The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 411: After swapping bodies with the tyrant 43

Not only to him, but to himself.

She has been following destiny all her life.

It is not up to you to be born, and the heir to the Way of Heaven is up to you, and all the trajectories are determined.

Because from the beginning, he was branded as the heir of the Heavenly Dao.

Always in the control of fate.


Because Jun Heng still had to undergo treatment, and the poison would make him lose control of his emotions, and keeping a quiet environment would also be good for his recovery, so Luo Ci went to the morning court for him.

Three days have passed since the injection of needles and when Jun Heng woke up. In the past few days, Luo Ci has been sleeping on the soft couch, and people have moved the memorial to the Hall of Mental Cultivation for review.

Now that Jun Heng is also awake, it is time for her to go to court to stabilize the situation. However, this is also familiar to her. She has experienced so many small planes, and she is basically a little bit.

Ever since the queen took out the emperor's seal and His Majesty had not woken up, Eunuch Li had someone prepare a royal robe for her, embroidered with golden phoenix patterns, with a feminine beauty without losing majesty.

But it is a woman, so there is a curtain.

Luo Ci woke up early, and they changed back in the middle of the night. She got up lightly and changed her robes. She didn't want to wake up the debris, so she turned the lampshade to block some of the light.

It didn't take long for him to take the imperial chariot from the imperial road to the court. Eunuch Li was worried that the queen would not be able to control the market, so he also followed.

The courtiers gathered in the Golden Palace, and many ministers were dealt with at the palace banquet. Now there are fewer officials, especially some important positions. Many ministers are secretly thinking about them and want to install their own people.

It's not that there is any intention of rebellion. There are more powers under your hands, and there will be more paths in the future. It will be much easier to do things. This is the psychology of most people.

Even if there was, it would be shocked by the emperor's vigorous and resolute actions at the palace banquet, not to mention that the empress now has the emperor's seal in her hand, and she can't do anything she wants to do.

This is the reason why the Dayan Dynasty has never changed its surname.

- Absolute imperial power above everything.

There was once an emperor who was too mediocre and was forced into the palace by other half-brothers with outstanding talents, but as soon as the emperor's seal came out, all the ministers who supported the prince defected.

Luo Ci sat on the dragon chair and looked down at the stage calmly.

This made many ministers frown, especially the royalists.

In the whole world, only emperors can sit on that dragon chair. No matter how noble the queen is, she cannot sit on it as a woman.

In addition, most ministers are more conservative, thinking that women should stay in the boudoir, is the emperor's art a child's play?

They were all going to make things difficult for the queen when they made remarks. After all, she was the queen and had the seal of the emperor, so it was impossible for them to speak out frankly and provocatively.

Eunuch Li was a little worried, and didn't know if the empress could stabilize the situation, and the empress's face was also related to your majesty.

Luo Ci didn't like the imperial palace's calculations, and didn't want to make herself unhappy, so she signaled to Jin Yi.

Jin Yi was the leader of Jin Wuwei who had followed her back to Yaowang Valley before, and the ten people's martial arts plans were outstanding.

She also asked Jin Yi to follow.

Jinwuwei has a unified code. As soon as the code came out, a lot of Jinwuwei poured into the Golden Palace. They stood neatly on both sides, their indifferent and sharp eyes were fixed with evil spirits, staring at the two ministers in the middle. A knife was placed on their necks, and some were breathless.

Not to mention that the civil servants couldn't bear their momentum, even some generals were shocked.

Jin Wuwei is an elite soldier, and his reputation is well-deserved.

This time the ministers were at ease.

A minister with disapproval in his eyes couldn't help asking, "What is the meaning of Niangniang?"

Luo Ci said casually, "Bengong was worried that someone would say something I didn't like, so I called Jin Wuwei in to support the scene."

She changed her voice, "Don't worry, Ben Gong is a person who knows the etiquette and won't do anything wrong, just let Jin Wuwei throw that person out."

The minister was dissatisfied and wanted to refute.

The leader of Jin Wuwei, Jin Yi, got the order, his voice was indifferent, cold-blooded like a robot, "Niang Niang, I don't know the severity of the attack.

Luo Ci thought to herself that Jin Wuwei was still a little dull in front of her, and he absolutely obeyed orders at the critical moment, like a tireless robot.

The contrast is quite interesting.

She said lightly, "It doesn't matter, this palace believes that the Aiqings understand the sense of proportion."

This announcement stunned the ministers in the audience.

They couldn't take the queen, and they couldn't jointly file a petition for annulment. Now they can only recognize it.

"Is there anything to play?"

There was silence in the court for a moment, and then a few small officials made remarks, all of which were disaster relief, local bandits and the like.

Luo Ci methodically arranged suitable candidates and proposed effective means, which surprised some ministers, and they were not so repulsive at the beginning.

Since it cannot be changed, it can only be adapted. This is the psychology of the ministers.

Meng Chi stepped forward and saluted, "Niangniang, Wu Yueguo will be visiting soon, and the station will send a letter to inform me. I need to prepare one or two in advance."

Wu Yueguo and Dayan Dynasty were far apart, and there was no dispute of interests, but they had never communicated before. This sudden visit should be treated with caution.

Luo Ci nodded slightly, "Then General Meng will be the main party, and the Minister of Rites will be the supplementary agent to entertain the envoys of Wu Yueguo."

She guessed that her father would come over in person, so she emphasized again, "It's important to be solemn and not to be taken lightly."

Not to mention her father, the identity of the head of a country must be treated solemnly.

Others played again one after another, and Luo Ci was able to cope with it with ease. There were ministers who wanted to criticize during this period, so she could not say that she did not do well.

After retreating from the court, many old ministers sighed secretly, if the queen is a man, she must be a generation of Ming Jun.

Luo Ci originally wanted to go directly back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to have breakfast and sleep, but in the courtroom Meng Chi seemed to have something to tell her, so he went to the imperial study.

She also felt a little sorry for Meng Chi. She had never seen him before, and she didn't understand the situation of Fragment. She used to worry that he would follow suit. Much has changed since what was done at the border.

It's just that she and Meng Chi have never had contact, so she is inevitably curious.

"Niangniang, this is the herb that Weichen picked at the border. I hope it will be useful to your body."

Meng Chi held a rectangular box in his hand, with elegant and simple lines on it. His tone was very polite, his eyes were clear, and he did not show any slights because she was a woman.

Luo Ci was stunned for a moment, but she didn't deliberately grimace any longer, and immediately asked, "Did we know each other before?"

Otherwise, why did she find herbs for her and know her physical condition.

Meng Chi knew that she didn't care about these etiquettes, but with Eunuch Li and Jin Yi around, he still had to pay attention.

He said warmly, "Actually, according to seniority, Wei Chen is still Niangniang's uncle."

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