Luo Ci looked at the elk who were chattering and making noise, her eyes softened, and she couldn't help laughing, "Have you been holding back for a long time?"

It didn't stop along the way.

In fact, they certainly did not dare to talk like this around the debris.

She looked at the snow-white peaks, and this time she didn't feel cold at all. After all, she was considered a magician now, and her magic ability was very strong.

She lowered her head slightly to play with the objects in the wooden basket, she took out the ice lantern and rubbed it carefully.

This flower is somewhat similar to the Bingxinmist blue flower in the online game plane.

She knew that the fragment did not have the memory of that plane, but some subconsciousness made him show the scenes that were familiar to him.

Then she took out the sheepskin map, and she could feel the abundant magical energy in it.

He gently stroked the snowflake mark with his right hand. He had already thought about everything, and even poured magic into it in advance. He was worried that he would not be able to get the flame crystal for himself, so he prepared in advance.

——Once she needs to go to the volcano alone, the sheepskin will turn into an ice blanket and take her to the crater, and the ice and snow magic will protect her to get the fire-colored diamond crystals safely.

She pursed her lips and stared at the palace.

Now she just wants to see the fragments quickly.

The snow-capped mountains are white, with no other colors, and there are hardly too many plants. It is like winter all year round.

It looks drab.

And no one can come here, there are few people, which means deserted.

The crystal clear ice and snow palace stands in front of it, spectacular and beautiful, with an ice-blue snowflake on top, sparkling.

Inside lives its only owner.

Outside the palace, there are several snow-white plants with strange fruits on them, which fall down in a string, like a curtain of ice tears, and some are wrapped around the outside of the palace as a decoration.

The sleigh slowly stopped in front of the palace.

The ice and snow elk ran a little further, and Luo Ci got off the sleigh. She was still holding the puppet in her hand, and the puppet's hand was scorched.

This is the injury suffered by the Ice King forcibly taking the flame crystal.

She walked to the door of the palace, and when she slowly reached out to knock on the door, the palace door opened on its own.

She hesitated, then stepped inside.

It was only when he opened his feet that the clothes on his body slowly changed, turning into a snow-white classical aristocratic dress with a crystal crown at most.

With every step of the crystal slipper, an ice flower blooms on the snow-clear ground.

She walked up the stairs step by step, came to the center of the second floor, and saw the Ice King.

He was wearing aristocratic clothing made of ice and snow, his silver shattered hair fell on his forehead, his ice blue eyes stared at her quietly, there was a shallow tenderness in his pupils, and the slender lips were slightly curved, and the snow-white A spar surrounded by ice and snow magic is suspended on the fingertips.

It is the core of ice and snow, the source of his power.

It is also the source of life for the Snow King.

Luo Ci gradually felt a little cold, but she kept walking, even running towards him, and the crystal shoes made a crisp sound when they stepped on the ice.

If it was before, he might feel noisy, but now his heart is full of joy.

His girl was running towards him.

He opened his arms slightly, and in the next second he hugged her soft and warm body as he wished, his hands tightened slightly, he lowered his head slightly, resting his chin on her shoulders, his slender ice-silver feather eyelashes fell slightly, he half-closed eyes, very satisfied.

I can finally hug you.

The ice and snow core quietly flew into her heart, but it didn't hurt her in the slightest.

His power can no longer hurt her.

Since then, their lives have been linked.

After the core of ice and snow sank into her heart, the town was released from the ice block, and all the townspeople gradually returned to normal.

People in the town will not remember her anymore.


The witch seemed to feel something, and muttered to herself, "The container that can hold the core of ice and snow is of course the little girl."

Only she can make the Ice King willingly restrain all his magic power, and is reluctant to hurt her in the slightest.

It's just that this little girl still needs to pass the test to strengthen herself.

She shrugged again, "The world is in chaos."

deviated from the original trajectory.

The original story and protagonist were not like that.


The Ice King stroked her long hair, and his voice was like jade, with a little gentleness, "Will you live with me in the future?"

He was destined to not be able to live in a place with many people, so he could only avoid hurting her.

Luo Ci rubbed in his arms with some attachment. Although the embrace of the fragments was ice-cold and not warm at all, she was no longer afraid of the cold, and her voice was soft, "Okay."

She whispered again, "I don't live with you and who? I'm just a little orphan."

Although the townspeople helped her, she was always unable to integrate into them, preferring to be independent, that was not her home.

Even if she did not recover her memory, she would choose to stay in the Ice Palace.

The Ice King hugged her tightly, "You will have me in the future." She is no longer an orphan.

No more hard work to earn money to support yourself, no more old patched clothes, no more freezing cold.

As soon as the voice fell, the palace slowly changed. His voice was soft, and he seemed to be hiding a very light smile. It sounded very confusing, but his delicate and beautiful face was a little dull.

He never had too strong mood swings, but those were just external.

All emotions are hidden deepest.

"It's too monotonous here, something needs to be changed." Otherwise, he wouldn't be worthy of his girl.

The palace has been extended around, and there are many new rooms and furnishings in the palace.

Luo Ci looked at his feet, thought for a while, tugged at his sleeves, and said softly, "I want to grow cherries outside."

Before thinking about collecting seeds and planting them outside his palace.

The Ice King's eyes were slightly startled, and there was a shallow wave of light inside, and he felt a little joy in his heart.

Did she think about growing cherries here at that time? He thought she just wanted to bring it back to plant.

He liked that she was so dependent on him.

It made him feel that he was needed by her and that he could do many things for her.

Instead of being like before, he couldn't get close to her, and he couldn't even watch her grow up.

Obviously, he found her, but he could only send her to the town to let her grow up healthy.

She couldn't even get close, she could only get her news through the elk, and the elk could only send her some food.

She is very strong, so he can't give her gems.

But now it's different.

The Ice King's eyes were clear and he said in a low voice, "There is a garden outside where you can plant what you want."

As for the seed, if it is not enough, go to the witch and ask for it.

Luo Ci is now equivalent to using four-element magic, wood-type magic, water-type magic, fire-type magic, and ice-type magic.

Wood magic might make magic cherries grow smoothly in the snow.

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