The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 401: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 33

Luo Ci responded.

She knew that the fragments would not remember her when they grew up.

I didn't want to understand it before, but now I guessed it seven, seven or eight.

After all, she came here more than ten years ago, and it involves the laws of time and space. In order to avoid changes to the future, the rules will blur her impressions in Fragment's mind, and Fragment will not remember about her until after her soul passes through. matter.

She estimated that she should be able to stay for a while in her state, and now it is not so urgent to say it.

One evening.

The palace servants set the meal as usual, Xiao Junheng was thinking about letting the other party quickly set up and leave, and since they had been in peace during this time, he relaxed a little bit of vigilance.

Plus Luo Ci's body seemed to be a little more transparent, he couldn't help but focus more on her, even though he knew she would leave, he still couldn't bear it.

Luo Ci lay lazily on the table, and suddenly saw a little light, the palace servant stabbed the dagger at Jun Heng with a deep resentment.

In a hurry, she blocked the past without hesitation, and took the opportunity to use some divine power.

The dagger stabbed her, but it didn't cause any pain, and even just touched her body and it began to shatter every inch, turning into sharp fragments floating in the air.

It's... not her power.

Nor is the rule protecting her.

It is the Lord God.

She stared blankly at the dagger shards that were stagnant in mid-air. At this moment, it was as if time and space had stopped.

Her body was about to dissipate.

After a few seconds of stagnation, all the pieces of the dagger flew towards the palace servant, stabbing him with many holes, but it was not fatal, greatly amplifying the other party's pain.

Luo Ci turned to look at Xiao Junheng, although she regretted not being able to accompany him for a while, she could only come here for the time being.

"You have to wait for me."

Xiao Junheng's pupils were scarlet, and the slightly swaying water light shattered, with a fragmented beauty, his voice was almost hoarse, "I'm not allowed!"

This was not what he expected.

She should have left here successfully, not for his sake.

He reached out and grabbed her, and this time he finally touched her, but just after touching her hand, her figure was like a mirror, it shattered and disappeared completely.

He didn't know yet whether this sudden incident would affect her.

What if he never sees her again.

The dark pupils were dark and gloomy, staring at the palace servant who had been pierced by the dagger fragment, his eyes were cruel, "Damn you!"

Jin Wuwei soon appeared to take the palace servant away and imprisoned.

He wouldn't let the other party die so easily.

Every day, someone pierces the palace man's body with a sharp weapon, so that he can experience the feeling of blood loss a little bit, and taste the taste of life and death.

The emperor had no objection to this. He was very angry that someone wanted to secretly kill his only heir. He immediately sent someone to investigate, but in the end he didn't find out why.

Later, the memory of her in Xiao Junheng's mind became more and more confused, she forgot her appearance, and the experience she had been with, as if it was sealed.

Heart empty, missing a corner.

But he still remembered that he had to deal with the palace servant and let the other party be punished.

He grew up little by little and solved the people who had bullied him, including those palace servants who were gossiping and disrespectful to his mother, almost a blood change.

No minister can threaten him, no one can force him to do what he doesn't want to do, he is strong enough to protect anyone he wants to protect.

Since then, the name of the tyrant has spread far and wide.

The world feared him and had to submit to him.

It's just that occasionally when he had a severe headache at night, he remembered a little bit of his past memories in a trance, and when he woke up, it was nothingness again.

It seems to have everything, but nothing is grasped.


"Xiao Ci, Xiao Ci!" Her brother's voice came into the dream, awakening her consciousness little by little.

Luo Ci opened her eyes with some difficulty, and found that several relatives were standing by her bed.

Xu Jinchuan finally let go of the heart he was holding. My sister slept all day and night, but she couldn't wake up no matter how much she called, and she couldn't find out why, but now she finally woke up.

He helped Luo Ci up and let her lean on the head of the bed, "You slept for a day and a night, I made medicine for you, and you will feel much better after drinking it."

Although he couldn't find out the reason why his sister couldn't wake up, he could see that her body would be weaker, so he prescribed the medicine early and just waited for Xiao Ci to wake up before feeding her.

Grandpa checked her pulse again, and said to everyone, "It's alright, just drink a few more doses of the medicine prescribed by Jinchuan."

This means that similar situations will not happen again, and other treatment methods are needed for the cold poison in the body.

The beautiful grandmother looked at her with tears in her eyes. If she hadn't known that Luo Ci was relatively weak now and couldn't stand the toss, she might have leaned over to hold her granddaughter and would not let go.

She lost her daughter and made her granddaughter suffer so much outside. Now she completely loves Porcelain as a treasure, and it is inevitable that she will reveal her true feelings at this moment.

Luo Ci's eyes were filled with guilt, "I'm sorry, I made everyone worry."

She wanted to spend more time with the fragments and make up for his childhood, but she ignored the relatives here and made them worry about herself for nothing.

But it doesn't do both.

Grandpa's eyes were elegant and he said with relief, "Have a good rest."

He is not good at words, but his clear eyes full of vicissitudes seem to see through everything, and there is only love and concern in it.

He knew that a rather bizarre thing happened to his granddaughter, so he kept falling asleep.

The beautiful grandmother was slightly annoyed, "Silly boy, what is there to apologize for? You haven't eaten all day, you have to rest and eat more."

Auntie also responded, "Wait for Auntie to give you some nourishment."

Then he asked his son, "Tell me what is the taboo of Cici now."

The family is happy.

Luo Ci had a faint smile on her pale face.

She thought of the fragments, and her clear glass eyes were stained with worry.

I don't know what happened to the fragments.

She didn't expect to leave with such an ending in the end.

Fragments must be hard.

Even though the rules blurred the memory of her later, it is a secondary injury when I think about it now.

After the others left, Xu Jinchuan noticed that his sister was in a wrong mood and couldn't help pinching her face, "You miss that guy Jun Heng again?"

In fact, I want to call each other a bastard.

The **** who kidnapped his sister.

Luo Ci looked at him silently, her wet eyes looked pitiful, very well-behaved, and her body was weak, making her very lovable.

Xu Jinchuan is not good at teasing his sister, and his tone is helpless and indulgent, "I have power in the capital, I can check the news of that guy, and they will send a letter when the time comes."

"Brother will feed you the medicine first." Xiaoci is now completely weak, and even has no strength to hold the medicine bowl.

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