The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 410: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 42

This gave him a strange sense of satisfaction.

Because it was an unbreakable bond that locked him, and he hoped to lock her too.

Jun Heng leaned back into her arms again, as if he was very attached, his young round and clear eyes stared at her, wet, and his hands wrapped her tighter, very insecure.

Soft and trusting.

This appearance greatly stimulated a strange desire for protection in Luo Ci's heart.

Girlfriend power...cough, now it should be boyfriend power MAX.

A moment of speechlessness.

Until Xu Jinchuan's voice came from outside the hall, she looked serious and emphasized, "We can't reveal our secrets!"

How to explain otherwise.

Jun Heng nodded obediently, his voice soft, "Okay."

Luo Ci rubbed his hair smoothly, which was actually equivalent to rubbing his head.

Hmm... There are a few dull hairs on the hair, cute, harmless and cute.

In fact, Fragment seemed to be so cute in the past. At that time, she deliberately dressed as a girl to approach her, and also competed with the younger sister of that plane for favor, wearing a tutu skirt and hanging a lop-eared rabbit, who wouldn't like it.

She picked up the clothes prepared on the side and put them on little by little. While arranging her outer robe, the wide sleeves were pulled by a gentle force. know its existence.

So he looked at him with dark and long eyes, his eyelashes slightly raised, and he asked with his eyes.

Jun Heng lowered his head slightly, his voice was small, and the tips of his ears were dyed crimson, "Did you help me change my previous clothes?"

In fact, he knew that it was her who replaced it.

After all, no one dared to touch him, even if he was unconscious, his prestige was still there.

But he knew it was different from her confession.

He vaguely remembered that she had scrubbed himself many times.

She had seen her all over her body several times.

Luo Ci nodded in recognition.

" are responsible."

The sound is extra soft.

Jun Heng bit her lip, raised her wet eyes and looked at her, "You have seen me all."

As if he were hers.

Luo Ci blinked, inexplicably felt that the fragments looked pitiful, but they had already experienced so many things, so they nodded without hesitation, "Okay."

Jun Heng's eyes lit up instantly.

A cooing sound interrupted his next words, and he said softly, "Let's have dinner first."

His eyes showed a bit of apology, he didn't take care of his body again, which made her hungry.

But he was so happy, so happy that he didn't want to let go of her hand, and he didn't want to call someone to wake her up. He just stayed beside her so much that he forgot his hunger.

But not anymore.

Xu Jinchuan was very unhappy outside the palace, his expression was full of worry, there was obviously movement inside, but he never passed the meal.

He thought, it must be Jun Heng taking advantage of his sister again.

After a while, the hall door opened, and he saw "Jun Heng" and "Porcelain" who was pulling the sleeves of the emperor like a bird.

Xu Jinchuan paused, stared at the two of them for a few seconds with scrutiny, and snorted softly, "Cicci, I roasted meat for you."

Luo Ci suppressed the happiness in her heart, pretended to be calm, and then said to Eunuch Li, "Pass the meal, set up an extra pair of tableware."

The three were sitting at the table, Luo Ci was sitting at the top, Xu Jinchuan and Jun Heng were on the left and right.

Jun Heng glanced at Xu Jinchuan with an unclear meaning.

Xu Jinchuan did not sit with him who had changed his body.

After the palace people finished their meal, they retreated.

Luo Ci thought that she couldn't reveal her stuffing, so her dining posture couldn't be as informal as before.

With a reserved face, she chewed the food slowly and carefully, her body stretched straight, and her eyes kept glancing at the barbecue brought by her brother.

want to eat.

Jun Heng has been paying attention to her behavior. He can see that she is trying to imitate his previous eating style. She has to eat in small bites.

My heart softened a little.

He tore off a big chicken thigh and put it in her bowl, "Eat it."

Xu Jinchuan raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Luo Ci thanked her reservedly, slowly picked up the chicken thigh, took a bite, and then praised her brother earnestly, "Your grilled meat is delicious."

Well, it's actually not without benefits. For example, when using a fragmented body, you can praise your brother and ease the relationship between the two.

The corners of Xu Jinchuan's lips evoked a smile that was not a smile, and his tone seemed to contain a deep meaning, "Just if you like it."

Not calling her Your Majesty, but you.

You must know that he almost always addressed Jun Heng as His Majesty before.

But Luo Ci didn't notice it, and her whole mind was on the chicken thigh.

After dinner was settled, Xu Jinchuan left.

In her opinion, she finally passed the hurdle, and she didn't recognize it.

As everyone knows, the vest has already fallen off.

Xu Jinchuan is familiar with her eyes and her preferences, and because she is too nervous, her movements are not very natural, and it is easy to recognize.

The same is true for Jun Heng.

After dinner, she took a bath. She thought it was the same as before. You help me and I help you.

Who knew that Jun Heng's pretty little face was blushing, "We can wash together, each of us."

He continued, "Anyway... you've already seen me, it's just a bath now."

Luo Ci: "!"

She had a small face, she didn't think it was the same.

And why do you wash each one separately, the tub is not so big, so two people can't crowd!

Of course Jun Heng knew that he just wanted this effect.

Of course it didn't work out in the end.

He was also a little regretful.

Thinking that after the big wedding, he could do this openly and aboveboard, he secretly jumped up again.

After bathing, the two lay quietly on the bed.

Jun Heng said softly, "I'm sorry, I found you so late."

Luo Ci's tone was full of disapproval, "Don't take all those things on yourself, it's not your fault."

She couldn't give him the slightest bit of information, not even her name, lest he ruin the future in order to find himself.

That would be damned.

Jun Heng was silent for a long time, his voice was low, and his long eyelashes fell, hiding the madness and anger in his eyes that were almost frozen, "But I'm not reconciled."

Very unhappy.

Why should his life be decided by God?

Because he had to obey the destiny, he watched her disappear into a bubble with his own eyes.

Because he had to obey the destiny, he couldn't keep his memory about her.

Because he had to obey the destiny, he waited for her for so long.

He was not reconciled.

Luo Ci paused for a few seconds, "Then you lean on my arms?"

There is a faint hint of heroism that his shoulders are coming over to comfort his girlfriend.

She pushed the thought out of her mind.

Almost as soon as the words fell, Jun Heng snuggled into her arms, the little bird was charming and charming.

Really, boyfriend power MAX.

Hug the poor little piece of debris.

After a long time, in the dead of night, she uttered inaudible words.

"So, be strong enough."

Strong enough to break free from all restraints.

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