If you encounter a robber, it is appropriate to be targeted.

Luo Ci guessed in her heart that the ice and snow elk ran fast and should be able to escape smoothly. She seemed to be unable to defeat the robber.

The unseen Chiu Chiu lay silently on her lap, it held the little paw that was sticking out from nowhere, it would protect the porcelain well!

The witch's residence is relatively far away, and the ice and snow elk do not dare to drive too fast, so as not to get cold to her, there is no way to reach her on the first night.

It snowed heavily at night, forming a miniature snowstorm, blocking the view, and the elk gradually lost their way.

Luo Ci blocked the blizzard with her cloak and tried to see the surrounding scene. The sled suddenly trembled, probably hitting an obstacle. The sudden collision made the base rise up, and she held the handrail tightly to prevent it from falling.

The ice and snow elk are very nervous with their eyes wide open. They are the product of ice and snow, and they won't hurt much. If they fall apart, they can still be put back together, but the little master can't. If they fall, the master will definitely be unhappy.

She thought that the sled probably fell to the ground on its side, but an invisible force controlled the sled to stabilize a little bit, and finally landed slowly on the ground.

Luo Ci breathed a sigh of relief, and the hair **** on her legs also loosened from the tight state.

Must be an adult!

The ice and snow elk drive forward slowly, trying to identify whether there are obstacles under their feet, so as not to disturb the little master again.

One of them suddenly became more interested, "There is light ahead!"

The other followed, "We can settle down there."

They were originally worried that there would be no campsites at night, and the little master's body would definitely not be able to take it. Now they have found a place to sleep.

When she got closer, Luo Ci tightly covered her cloak and got off the sleigh. She reached out and knocked on the wooden door, asking aloud, "Can I stay overnight?"

Her voice trembled a little, her nose was red from freezing, and the hot air she exhaled when she spoke quickly turned into an icy white mist, and the blizzard was whistling, almost engulfing her words.

But the owner of the house still heard it. He opened the door, very politely, and motioned her to go in.

Luo Ci carried the basket and entered the house together with the two ice and snow elk, while the sleigh was placed outside.

The fireplace in the house is burning with wood, which is very warm and bright.

Only then did she see the owner of the house clearly. He looked a little bigger than Luo Ci, and his appearance was not very prominent. It was just a pair of ice blue eyes that were exceptionally beautiful, crystal clear, and contained some fine rays of light.

She was stunned, these eyes were very familiar.

His facial features and eyes do not match.

Luo Ci thanked him, "Thank you for taking me in."

The boy nodded slightly, but did not speak. He pointed to the hot vegetable bone soup that was burning on the stove, as if he wanted to warm her body.

And as if she was not allowed to refuse at all, let her sit at the table and start taking a bowl of soup.

The soup tasted very strong, and there were a few mushrooms floating on it. He filled a bowl of soup and put it in front of her.

Luo Ci thanked him again, "Thank you! Don't you drink?"

The boy shook his head and just looked at her silently.

She was no longer polite, and slowly picked up the spoon to drink the soup. She also took out the bread from the wooden basket and dipped it in the soup to eat it.

In fact, it is not so easy for her to trust others, but she has an inexplicable certainty in her heart that the other party will not harm her.

The boy stared at her with beautiful ice blue eyes for a while, then turned around and went to the water tank filled with water, and silently stretched out his hand.

The slender hands are now somewhat mutilated, some fingers have lost some flesh and blood, the exposed bones are made of wood, and even there are several holes in the palm, which looks ugly and terrible.

He had been hiding before, so she didn't see it.

He scooped up a scoop of water with a wooden scoop, and silently put his hands in, and both hands returned to normal, intact.

After the deal was settled, the boy sat opposite Luo Ci without speaking, just stared at her quietly.

After Luo Ci finished drinking the hot soup, her whole body felt warm, and the chill she had endured in the snow completely disappeared.

She knew that the owner of the hut was probably unable to speak, so she didn't mention the matter, she thought about it and asked, "Do you know witches?"

Although I was looking for a witch and had a sheepskin map, no one knew whether the witch would be willing to help, or what gift they needed to give the other party.

It's always right to ask now.

The reason why he asked him was because the owner of the hut was not at all curious when he saw the obviously abnormal ice and snow elk, as if he was accustomed to this situation.

She guessed he should know.

The boy stared at her for a moment, took out a pen and paper, and wrote on it, "What are you doing with a witch?"

He doesn't seem to be very good at using a pen, and he writes slowly, but his handwriting is very neat.

Luo Ci paid attention to what he was writing, but didn't notice that his eyebrows were furrowed, as if he was enduring some pain.

She quickly replied, "Everyone in our town has turned into ice sculptures, and I have to find a way to turn them back."

The boy's eyelashes trembled, he pursed his lips, and continued to write, "Do you blame the person who turned them into ice sculptures?"

My heart slowly became tense and uneasy, but I was eager to get her answer.

Luo Ci felt that he was very close and didn't hide it much.

She shook her head, "No complaints." After a while, she said, "I know he didn't mean it."

She felt very sorry in her heart. The townspeople were turned into ice sculptures because of the Snow King, but she had no resentment in her heart, and even wanted to find him.

What's more, she has no right to complain. After all, this innocent disaster is likely to be caused by her. Only those innocent townspeople have the right to complain.

She can only find a solution as soon as possible now, so that the townspeople can return to normal.

The boy suddenly felt a little joy in his heart, and he wrote word by word, "I can go to the witch with you, she will not agree to your request if you go alone."

Luo Ci looked at him, "Will it bother you too much?"

He shook his head, his eyes very firm.

She stared into the boy's eyes, inexplicably in a trance.

After a long while, he said, "Thank you."

"What's your name? My name is Luo Ci."

She was probably the only person in town with an oriental name.

The boy's icy blue eyes flickered for a moment, and he lowered his head and wrote a few words, "No name."

This time Luo Ci paid attention to his facial expressions, she noticed that the other party's eyebrows were wrinkled and the lips were pursed tightly, as if it was very painful.

His eyes fell back to his hands, his fingers were taut, with extra effort.

She was startled.

Will it hurt to write?

For some reason, it was only the first time they met, but there was a little pain in her heart, as if she couldn't see the other party's discomfort at all.

She looked at his written words again, paused, and said softly, "If you feel uncomfortable, stop writing. I can learn to understand your sign language."

The boy put down his pen, his ice blue eyes suddenly softened.

It used to be the never-ending frost and snow, but now it is the shredded starlight.

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