The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 404: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 36

Still have to go back and have a look.

Xu Jinchuan saw her thoughts, his eyes were helpless, but he still compromised, "You can't stop the treatment now. After this stage, my brother will take you back to the palace."

He only cares about his sister's feelings.

Luo Ci hurriedly nodded her head.

Xu Jinchuan sighed, feeling an inexplicable heartbreak.

This kind of feeling is like, I caught up with the door and entrusted my sister to the other party, but after the other party really abducted it, I felt very uncomfortable, even if I got used to it for a while, it was still uncomfortable.

Especially when I found out that my sister was thinking about that guy, I felt even more upset.

Obviously, he only relied on himself before, but now his eyes are full of that guy.

But thinking of the poison in Jun Heng's body, it's really not good to delay it for a long time, it's okay to rush back sooner.

Luo Ci asked again, "How long will it take?"

Xu Jinchuan: "…"

Heart congestion.

"About half a month, if combined with acupuncture and medicated baths, it can be shortened to ten days. However, medicated baths will bring great pain."

Generally, the needle is applied first, and then the medicated bath is used, so that the effect can be maximized.

Of course the pain will be stronger.

He didn't mention that he didn't want his sister to suffer before, but she seemed to be in a hurry to go back.

Women's colleges do not stay.

Luo Ci said almost without hesitation, "Then take a medicinal bath!"

Although the fragments made her squeamish, she was able to endure the pain.

This reply was unexpected.

Xu Jinchuan rubbed her hair, "That starts tonight."

However, if the needle is applied, he doesn't need to come, even brothers and sisters have to avoid suspicion.

The Xu family almost knew some medical skills, among them Luo Ci's grandfather was the most, and the beautiful grandmother was not bad, and she taught the beautiful grandma about acupuncture.


Luo Ci was immersed in the tub, and the medicinal effect soon took effect. She bit the cork prepared in advance, and did not say a word or cry of pain. The steaming medicinal bath should have dyed her pretty little face crimson. , At this time, it was a little pale, and the forehead was covered with beads of sweat, slowly sliding down.

It really hurts.

The pain made my whole body feel weak.

The beautiful grandmother was standing beside her, her beautiful eyes filled with pity, thinking about talking to her granddaughter to divert her attention, it didn't hurt so much.

"Do you want to see your mother, Cici?"

Luo Ci was a little surprised, her clear and beautiful eyes were misty due to the rising mist, and she looked at Grandma a little wetly.

mother is not...

The beautiful grandmother sighed faintly, "I thought I would never see your mother again."

She turned her voice, as if she was angry with someone, "Your grandfather, the old man who killed thousands of knives, kept it from me for more than ten years! I will never forgive him!"

Luo Ci was indeed distracted. She lowered her eyes and silently looked at the cork in her mouth, unable to respond even if she wanted to.

The beautiful grandmother continued, "Your grandfather sneaked out before you were born and guarded your birth. He originally wanted to bring your mother and daughter back together, but God's will is unbreakable, and your mother is dying, so you can only arrange someone. To protect you secretly."

In fact, this is also against the will of God. She said that she couldn't go out of the valley, but she ran out by herself. She said why the old man suddenly fell into a coma for many days, and he kept vomiting blood, and his hair turned white overnight.

Then, she dropped another bombshell.

"Actually, your father is not that prime minister. He is old and ugly. How could your mother like him!"

The tone was extremely disgusting.

When this series of news came, Luo Ci was instantly stunned, and the pain of the medicinal bath seemed to be suddenly replaced by a big question mark in her mind.

"Your father used to be the second prince of Wu Yueguo. He was chased and killed before, but your mother saved him. Later, too many people chased and killed him. In order not to harm your mother, he lured those killers away by himself."

Wu Yueguo is good at insect Gu technique.

"By the way, because the situation was so urgent at the time, he just found a random person and controlled that person, making your mother consider your sister to take good care of you. As for the concubine's room, it was purely because of the newly married prime minister. Your wife doesn't like your mother."

"Those killers still found your mother and poisoned your mother to threaten your father."

The beautiful grandmother originally disdained Luo Ci's nominal father in her words, dragged her daughter down, and felt sorry for Cici.

But thinking of what happened next, his tone softened a bit, "Your father was originally the most hopeful of inheriting the throne of Wuyue, but he gave up the throne for your mother." But it was still bad, and he couldn't protect his wife and daughter.

"Later your grandfather arrived and brought your mother back, and used the ice coffin to keep her alive. No one told her."

When she mentioned the last sentence, she felt resentment in her heart.

Luo Ci listened silently, although grandma spoke incoherently because she was emotionally speaking, she still understood it clearly.

Now that the pain had subsided, she removed the cork and asked, "Where's my father?"

"He watched your grandfather take away your mother, so he could only run back to Wuyue Kingdom to take back the throne." The beautiful grandmother's tone was very indifferent, "It seems to be to raise the Gu King with her body and save your mother. Come here from time to time over the years, and your mother is also fast. wake up."

Although there were still some complaints, she did not hide anything in front of her granddaughter. Complaining was one thing, and she would not deliberately hide what the other party did.

"According to your grandfather, he often visits you."

In fact, it is also very good. When he became an emperor, he always ran to the Dayan Dynasty.

But the daughter does not wake up for a day, and she does not recognize the son-in-law for a day.

All these things happened to her daughter, and it wasn't all the trouble caused by that bastard.

Luo Ci thought about it, she didn't seem to have seen her father.

The beautiful grandmother is a little gloating about misfortune. She has a more outgoing temperament. Even if she becomes a grandmother, she has not changed much. She sneered, "He doesn't dare to see you, so he can only do small tricks secretly."

Hearing what grandma said, Luo Ci remembered something. The clone was really neglected at the beginning, especially when she was too young to be easily bullied, but later those who bullied her either disappeared or was severely punished.

And there was a man who appeared when she was five years old and claimed to teach her martial arts. He wore a mask and could not see his face, but she refused.

At that time, she replied to him like this, "Nothing to be courteous, either a traitor or a thief!"

The milky voice refuted the other party with a milky voice, and she looked vigilant.

Now that I think about it, it should be her father.

You can imagine how heartbroken her father was at the time.

Since then, they have been at peace with each other, and she has also learned a bit of Qinggong, but she rarely sees each other.

Luo Ci mentioned this to her grandmother, and the beautiful grandmother laughed, "It deserves it!" It deserves that his daughter recognized someone else's father for more than ten years!

"Porcelain should be soaked and ready to come out."

She no longer always has the sad mood like before, "When your mother wakes up, you can be reunited with mother and son."

Cici has not been accompanied by her mother since she was a child, and her father is a coward who dare not recognize each other.

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