The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 405: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 37

The beautiful grandmother rubbed her hair, "I'll take you to see your mother tomorrow."

Luo Ci nodded her head, she didn't remember her mother's face yet, "Yeah!"

The life experience of this plane is still a little complicated. She thought it was the prime minister who took a fancy to her mother's beauty and made him a concubine, or that her mother was originally the wife, but the prime minister abandoned her for power.

I didn't expect that the other party was not her father at all.

There was also an insect gu technique. She didn't care about these things in the palace before, and no one told her how other countries were, so naturally she didn't know.

But this is not bad, much better than when her mother met a scumbag, but she really suffered after sleeping for more than ten years.

Grandma couldn't imagine what was going on in her granddaughter's head, so she said a few more words and left.

Luo Ci slowly crawled out of the tub, changed her clothes, and was about to lie down on the bed to rest when she suddenly felt very hungry, obviously she had already eaten before the medicinal bath.

She sneaked into the kitchen and was about to find some snacks. Suddenly, she smelled a scent and felt a little strange, so she took two pieces of snacks and stuffed it into her mouth, and slipped past the scent.

Wandering left and right, I came to a courtyard and saw my brother cracking open the dried mud shell, which looked like a beggar chicken.

When Xu Jinchuan heard the movement, he thought it was some greedy little thing, but it turned out to be his own sister.

He said softly, "Come here."

The medicated bath he prepared naturally knows the effect. After soaking, his sister will definitely feel hungry. Originally, he made beggar chicken for her. It was stuffed with some medicinal materials and some seasoning. It is also good for the body and can satisfy the appetite. Desire is a formula he specially developed.

Originally, I was thinking of bringing it to my sister after finishing it, but who knew that she ran over after smelling the fragrance.

Luo Ci ran over, crouched beside him, and saw the small pit, the color of the soil inside was not the same, she could see that it was dug out by her brother on purpose and replaced it with other mud.

The thermal conductivity will be much better.

Xu Jinchuan lifted the lotus leaf wrapped around the beggar chicken, wiped his hands and tore off a chicken thigh, wrapped it in a slender and wide leaf and handed it to her, "Eat it."

After Luo Ci took it, she rolled her eyes and smiled, "Thank you, brother!"

It was the first time she ate food made by her brother.

I didn't need to eat much in the God Realm before, so I ate clouds and turned into snacks on a whim.

She almost couldn't wait to take a bite, and it was very hot in her mouth, but she ate it while shouting, and said with a sullen face, "I feel that it has been hot all the way from here to here."

He said and gestured, from top to bottom.

Xu Jinchuan couldn't help laughing, he also tore off a piece of meat and ate it.

They sat on the stone chairs in the courtyard and ate a whole beggar chicken. The girl ate like a little squirrel, and the man in white held a jug and took a sip of wine into his mouth. After biting a piece of meat, the transparent wine slid down the corner of his lips and wet the front of his clothes, but he didn't care, he was unruly and very casual.

There is no trouble, there is no invasion of various external factors, just a pair of ordinary brothers and sisters, who accompany each other and are full of warmth.

The next day, Luo Ci went to see her mother.

She was lying quietly in the ice coffin, her blue silk temples were dyed with frost, and she had been placed in a cold environment for many years. Her face was bloodless, her lips were extremely white, like an ice beauty, her face was soft and gentle. , like a woman walking out of an ink painting.

Mother, it must be... very cold.

Luo Ci stayed aside quietly, caressing the lid of the coffin with her fingers, her eyebrows warmed slightly, the pure energy that had poured in flew towards her mother, and submerged into her body.

She froze for a moment.

The woman lying in the ice coffin twitched slightly, her fingers on her lower abdomen moved, she slowly opened her eyes, a little light reflected from her beautiful glazed eyes, and after a while there was crystal water, pale lips. He moved, as if he wanted to say something.

Their eyes are very similar.

Luo Ci felt as if she was touched by some kind of soft power, she wanted to cry for some reason, she quickly opened the lid of the coffin and reached out to help her mother come out.

Even though she had never met, she still couldn't help being close to her mother.

Is this the cause and effect.

Because she sincerely helped Fragment's mother, the other party's return made her mother wake up.

The woman looked at Luo Ci softly, and after a long while, she said a word, "Mother finally sees you."

She didn't even know how her baby girl lived at such a young age.

Luo Ci supported her mother, "I'll take you out."

It's too cold here to stay for long.


The owner of the valley was not surprised that the granddaughter woke up her mother, but her mood fluctuated greatly, but for this beautiful grandmother, it was a big surprise.

The entire Medicine King Valley was a sensation.

The family finally got together neatly. At the dinner table, Xu Yunyou and Luo Ci were next to each other. She kept serving her daughter dishes, trying to make up for the years she had missed.

The eyes of the family were all fixed on the mother and daughter, with smiles on their faces, obviously in a good mood.

When no one found out, the grandfather stretched out his hand and moved it towards the beautiful grandmother, carefully, and finally held his wife's hand as he wished, and the corners of his lips curled up, thinking, can I forgive him now.

The beautiful grandmother glanced at him, but did not break free. Now that her daughter and granddaughter are here, she will not be angry with the old man for the time being, and she will settle accounts later.

After the meal, Xu Yunyou led Luo Ci to her former boudoir again, took out the things she treasured, looked around her daughter, praised her for her good looks, and regretted that she could not make clothes for her since childhood. .

Luo Ci knew that her mother was regretting those days, so she stayed obediently and accepted her mother's kindness.

When talking about her father, Xu Yunyou was a little dissatisfied. Her daughter never felt her father's love since she was a child. It was the same as whether she was there or not. Cici was so small, did he think that he only needed to secretly care about protection!

What Porcelain lacks is company!

Although she can't wait to give all her previous savings to Cici, she also knows that some things can't be made up.


Xu Yunyou specially instructed Luo Ci, "Don't recognize your father's guy easily, and let him worry for a while longer."

Obviously, he can recognize his daughter, and Ci Ci is so smart that he won't reveal his identity, but he does some small tricks secretly behind his back.

Luo Ci silently ordered a wax for her father.

It feels like her father's situation is very similar to that of her grandfather.

How could grandma forgive grandpa so easily, and she might be irritable for a while, and mother didn't seem to lighten her face easily.

Father-in-law and son-in-law, suspected of having the same disease?

Xu Yunyou also recounted a little bit of the past, with a smile in his tone, "When your grandfather was carrying me back to Yaowang Valley, your father's vinegar jar was almost overturned, and when he saw your grandfather being so angry, he rolled up his sleeves and started a fight. Your grandfather fixed it."

After all, no one would have thought that such a young man was her father.

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