The forest gradually transitioned to the beach, and the beach was empty, except for some shells that were blown up by the waves, and crabs that quickly hid.

The bay is covered with reefs of different shapes. Many reefs were beaten by the waves and gradually became smoother. There was a stone mermaid statue standing in the center of the bay, surrounded by six stone pillars, and the heights of the stone pillars were not uniform.

Luo Ci got off the sleigh. This is not a real mermaid bay, because it lacks vitality, and there are not even fish. All they are left with is the mermaid statue, and only a few crabs can be seen on the beach.

She has to summon the merman and get the blue ocean crystal.

Just like grass crystals.

She let the Snow King sit on the sled to rest, and there were grass and tree crystals on him, which could relieve some discomfort.

And she took off her boots, stepped on the soft sand, and slowly approached Repulse Bay.

From a distance, these reefs are relatively close together, and they are not huge. Only when you get close can you know the actual distance between the reefs.

When Luo Ci jumped to another reef, her feet slipped and she fell into the sea water. She threw a few times in the water, ignoring the pain in her calf, and swam to the vicinity of the mermaid statue.

Originally, I thought about not getting my clothes wet, so I didn't plan to swim over, but now it's broken.

The Ice King's hand resting on the armrest exerted a little force, his eyes stared in the direction of her for a moment, and his slender lips were tightly pursed.

Is she hurt...

He smelled her blood.

He can no longer use magic at will, otherwise what would she do if she went to Beiwu Volcano.

Luo Ci was tired from swimming, so she found a reef and climbed up slowly. At this time, she was closer to the six stone pillars and the mermaid statue. She tried her best to think with her head.

After resting, she looked down at the abrasions on her calf, which was still dripping with bright red blood, and the wound was a little deep.

She scooped up the water and rinsed it a few more times, then ignored it.

Feeling that there is basically no problem, I then swam towards the mermaid statue.

She looked around the mermaid statue and the six stone pillars for a long time, but she still couldn't see why.

Silently supporting a stone pillar, he stared at the mermaid statue, his eyes touched the harp in the mermaid's hand.

She thought a little randomly, the person who built this stone statue is so delicate even the harp, the seven notes on it are so clear that even the hand of the mermaid did not block the notes.


seven notes...

There are six stone pillars stacked in height, and a statue that is significantly higher than the other stone pillars.

The height represents the scale.

She memorized the order of the notes on the harp, and slowly swam to the stone pillar represented by the first note, looking for a switch that could be pressed.

It didn't take long for her to see several notches on the stone pillar, and she pressed the correct one.

The stone pillar responded quickly, it made a clear sound, and gradually emitted a light blue light.

Now she knew that her conjecture was correct, so she went to the other stone pillars and pressed the other six notes in turn.

The last one is the mermaid statue.

After all the notes were pressed, a coherent and beautiful tune sounded, and at the same time, the mermaid's unique voice sounded, humming along with the tune.

Mermaid statue, probably alive.

The sea creatures gradually emerged, circling around the mermaid, posing in various shapes with the tune, and rainbow bubbles slowly floated in the air, with dreamy colors.

The mermaid's voice stopped, and the diamond-shaped crystal between her eyebrows flew towards Luo Ci and landed in her hands.

All the visions gradually disappeared, and the sea creatures left one after another.

Luo Ci held the ocean crystal in her hand and thanked her silently in her heart. She originally thought that it would take some time to swim back, but there was a smooth creature rubbing against her ankle to show her intimacy.

When she looked down, it was a sparkling pink dolphin, and the bruise on her calf disappeared for some time.

Startled for a while, she tentatively touched the dolphin, but the other party did not resist at all, and even made a somewhat pleasant sound.

The dolphin said, "You awakened the mermaid, and I will take you on the next journey!"

"thank you!"

Pink Dolphin scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "Actually, we have to thank you. Mermaid Song has the ability to heal and purify. We all felt very comfortable before, and the magical potential of the newborns in the clan has increased a lot. !"

That's why so many sea creatures come here.

And Luo Ci's calf injury and physical fatigue disappeared completely.

Luo Ci couldn't help but ask, "Are there other mermaids at the bottom of the sea?"

The pink dolphin shook his head, "I don't know, mermaids are very mysterious, and few people can see them."

When it looked at the mermaid statue, its eyes flashed, "It is said that this mermaid statue was created by a mermaid who sacrificed himself in order to protect the ocean, so this place is called Mermaid Bay."

It feels that the legend is true.

Luo Ci looked at the stone statue and said softly, "She has always guarded this ocean."

What she didn't know was that the mermaid's voice was also deceptive. If she was deceived by the sound of this song, she would not get the ocean crystals.

It's just that Luo Ci's eyes were always clear, and she simply thought the tune was nice.

"Can you take me to the beach? I'll have my companions come over."

Of course, the closest way to Beiwu Volcano is to swim directly there. Originally, she planned to take a detour, but now with the help of dolphins, it should be much more convenient.

Just...can the sled float on the sea?

The dolphin motioned for her to ride on it, and it swam quickly towards the beach.

Luo Ci returned to the beach and ran towards the Snow King barefoot, with a cheerful tone, "I got the ocean crystal! Here's it for you!"

Since the grass crystals are useful to him, the ocean crystals must also be helpful to him, maybe it will not be so uncomfortable!

The Ice and Snow King's clear and beautiful eyes were slightly startled, and his eyelashes drooped slightly. He slowly took over the ocean crystal, and the feeling of rejection and pain was relieved a lot.

The icy blue pupils are no longer frost and snow, but with a gentle love.

It's normal to like her.

Even if you forget her thousands of times, when we meet again, you can't help but feel moved for her and make an exception for her.

She clearly knew... what kind of benefits these crystals would bring her, but she handed them to herself without hesitation.

Seeing that his face was slowly returning to normal, Luo Ci felt a lot more relaxed, "Can our sleigh glide on the sea? The dolphin said they can give us a ride."

The Snow King nodded lightly.

"Our" made his heart extremely soft.

The ice and snow elk ran towards the dolphin's position. The pink dolphin immediately made a strange sound, and a dark blue dolphin quickly jumped out of the water.

One pink and one dark blue took the initiative to drag the sled forward on the sea, swimming in the direction of Beiwu Volcano.

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