Saying that, she also gave a demonstration, "Just like me."

The bear stared at the fire for a while, and in the end, it was probably the residual heat from the fire that made him like it a little bit, so he got closer, and cautiously put out his claws, imitating Luo Ci to put his hands above the fire for a distance to keep warm.

Luo Ci also gently pushed its bear paw, "Stay away, or you will be set on fire."

The bear also moved upwards meekly.

Two small hands and two big bear paws are warming up with the fire.

The two ice and snow elk also approached, stretching their bodies lazily.

Only the Ice and Snow King sat silently not far away, staring at them quietly.

His current state is that he is afraid of fire, and his reaction is even more violent than those of the two elk. They can still be far away from the fire, and as long as he gets close, his body will slowly melt.

Previously, in the transformed log cabin, he was almost trying to avoid approaching the fireplace, and even laying the floor was far away.

As soon as the body is about to melt, he touches the water.

This is just a puppet, and the core of his power is not there, so he is naturally afraid of fire and heat.

But that's okay.

The slender lips have a shallow arc.

As long as she doesn't get cold.

It doesn't matter if you can't be with her.

At this moment, Luo Ci got up and walked towards him. She shook her previous cloak, which still had a bit of ice and snow on it. She put the cloak on the boy to block the light.

"You have a good rest here."

She went back to the fire to bake it again, her body just blocking the light that was shining on him.

The Snow King stared blankly at the cape that was draped over him, and on it was a ball of snowballs the size of two adult fists she had pinched.

He silently put his hand on the snowball.

The body just got better.

The chill from the snowball was instead the energy he could draw from.

The ice-blue eyes softened a bit, and a slight joy slowly came from his heart.

Even if the core of ice and snow is not on his body, he can still feel the slight throbbing from there.

And a little bit of warmth from it.

Luo Ci also stretched out her feet towards the fire, roasting the frozen feet, and the bear followed suit and roasted the soles of her feet.

Probably because it gradually fell in love with the fire, and a gentle roar came out of its throat. It looked at the flint and flint that Luo Ci had not put into the wooden basket, and carefully twisted it with the bear's paw.

Speaking of which, its claws are relatively flexible and can use the claw tips on bear paws, just like human fingers.

The tip of the two claws twisted the flint and flint and handed it in the direction of Luo Ci, and the dark eyes looked at it a little.

As if longing for something.

Luo Ci thought for a while, "Do you want to learn how to start a fire?"

The bear nodded hastily.

She knew that the bear's movements before eating jam and twisting the flint were more flexible, and should be able to use it more smoothly without hurting herself.

"Okay, I can teach you, but you have to be careful."

After all, the fur on a bear can easily be set on fire if one is not careful.

She gave a demonstration, explained slowly, and said some precautions, so as not to accidentally set the forest on fire.

Although it was only a very small and simple matter, she still spoke with some seriousness.

After all, it's a bear.

She is responsible for its safety.

The bear understood it in general, and followed it a few times. At first, the tips of the claws were still a little inflexible, but after getting used to it, the fire started smoothly.

Luo Ci saw that there was basically nothing wrong with it, and slowly heaved a sigh of relief, "These pair of flints are given to you."

This is because she knows that this is not an ordinary bear to teach each other. It probably can do magic or something. Maybe it will become a human when it grows up.

she thought so.

The blizzard continued, she thought, yawned, and rested slowly against the bear's thick fur.

Sure enough, the plush is warmer.

The bear glanced down at her and continued to eat with the jam.

In fact, it is so easy for the other party to enter the hole, and even set fire to it, all because she exudes an aura that makes the living creatures like it.

If you change someone, it will not be so smooth.


When Luo Ci woke up, the fire was half out, and the snowstorm had stopped outside.

She felt a lot warmer on her body, got up and packed her things, and the Ice King had already adjusted her physical condition, standing aside and staring at her quietly.

Luo Ci waved to Xiong, "Goodbye."

The bear stretched out a bear paw with a bear paw print of an unknown material on it, and handed it to her.

"This is for me?"

Bear nodded.

Luo Ci took the paw print, which was smaller than her hand. There was also a crown imprint in the middle of the paw print. After she put it away, she reminded, "Thank you, you must be careful when using flint."

She wondered, is this bear still the heir of the Bear King?

She vaguely felt that the bear was still relatively young, probably because she had seen bigger bear paw prints in her impression.

The bear also waved its paws at her.

The Ice King's eyes flickered when he saw the paw print.

This is the bear's approval.

The bear clan will shelter her.

With this royal bear claw mark, no other beast will attack her.

Ice blue clear eyes with a shallow smile, she is great, but relying on her own strength, she found a place to live, and also gained the friendship of a bear.

This is actually already in the wizarding world.

And she is just an ordinary person.

The two got on the sleigh, and Luo Ci took out the sheepskin map. This time, she didn't point the way herself, but asked the Ice King first, "Which direction should we go now?"

He pointed in one direction, and the elk ran quickly.

After the blizzard stopped, it wasn't so cold, it didn't matter if the speed was faster.

Luo Ci also didn't think about taking it slow. After all, time waits for no one, and she has to arrive at the Ice and Snow Palace before spring.

There were also some snow wolves on the way of the sleigh, but they just glanced at them and ignored them.

This made Luo Ci heave a sigh of relief.

She knew that she must not have that kind of ability, it should be because of the mark the bear gave her.

Until night fell, the sleigh slowly stopped in front of a dark forest.

Luo Ci checked the map, "This should be the Goblin Forest."

The forest in front of him is like a black hole swallowing people, shrouded in a layer of gray fog, so deep and bottomless.

At this time, the rose in his hand exudes a faint light.

This gave her some confidence.

Don't be afraid of light.

"Let's go in."

The Ice King inadvertently touched the sled with his fingertips, and the few sapphires at the base exuded a faint blue light.

Dreamy and beautiful.

Luo Ci stared blankly at the dim light gradually emitted from the sled, her light-colored eyes suddenly a little dazed.

She seemed to have seen such a faint blue light before.

It's just that they are in the shape of a tree, and the faint blue light spots and the swaying and falling silver leaves add radiance and radiance to each other, which is very beautiful.

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