The girl has lived in the town for more than ten years. She was born in Xuetian and grew up without any relatives. She grew up with the help of the townspeople.

There are skating competitions in the town every winter, and most of the townspeople are concentrated in the skating rink, which is very lively.

But this year is a little different.

While people were skating happily, a sled was floating in the air, and Luo Ci looked up to see his snow-colored cloak and the hem of a corner of his exquisitely tailored aristocratic clothing.

The face of the person on the sleigh is not real, but he can only vaguely see the noble crown on his head, reflecting a little light in the winter sun, which dazzles the eyes of people.

Luo Ci covered her heart slightly. She was wearing patched gloves and some ugly stitches on her leather boots. Her pretty little face was a little red from the cold. Her long chestnut curly hair swayed slightly in the wind, and her heart seemed to be the first time in her life. One such violent jump.

He seemed very eager to meet the man on the sled.

She stared at him blankly with her light-colored and beautiful eyes, raised her head slightly, as if to see his face clearly, probably because her eyes caught the attention of the person on the sled, and the sled slowly descended and stopped in front of her .

At the same time, the man's face was revealed. He had short icy-snow-colored hair, and a layer of frost and snow seemed to condense on his feathered eyelashes. The ice-blue eyes were filled with a chill that couldn't be dissolved, and even the thin and soft lips The petals are bloodless.

A person as beautiful as snow.

Luo Cixian's long feathered eyelashes trembled slightly, and only then did she realize the difference.

The elk in front of the sleigh are made of ice and snow, but they are not dead, but very spiritual. They knelt on the ground, raised their heads and looked at the girl curiously.

And the clothing on the man is also made of ice and snow, which is luxurious and delicate.

He stretched out his slender and fair hand towards Luo Ci. Inexplicably, she felt that the other's hand had an abnormal sense of transparency, white to transparent.

The Ice King whispered, "Come to me."

He couldn't control his natural indifference, but his ice blue eyes were a little tender.

Luo Ci slowly put her hand on his hand, and the Ice and Snow King used a little force to bring her into his arms. He bowed his head slightly, and there was a slight smile on his delicate and cold face.

The cold and slender lips were printed on her smooth and white forehead, and the heart made of ice and snow brought joy for the first time in her life.

He has been waiting for her for a long time.

But in the next second, the body of the girl in his arms gradually lost its temperature, the little face was completely bloodless, and the feathers were soon stained with frost and snow, and there were faint signs of turning into ice sculptures. The Ice King quickly released her, and she was slow. Slowly returning to normal, the little face became rosy again.

The people in the town were covered by ice and snow without exception, turning into lifelike ice sculptures.

The Ice King's eyes dimmed slightly, the ice blue eyes were dyed with huge loss, and the snow-white fingertips were slightly clenched.

Sure enough, he still couldn't get close to humans.

The uncontrollable magic will only turn living creatures into ice and snow, and even hurt her.

Seeing that the ice and snow still showed signs of extension, he stared at the girl, and finally disappeared into snowflakes.

Only the sleigh and two snow elk were left on the ground.

Luo Ci was stunned in place.

She probably knew what happened before, and there was still a cold touch on her forehead, as if it was going to be cold to the bottom of her heart, but she felt a kind of silent sadness.

from the other side.

She thought she was about to turn into an ice sculpture, but there was a warmth in her body that dispelled the cold, allowing her to slowly return to normal.

But the people in the town were not as lucky as her.

Luo Ci pursed her lips and looked at the townspeople who had turned into ice sculptures, feeling a little at a loss for a while.

An ice and snow elk said to her, "They are not in danger for the time being, they just have to find a way to restore them to their original state before the winter passes."

Otherwise, in the spring, these people will always maintain the appearance of ice sculptures.

Magic has to be solved by magic, and cannot rely on pure natural phenomena. These ice sculptures cannot be opened by humans.

Luo Ci settled down, she remembered that someone in the town had mentioned about witches, maybe witches would have a solution.

The sleigh and two snow elk left behind are the best means of transportation, so that she will not go on foot.

Ice King, is that what you mean?

He wanted her to come to him.

She took a few steps towards the two ice and snow elk, and tentatively touched the head of one of them. It was very docile, cold and soft to the touch, and did not feel cold.

The other one seemed to be reluctant to bring its head over to beg for a touch, wanting her to touch its horns.

She touched them one by one, and the two ice and snow elk were satisfied.

What Luo Ci didn't know at this time was that in a place she couldn't see, there was a snow-white hair ball looking at her aggrievedly, hoping that she could recover her memory sooner.

She said to the ice and snow elk, "Can you take me to the witch?"

Ice Snow Elk then rubbed her hand, "Of course, I'll be happy to serve you."

"You wait here for me, I'll go home and get something."

She has to bring some thick clothes and food.

On the way home, she saw that all the people in the town had turned into ice sculptures, even the people in the house.

The people in the town took good care of her, and she must find a way to get them back.


The Snow King seemed to be looking for her.

The townspeople were all devastated.

Her home is relatively small, but it can also shelter from the wind and snow. She has a large portion of cuboid bread and a jar of jam. She thought about it, and she wanted to save some bread, so she cut the bread into a dozen slices and carefully wrapped it. Well, in a square wooden basket.

Thinking that it might be cold there, she put on new thick clothes, put on a scarf, and was fully dressed, and she also wore a big cloak.

When it was time to go out, a sheepskin map suddenly appeared out of thin air on the table in the room. The sign on it was very clear, and it also indicated the specific route.

There is also a snowflake imprint in the lower left corner of the sheepskin map.

Luo Ci lightly stroked the snowflake mark.

Is this what the Snow King gave her?

Putting the sheepskin map together in the wooden basket, she walked out of the house and glanced at her house one last time. She had a hunch that she might not come back once she left.

Luo Ci returned to the front of the sleigh, and the languid Snow Elk immediately became energetic and motioned her to get on the sleigh.

Sitting on the sleigh, the snow elk quickly ran. Luo Ci hooked the handle of the wooden basket with her arm, and took out the sheepskin map to watch it carefully.

The ice and snow elk ran on the ground, and did not hover in the air or run in the air like the Snow King was there.

That requires magic support.

And Luo Ci is just an ordinary person for the time being, and has no magic power.

The speed of the elk is not very fast, so the wind and snow encountered during the journey is not violent.

Luo porcelain put her hands on the armrests, the bottom of the sled and the armrests are made of silver, the base is also inlaid with a few crystal clear sapphires, and even the seat is extraordinarily luxurious.

She thought silently, is this called the leakage of wealth?

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