A familiar image flew through her mind so quickly that she couldn't grasp it.

No matter how Luo Ci looked at the faint blue light emanating from the base of the sled, she could not capture the familiar feeling.

The Snow King saw that she had been looking at the dim light, and looked down at his hand. The snow-white to some transparent fingers moved, and a ray of ice and snow magic flowed out from the fingertips, circling in the palm of the hand, and finally turned into a flower of ice. Blue flower buds.

This flower is icy blue and flawless, with two transparent and round leaves, and the stamens exude a faint blue light like a wick.

She should like it.

He held the flower and gently handed it to Luo Ci, with a soft look in his eyes.

She noticed the ice flower, stunned, took the branch of Bing Lingling, lowered her eyelids and stared at the flower, with an indescribable sense of familiarity.

There was a little bit of coldness where the finger touched the flower branch, but she was a little reluctant to let go.


This is the flower that the Snow King condensed with ice. The edges and corners are softened deliberately, becoming round and not easy to scratch the skin.

It can also be regarded as an ice lantern.

Luo Ci said softly to the two ice and snow elk in front, "Let's go."

What she lost will be found sooner or later.

As for how this flower came, none of them took the initiative to clarify.

The Goblin Forest is not that cold, but it is still winter. The surrounding trees are covered with a layer of snow, but these trees are much taller than the outside world, and even block the sky, making the forest extraordinarily dark.

There is no gloomy and terrifying atmosphere, after all, this is the residence of goblins.

Luo Ci remembered something an old grandma in the town once said about goblins. They are kind-hearted and very united within the clan.

The adults in the town didn't believe what the grandmother said. Only children liked to hear it, but every time the children heard it, their parents would tell them that it was fake.

The elk continued to gallop forward, and the middle layer was still full of spring green, full of vitality, and the trees were dotted with light green spots.

At this time, there was no need for lights to illuminate the road ahead. Luo Ci put both flowers into the wooden basket, thinking that they were on fire and cold, and separated them a bit.

Light green spots of light slowly spilled down on their clothes, on the sleigh seat, and on the two snow elk in front of them.

Speaking of which, the two elk were originally snow-white and snow-white, but with a little more green light, the whole body became green against the background.

But they like it.

Even stopped in place, the two elk were playing with each other and sticking out their heads to rub the green light spots on each other's bodies.

They haven't had much exposure to colors other than white and ice blue before.

Luo Ci didn't urge them either. After their excitement passed, the elk took the initiative to pull the sled and ran.

Those green fluorescent dots do not exist for a long time, and they slowly disappear after falling for a period of time.

She guessed that this might be a form of manifestation similar to magical power?

The core of the goblin forest is the real place where the goblins are based. The sleigh slowly stopped, Luo Ci and the Ice King came down and looked at the flat land in front of them. The land was either covered with moss, a little mushroom, or some other place. With pretty little flowers.

Goblins... do they live underground?

She looked left and right, but saw nowhere to live.

The Snow King suddenly clenched her hand and pulled her behind him.

The ground trembled slowly, he stabilized her body, firmly held Luo Ci's shoulders, almost half-embracing her, the support from his palm made people feel reassuring.

The goblins emerged from the ground, and some appeared in the form of rolling stones. An elder goblin, headed by them, cast green magic on the ground, and the land gradually returned to a flat appearance.

Their skin color is somewhat close to the color of bluestone and the color of the ground under their feet, and the tone is light green.

They don't conform to human aesthetics, they look ugly and cute.

A few of the goblins shrank lazily in place, and if they hadn't known in advance that they were goblins, they might have thought they were stones.

The elder goblin saw the two of them, his wise eyes filled with doubts, and he recognized the identity of the Snow King.

There were no living creatures around the Snow King, but at this time he was standing beside the girl in a protective posture.

Even puppet stand-ins were used.

It waved its staff, and some scenes slowly emerged in the air, including how the townspeople turned into ice sculptures, the two going to the cherry orchard, and a corner of the future.

"Little girl, I already know your intention."

"Please come with me."

The elder goblin pointed to the ground, and an underground passage slowly emerged, which led Luo Ci and the two towards the passage.

As for the two snow elk, they wanted to follow at first, but the underground passages merged, so they had to stay on the ground, and then they played with the little goblins.

The ground was a little dark, and the light only depended on the spar inlaid on the soil wall, and the Ice and Snow King took the opportunity to hold Luo Ci's hand.

She was stunned, but did not resist.

His hands were not warm, even a little cold, maybe not warm, but very reliable.

She shook her hand back and followed the elder goblin silently.

What the witch showed her on the screen was what she was looking for.

There is one of them in the Goblin Forest.

I don't know how long they walked, and they came to a quiet underground pool.

The pool is small, with white crystals on the edge, and the spring water inside is sparkling and crystal clear.

The elder goblin said, "If the spirit of plants and trees approves of you, the sky above the pool will change, and you will get what you want."

But if you don't agree, you can only return to the top of the ground.

For humans with good intentions, the goblins have an attitude of acceptance and tolerance, not to mention that this little girl wants the townspeople to return to normal, so the elder goblins did not block too much.

Then, it tells Luo Ci how to awaken the spirit of plants and trees.

There are seven grooves on the wall, and she needs to find seven gems to be embedded in them, quietly waiting for the appearance of the spirit of plants and trees.

The elder goblins waited for them to return.

Luo Ci and the Snow King were looking for gems nearby.

The seven grooves are all the same shape, which means that the gemstones are all the same, maybe a little different in color.

Just as she was thinking about it, something small touched her feet lightly.

She bowed her head slightly, her pale eyes a little stunned.

There was a flower made of seven gems on the ground, and the root that changed out was walking. Seeing that she noticed it, she tilted her body, as if she was a little curious.

And the shape of the seven gems is exactly the shape corresponding to the seven grooves.

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