of by small fragments.


The past few days have been peaceful. Every day, Shard pays great attention to her daily life and diet, for fear that she is not resting, so she sleeps all day long besides eating, but it is also because she feels sleepy in the depths of her soul, otherwise there will be no So much sleep to sleep.

But it was too boring, and she expressed her resistance.

"My life is too boring. You can only see me when I'm awake every day while I'm eating, and I'm asleep at other times. Don't you feel bored by yourself?"

Xiao Junheng stared at her silently with his dark eyes, his eyes were small and round, with waves of light.

He won't be bored.

Even if she was asleep, she couldn't talk to herself or hum a song to coax him to sleep, but as long as she was still there.

As long as she lies quietly on the bed, there will be no accident, and she will not run around. When she comes into contact with other people, she can make him feel that she is still around.

It is said in the classics that after the death of a person, if there is still a person in the world, then there is a wish unfulfilled, either a hatred, or a person who is reluctant to care.

Once the obsession dissipates, the soul also dissipates.

She doesn't look like an enemy at all, she must be obsessed with someone like her mother.

He didn't want her to achieve her obsession.

I don't want her to go out and meet anyone.

He was afraid that she would be as interested in other people as she was suddenly interested in himself, and stay with other people.

She probably only saw herself that day, and pity him that she would always follow him.

He has always disliked the sympathy and pity of others, but if he had to rely on her to pity himself in order to stay, then he would.

After a long while, Xiao Junheng lowered his head, his voice was small, and he choked up slightly.

This seemed to be the first time he showed weakness in front of her.

"The mother is gone too, so don't leave, okay..."

"...I only have you by my side."

Luo Ci was stunned, her heart stabbing like a needle pierced.

During the time she was here as a soul, she learned a lot about the shards.

He really has no relatives anymore.

And the first queen was poisoned when she was pregnant with him, and even his body was affected.

It's not that she didn't hear what the palace servants said behind their backs.

"Who wants to serve their mother and son, the queen is just a false name."

"The imperial concubine is so favored by His Majesty, and sooner or later, he will give birth to a dragon heir to replace His Highness."

"If you want me to say that the imperial concubine is more promising. I heard that the prime minister has also accepted the imperial concubine as his righteous sister. Isn't this equal to the imperial concubine's mother family? I have to show it well in front of the noble concubine."

"Aren't you on duty at the Queen's tomorrow? What if you go there and be punished?"

"Who is willing to go to the mad woman, doesn't he pay much attention to His Majesty if he doesn't see it? It's completely to let the other party fend for itself. Anyway, many palace servants have sneaked away."

"His Royal Highness is getting more and more abnormal. Let's change shifts tomorrow. I don't want to suffer."

"There is a mad queen, and it is normal for His Highness to be mad."

"I don't know if I will become like a queen in the future."

"Whether it will or not, it's better to have less contact points. If you accidentally hurt us, the little palace people, you won't be able to ask for it."


There are many such.

Sometimes she hears that she really wants to beat these broken-mouthed palace servants, but she can only smash them with small stones, the more painful they are, the better.

The fragments are still so small, but they have to suffer so much slander.

So it is understandable that he would become like that later.

The name of the tyrant has spread far and wide, and no one can hurt him again, no one dares to slander him, and no one dares to disrespect the former queen.

They are all afraid of him.

But she couldn't say if she didn't leave.

She wouldn't lie to him.

Luo Ci felt that the fragment she said last time didn't take her to heart, which is why he felt so insecure. In fact, she also wanted to stay with the fragment for a while, but after a long time, it would cause a load on the soul, and when she returned to the body, it would cause damage. great damage.

You can't ruin the rest of your life for a moment.

Her tone was very serious.

"You have to believe me."

"I'm not the same as your mother, I'm not a dead person, I'm-" From a person more than ten years later.

But she couldn't say anything, the rules stopped her.

Luo Ci gave up explaining her origin, "I came here by accident, we will meet again when you grow up."

Xiao Junheng looked at her eagerly, "Aren't you a dead soul?" There seems to be nothing like her in the book.

"I can eat and touch real objects, isn't it the same as your mother?"

Luo Ci thought for a while and said, "I will go back sooner or later. If I stay here forever, it will be useless to rest, and my soul will be dissipated."

This is also a small threat fragment.

He cares about himself, and he will definitely not think about keeping himself.

Hearing the words "Soul Feifei San", Xiao Junheng's pupils shrank, with panic and panic, and the soft voice was very helpless, "I don't want you to scatter..."

Although he really wanted to keep her, he never wanted to hurt her.

If she is a dead soul like her mother, then he would rather her reincarnated than her traces in the world disappear.

Not to mention she isn't.

His voice was muffled but firm, "Tell me when you leave. When I grow up, I will definitely find you!"

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