Luo Ci squatted down slightly and stretched out her hand towards the gem flower. The gem flower stepped tentatively and climbed into the palm of her hand, lying lazily.

It means closeness.

The light-colored and beautiful pupils were slightly at a loss.

She needs to set the gems in the grooves to awaken the spirit of plants and trees, but the gems are all gathered on this flower.

They have given birth to intelligence and are no longer dead.

Those gem petals are equivalent to a part of it, and if it is forcibly removed, it must be uncomfortable.

The Ice and Snow King glanced at the gem flower lightly, and the faint blue light in the bottom of his eyes floated up and down.

Luo Ci carefully held the flower and said to him, "Let's go back first."

The elder goblin was a little surprised to see the two returning so soon, and his pupils shrank when he saw the gem flower in the girl's hands.

It heard the girl's distressed voice, "Is there any other way to wake up the spirit of plants and trees?"

The goblin elder knew it in his heart, but still asked, "Didn't you already find these gems?"

Luo Ci lightly touched the petals of the gem flower with her fingers, it probably felt a little itchy, the petals moved, and her body shrank.

"But it is already a living body, and I can't forcefully dismantle the gems on it."

The elder goblin smiled and said, "You have found the spirit of grass and trees, and have been recognized by it."

It could see that the spirit of plants and trees was actively approaching her.

Luo Ci was just stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted, "You mean, it is the spirit of plants and trees?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the jewel in her palm nodded, expressing her approval.

Then it rolled over lazily and jumped towards the pool water. The seven gems on its body flew back to the grooves, and the pool water emitted a white and soft light.

And the spirits of plants and trees are suspended above the pond water, and they are a small group of light green unknown creatures.

Countless tiny diamond-shaped crystals emerged from the pool water. They were all light green, but the light was weaker than the spirit of plants and trees, and the volume was smaller.

One of them flew towards Luo Ci slowly and leisurely, and landed in her hands. A crystal clear pale green diamond-shaped crystal lay peacefully.

This is what she needs.

After holding it in the palm of her hand, Luo Ci felt that something was different, but she couldn't tell exactly where it was.

The Ice and Snow King's beautiful pupils were filled with a shallow smile, and there were tiny ice-blue stars shining in them, as if they were extremely happy.

After getting the diamond-shaped crystal, the pool water returned to its original state, and the spirits of plants and trees disappeared.

The elder goblin led them back to the ground.

At this time, the snow elk and the little goblins were having a good time. They had decorations on their backs and horns, and many goose-yellow flowers were inserted on them as embellishments.

A bit like a sika deer in another sense.

It's just that their bodies are snow-white, and their spots are goose-yellow.

After seeing the two of Luo Ci, they happily ran over to show their new look.

She touched their bodies one by one and complimented, "It's beautiful."

Not only are the elk happy, but the little goblins are also very excited.

Luo Ci said to the gnomes, "Thank you, we are going on our journey."

If it weren't for the fact that he was still in business, he might have stayed and had more contact with them, but obviously not now.

The elk reluctantly said goodbye to the goblins, and the sleigh continued to set off.

Presumably to express the goblin's hospitality, some goblins roll around behind the sled in the form of a stone, which is considered a gift.

Luo Ci held the light green crystal and leaned back in the chair tiredly, "I thought there would be a lot of obstacles."

As a result, except that it was a little dark and dull when entering, there were basically no twists and turns, and even the spirits of plants and trees came out of their own accord.

It's just that she was a little tired from the journey. She collected one of the objects, slowly relaxed, and gradually fell asleep.

The Snow King half supported her and let her rest on his lap. He knew that his body would be a little cold, so he folded the cloak neatly on his lap, which was equivalent to her pillow.

In this way, she should not feel cold.

Snow-white fingertips lightly touched her long eyelashes, while the other hand stroked her soft chestnut hair.

As long as he doesn't touch her skin directly, he won't get her cold.

In fact, the goblin forest is not just the residence of goblins, there are other creatures, such as bat colonies in the shadows, and others.

It's just that he sent a message to them, not allowing them to run out and scare her.

She seems to be afraid of the dark.

And if countless pairs of scarlet eyes appeared in the dark, it would definitely scare her.

That's what he didn't want to see.

A wisp of ice and snow magic flowed from her fingertips, and the sheepskin map in her pocket fell into his hands. The map unfolded, and the next location displayed on it was Mermaid Bay.

There are three places left, Mermaid Bay, Beiwu Volcano, and Ice Palace.

It's not that he can't take her directly back to the Ice Palace, but this will only cause her to be permanently frozen.

The Snow King cast a layer of magic on the map, and the map returned to her pocket. After casting the magic, his face was extremely pale, and he seemed to have consumed a lot.

The ice blue pupils have dimmed a lot, and they are no longer in the same spirit as before.

There are even faint signs of transparency, his knuckles are exposed, the knuckles made of wood.

Fortunately, the sled has already traveled to the periphery, and there is snow on the periphery. He can absorb the power of the snow and stabilize the body.

When Luo Ci woke up, the Snow King had returned to normal, at least his face was no longer pale, and his hands were intact.

After leaving the goblin forest, they entered the snowy world again.

It was late at night, and scattered stars appeared in the night sky. Luo Ci felt that there should be no more blizzards at the moment.

Although she had rested before, the elk hadn't stopped. They were the products of ice and snow, right, but wouldn't they get tired?

They happened to see a huge tree hole on the way, they stopped and spent the night in the tree hole.

The sled was still outside, but Luo Ci covered its original appearance with a cloak, making it look a little gray.

Luo Ci handed the pale green crystal to the Snow King, and then lit a small fire, she said to him, "Can you give me a cup?"

The Ice King was stunned. He clenched the crystal in his left hand and turned the palm of his right hand upward, and soon a cup appeared.

He knew this meant a complete reveal of identity.

Luo Ci took the cup, blocked some firelight, and looked at him with shallow eyes, "Are you still suffering now?"

When she held the diamond-shaped crystal given to her by the spirit of plants and trees, she didn't seem to be as afraid of cold as before. She thought that if it was given to him, he would not be so afraid of the heat from the fire.

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