I don't know since when, the snow-capped mountains are no longer white, the ice and snow palace is surrounded by a layer of light green vines, and the snow garden outside the palace is full of cherries.

It was just an accident when planting cherries, which...they were as big as apples, and half white and half red.

After all, the weather here is too cold, and it is fortunate that it can grow. In addition, her wood magic is relatively special, and her spawning ability is too strong, which makes the cherry mutated.

There is also a garden full of fiery red roses, a rare bright color in the snow-capped mountains.

Luo Ci bent down and picked up a bunch of bouquets with scissors. After thinking about it, a wisp of grass-green magic poured out from her fingertips. breath.

A wisp of ice and snow magic with countless tiny snowflakes embellished the rose bouquet, and the fire-colored roses were sprinkled with snow white.

In fact, this is to eliminate the fire magic energy inside, so that the fragments will not burn or feel uncomfortable when they are close to or touched.

Rose seeds are also exchanged with witches.

Luo Ci lightly sniffed the roses, and walked to the cherry orchard with a wooden basket in her hands.

In the dense cherry orchard, she seemed to hear a small movement. She paused and walked quietly to the source of the sound.

Probably some sort of chewing sound.


She grabbed the antlers of an elk, and flung a grass-green chain slightly, and was eager to wrap it towards the hairball.

Chiu Chiu and two ice and snow elk ate the cherries she planted together.

Chiu Chiu turned into a little snow dumpling, and he nestled on the elk every day and ran around with them.

In fact, they didn't eat much, but the size of the cherries increased a lot. Every time they took a few bites, the remaining half was still growing on the branches. She felt unbearable for such a miserable situation.

She sullenly said, "You will be punished for eating all those cherries, and you have to collect the seeds, otherwise..."

The elk pricked up their ears.

"Next time I go to the witch's cherry orchard, I won't take you with me."

The elk drooped their heads and let out a whimper of grievance.

"I won't take you to the Goblin Forest either."

They had a good time with the goblins.

Of course she knew how to scare them.

As a result, the elk soon began to bite down on those scourged cherries.

Luo Ci left with satisfaction.

Although using magic can solve these things quickly, it is not good to see them stealing food all the time, so you won't dare to waste it next time.

She picked a lot of flowers. She tapped her fingertips, and the roses were placed in the palace. The snow-white and ice-blue palace was decorated with more fire-colored roses, and the crystal clear ice lantern was wrapped in a layer of light green. Vines, and ocean-colored curtains with floral prints.

Fragment went out today, although she didn't know where he went, she just felt his departure in her sleep, struggled for a while and finally didn't get up and continued to sleep.

Dress up the palace while he's not in her, surprise him.

She rode on the ice blanket and flew leisurely towards the witch's cherry orchard. She was going to exchange some seeds. Of course, she also thanked them for their help along the way.

The ice blanket was prepared for her by the fragments, a continuation of the upgraded version of the sheepskin map.

Cherry Orchard.

The ice blanket slowly descended, and she jumped down, holding a beautiful flower basket woven from vines in her hand, which contained two small packets of seeds and a few large cherries.

Those two packets of seeds are mutated magic cherry seeds.

The witch is watering the roses one by one. In fact, she only needs to move her hands, and the magic kettle can be watered.

According to her words, these magic roses and magic cherry trees prefer to feel cared for, so that they will produce beautiful flowers and bear delicious fruits.

So she has been hands-on.

Hearing the movement, the witch looked over and immediately smiled. She still welcomed this lovely little girl.

After all, she is not like the Snow King, she will freeze her cherry orchard and bring herself some seeds.

"I successfully planted those cherry seeds, but they are not the same..." Luo Ci took out a cherry from the flower basket.

The witch was still very surprised at first. It was shocking to be able to plant plants on the Snow King's site and to succeed, no matter what it looked like.

Immediately after, she saw a cherry about the size of an apple. At this time, she only saw the red side of the cherry.

"Are those cherry seeds planted?"

Bi-colored eyes were full of incredulity. She took it over and sensed it, with a helpless tone, "Your wood magic is too special, they like it very much."

If it was her, she certainly couldn't make the cherry grow that big.

She also noticed the white snow on the back, her eyes were full of interest, she felt the energy of ice and snow magic, and said with great interest, "Is there any seeds for it?"

Luo Ci took out a bag of seeds and handed it to her, "Do you have any other seeds here? I want to use them to decorate the Ice Palace."

The witch thought for a while, "Yes, this is for you, it will look good when planted, but I only have a few seeds, so I can only give you two."

The survival rate of this kind of seed is not very high, so she kept a few more for herself, but the little girl's wood magic will definitely be able to ripen smoothly, because she feels that her cherry tree exudes joy, and this is all due to the small The arrival of the girl.

Luo Ci looked at the seeds in her hands and collected them carefully, "Thank you."

Witches have many strange things, and their abilities are quite peculiar. They have been friends during this period of time.

Suddenly, the witch's body slowly levitated, and a light blue light shone from her body. She closed her eyes, looked solemn, and said eloquently, "A wonderful thing will happen to you today."

After speaking, she returned to normal, completely ignoring what she said just now, as if she had forgotten.

This made Luo Ci unable to ask questions. After saying goodbye to the witch, she was going to give the bear some big cherries and a few jars of homemade cherry jam.

It was no longer snowy, and the bear was still nestling lazily in the cave, its eyes half-squinted and its ears pricked up slightly alertly.

But after feeling the bear paw print he gave, he slowly relaxed again, and the big brown paw rubbed his eyes and looked towards the cave.

Of course, there is a high probability that it is aimed at the cherries in the Luo Ci flower basket.

Luo Ci gave the big cherries and jam jars to the bear, "I planted them myself."

The bear immediately ate happily.

"By the way, this can be used instead of flint, which is more convenient, but be careful."

In her hand was a fire-colored rose with thorns removed, and she immediately demonstrated to it that as long as the light from the edge of the rose touched the flammable object, it could ignite.

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