In the last plane, once she and Fragment exchanged bodies, it was just at that time, thinking that she had been bullied a little bit before, she wanted to bully her back while Fragment used her body.

But... I still feel tired later, so I don't want to continue.

Unexpectedly, the debris counter-pressured with her body.

After the change, the whole body was weak and weak, but it was even more miserable.

The Ice King silently glanced at the waist she was covering with her small hands, and slowly said, "Okay."


One day, Luo Ci woke up in the morning and didn't see the shards, and she didn't go looking for them. After all, the shards wouldn't be lost. She didn't need to know where he was at all times. That would be too strict.

She first dished out two diamond roses a few times, and then went to the orchard to pick some fruits. She held a delicate ice tray in her hand, which contained many plump and crisp cherries, strawberries and the like.

This time she controlled the magic in her body, so the fruits were all the same size as normal.

There was an open-air lounge chair and table outside. She put the fruit ice tray on the ice table and lay down on the vine-woven lounge chair, which was also covered with soft and warm fur.

The fruit is placed on the ice tray, with its own cooling effect.

There is sunshine on the snow-capped mountains at the moment, which is a different kind of sunbathing.

The ice and snow elk also learned to lie down and bask in the sun, and there were their fruit bowls next to them, and they took one from time to time and stuffed them into their mouths.

The Ice and Snow King, who was hiding in the dark, held an icicle and stared at them with light blue and clear eyes. The shape of his eyes softened and he lost a lot of sharpness.

Hiding quietly.

He didn't quite understand how he would appear here when he opened his eyes, and he was lying with that human girl, tightly... hugging each other.

Obviously, he has always lived by himself, without a home.

No friends either.

Those two elks that were made of ice and snow... are also very strange, and they seem to have their own power on them.

But he never made them with magic.

And that kind of red fruit, he has never eaten.

The Ice King silently looked at his hand. He remembered that he could not approach humans. Although the human girl did not look abnormal, he was afraid of accidents.

Although he really wanted to get close to each other, he silently lowered his head and walked towards the distance.

He should stay away.

Luo Ci vaguely felt that someone was peeking at her, and there were very slight footsteps. She looked over there, saw a tail of snow-white clothes, and got up and followed.

When chasing it, I was stunned for a moment, and the fragments seemed to be... smaller.

The little boy who became a little shorter than her, the clothes made of ice and snow on his body also automatically fit.

The clear and beautiful light blue eyes are a little round and cute, and the delicate and beautiful face is still immature.

She grabbed the young Ice King's hand and said softly, "Why did you hide?"

The Ice King was caught off guard, and his whole body was tense, like a cat with fried fur, "Let go! Don't touch me!"

He knew that as long as he got close, the surrounding creatures would be frozen, let alone touched.

This is the first time he has touched a human, and he still doesn't know what will happen.

Luo Ci was stunned, and clenched his hand, "What's wrong with you? I used to hold you like this before."

The young ice king quickly caught the meaning of her words, "We knew each other before?"

She blinked. Could it be that the fragment not only turned into a teenager, but also remembered what it looked like when she was a teenager?

Thinking that he had hurriedly let go of her and worried about hurting her, he suddenly felt pity in his heart. Did he deliberately hide and dare not come out?

Did the shards spend this way before?

Leaning over and hugging him gently, "Your strength won't hurt me. Besides, this is your home."

The young Ice King let her hold her in a daze, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her pale and slender lips pursed slightly.


He stretched out his hand to wrap her body slightly, and rubbed her neck with some nostalgia and yearning.

He didn't really seem to have caused her to be frozen.

The voice was soft, "Did we really know each other before?"

But he has no memory of her.

Luo Ci slowly released him, "Well, you just had a small situation."

The juvenile Ice King looked at her with wet eyes, like a snow-white well-behaved kitten, docile and cute, his eyes were full of trust in her, seeing her let go of her arms, her beautiful light blue eyes were still a little disappointed. aggrieved.

He held her hand in a small way, quietly, with coursing joy when he succeeded, and was instantly satisfied.

Luo Ci's heart was stabbed in an instant, she reached out and rubbed his soft short hair of ice silver, and returned to the reclining chair with the unusually well-behaved fragments.

Pointing to the elk lying lazily, "This is something you made with magic."

The young ice king looked at them for a long time, especially one elk who had to toss the cherries up in a playful manner, and then used his mouth to pick them up. As a result, he bit the other elk for a long time and didn't continue.

The other elk was slandered inexplicably, so the two began to fight, Mao Tuanzi was watching the play with the cherry in his tiny paws, but soon, the white fur was dyed with cherry juice.

The slender lips slowly spit out a few characters, "Stupid thing."

Three stupid things.

Sure enough, even if he changed back to his youthful appearance, he only had the memories of his youth, and certain aspects would not change.

For example, the unreasonable close liking for her, such as the disgust for these three poisonous tongues.

Luo Ci let him sit on the reclining chair and fed him strawberries. The young ice king nestled softly on the rattan chair, showing full trust, like a little milk cat, showing a white and soft abdomen and clear eyes. Brightly, she said softly, "I've never done this before."

Not lying on the fluffy furs like this, because they freeze to ice very quickly, nor eating the fruits, because they get hard when touched.

And... as long as he touches those, he will be driven away, he will be called a monster, and he will be beaten with a stick.

Even if he can protect himself, the feeling of being excluded by everyone is very sad.

At the time, he didn't know that he was special, and he didn't want to be in contact with humans when he found out later.

Luo Ci held his hand and sensed it, um... The magic in the fragment seemed to be suppressed a bit, which was probably the reason for his change.

Seeing his eyes full of trust, his heart softened.

She knew that Fragment didn't care whether he could touch the bonfire or soak in the hot spring before.

Because that time has passed.

But the young ice king is different. He still maintains interest in these things and is easily satisfied.

Just eat a few strawberries and lie on a wicker chair covered with fur to bask in the sun.

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