The dolphins took their sleds across the ocean, and at night they stopped on the sea to rest, with lightning and thunder, strong winds, and a torrential downpour soon after.

The temperature has also dropped quite a bit.

The Ice King's condition was much better than before, and his ice-blue pupils lightly looked at the elk thumping happily in the water.

The temperature of the sea water will not be very hot, it is just right, but the closer it is to Beiwu volcano, the higher the water temperature will be. Not only will his body collapse, but the two ice and snow elk will also melt.

But the torrential rain made them feel better.

But this is only temporary.

The snow-white fingertips lightly tapped, and a crystal clear ice umbrella floated in the air. The slender and fair fingers gently held it, and silently stretched out towards Luo Ci, her beautiful eyes staring at her quietly.

But he himself was placed in the rain, letting the wind blow and the rain, letting the wind and waves rise, blocking all the wind and waves for her.

He is not afraid of heavy rain, and can even draw some energy to make up for himself, but if she is exposed to the rain, she will get sick.

Luo Ci hugged her knees and huddled on the sled seat. Her wet clothes during the day were dried by the sea breeze as the dolphins dragged the sled along, but she was also inevitably cold.

She looked at the ice umbrella on top of her head that shielded her from the wind and rain, and reached out to hold the corner of the Ice King's clothes, "Are you still feeling uncomfortable now?"

She wasn't going to let the other party accompany her to Beiwu Volcano, she was going to find a time for the dolphins to stop and take him and the elk to a place where the temperature was slightly lower, while she relied on the dolphins to take her there.

After all, they are products of ice and snow.

Volcanoes are deadly.

The Snow King shook his head slightly, although his whole body was covered in rain, he didn't look embarrassed at all.

There was no trace of wetness on his body, as if he had used those rain waves for his own use.

Luo Ci fell into a deep sleep, huddled in a ball, and the Snow King released a sleeping magic on her, and there was a transparent protective cover around her.

Originally, he couldn't use this kind of magic, but the witch could. The witch stored the sleeping magic in the rose.

She was accidentally stabbed by a thorn on a rose branch, so the rose recognizes her breath and releases the protective shield.

The magic on this rose will also disappear.

The Ice King took out a necklace from nowhere, put it on her gently, glanced at her silently with beautiful eyes, then got up and slowly walked towards Beiwu Volcano on the ice.

It soon disappeared into the waves.

The dolphins and elk watched him go away very quietly.


Beiwu Volcano, an active volcano, is still dormant, but it may erupt at any time.

And the temperature there is extremely high, and ordinary people can't reach it smoothly, which is why he is worried.

Unlike the previous two places, she can obtain plant crystals and ocean crystals by virtue of her wisdom and her own affinity, but the flame crystals are different, and there is no possibility of cheating.

She had to go to the top of the volcano and get the fire crystal from above the crater.

The Ice King silently stood at the bottom of the volcano, looking up at the fire-colored diamond-shaped crystals suspended in the crater.

A bridge made of ice and snow slowly appeared in the sky. He stepped on the ice steps and slowly walked towards the crater.

The hand hanging by his side melted a little bit, gradually revealing the wood knuckles inside, and the transparent snow water dripped on the ice steps, blooming beautiful ice flowers.

The closer he got to the crater, the more pain he had to endure, the pale face slowly cracked, and only wooden phalanges remained in his hands.

It's just what he looks like.

The only thing that didn't change was those icy blue eyes that were as clear as crystal.

The Ice King gently held the fire-colored diamond-shaped crystal, and the scorching heat in his palms quickly spread throughout his body. He stood at the top of the ice ladder, and his eyes quietly looked in the direction of his girl.

A faint smile slowly appeared on his already broken face.

He thought he was about to get what his life wanted soon.

In the next second, his body was completely shattered, with silvery shreds of light, and finally disappeared, leaving only the small puppets suspended in place.

A cluster of ice bloomed upwards like fireworks, with his words, with three diamond-shaped crystals of different colors, with the puppet, and flew towards the person he missed.


On the sea, the wind was calm, the warm sunlight shone, the protective cover gradually disappeared, the power of the sleeping magic had dissipated, and Luo Ci slowly woke up.

The light-colored pupils were a little stunned, and the petals of the fire-colored roses scattered, floating in the sky, romantically blurred.

A gentle breeze came from the Ice King's gentle words mixed with coldness, "I'll be waiting for you in the Palace of Ice and Snow."

She stared blankly at the puppet flying towards her, and gently caught it. The three diamond-shaped crystals rushed towards the necklace around her neck, fitting into the grooves in it.

In a flash of light, she slowly floated in mid-air, her whole body submerged in pure white light, warm, and some power was slowly transforming her body.

The sealed memory gradually emerged.

She remembered it all.

Her body slowly landed on the sled seat, she held the puppet in her left hand, and her eyes were slightly silent.

This plane is actually a welfare plane.

The grandfather of the previous plane was not going to pass on the technique of peeping the sky, but he taught her in the end.

Although the people in the small plane are not so powerful, they are not comparable to the gods of the gods, but they also have many peculiar abilities.

Just like this technique of peeking into the sky, there is no divine association.

Because she got the art of peeping the sky, the rules put her to the test, and if she fails, the ability will be taken away.

But the Lord God changed this plane into a welfare plane.

They even got the last crystal for her.

——At the expense of the puppet stand-in.

This will help her divine body.

Because this is what she got without borrowing any divine power under the condition of amnesia, the first two crystals completely depended on the ability of ordinary girls.

Luo Ci lowered her head, looked at the necklace around her neck, and said softly, "I'm here to find you."

She said to the pink dolphin, "Can you take me to the shore of the Snow Palace?"

The dolphins said they were happy to help.

They bypassed Beiwu Volcano and swam towards the Ice Palace.

The Snow King was well arranged. Her wooden basket was filled with chilled cherries, which would not spoil, allowing her to replenish energy on the road.

Two days later, the sled stopped on the glacier, Luo Ci touched the dolphin, "Thank you."

She had nothing to give but to feed them some magic cherries.

It was probably close to their home, and the ice and snow elk were very happy and introduced her enthusiastically, just like the host trying to make the guests feel at home.

Near the towering peaks on the snow-capped mountains, is a beautiful ice and snow palace, reflecting silver light in the sun.

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