Looking down at the well-behaved little boy, soft and cute, delicate and good-looking, he couldn't help rubbing his hair.

I thought to myself that if the debris could turn into a snow-white cat, lazy and sloppy, maybe it would feel good.

A soft little ball, gentle and well-behaved.

The key is that the plush is still cute.

Luo Ci took his hand, "I'll take you to the hot spring?"

The young Ice King's eyes were stunned, and he subconsciously wanted to refuse, but there was some expectation hidden in his beautiful eyes. He slowly shook his head, "I'll stay here."

Don't cause trouble for others.

Most importantly, don't give her any trouble.

Luo Ci looked at him fiercely, "Don't refuse!"

"...That's great." The little boy replied softly.

She first put some things in the flower basket, and then she waved her little hand. A flying carpet made of ice and snow with mysterious lines fell down. She stood on the ice carpet and reached out to him, her shallow eyes smiling. Intentionally, with a smile, in a soft tone, "Come."

The little boy's slender eyelashes blinked, and his delicate and beautiful face was also dyed with pure joy, but he was a little reserved. He put his hand on hers, held it tightly, and slowly stepped on the ice blanket.

Seeing that they were about to be left behind, the ice and snow elk stopped fighting. One elk hurriedly picked up the hair ball and jumped onto the ice blanket together.

The ice blanket flew in the direction of the hot spring.

The young ice king looked down at the scenery under his feet and held her hand tightly. He didn't seem to fly in the sky like this.

feel good.

The ice blanket quickly reached its destination, descended slowly, and stopped beside the hot spring.

The beautiful young man looked at the steaming hot spring in front of him with some surprise, braving the white mist, he did not understand how the snow-capped mountains could accommodate the existence of the hot spring.

(Spirit of Beiwu Volcano: Are you embarrassed to feel doubts?)

For some reason, Luo Ci felt that she could mobilize the power of many fragments, and the magical energy between them seemed to be common.

Probably... because of the dual cultivation of the soul before?

Therefore, she can suppress the ice core and not release the icy aura, and the surrounding things will not be frozen.

"You can go inside and bubble."

The little boy was eager to try, and worried that he would cause the hot spring to freeze, he hesitated and shook his head, "I don't want it anymore."

He can look around and feel a little heat coming from it, which is already good.

cannot be destroyed.

Always be smart and sensible.

Luo Ci was stunned, "It doesn't matter." She pulled him to a half-squat, holding his hand and put them into the hot spring together.

"Look, nothing has changed."

The little boy was stunned in place, he couldn't push her away, so he suddenly felt the heat from the hot spring.

Surrounded by a warm touch, it turns out to be the experience.

The ice and snow elk jumped into the hot spring long ago, splashing a huge splash, which happened to fall on the two of them.

The boy's body subconsciously blocked her, pursing his lips and staring at the two elk for a few seconds.

If he really used magic to create these two stupid things, it would be better to start all over again.

Luo Ci saw the little boy looked at the ice and snow elk quietly, couldn't help laughing, and jumped with him to the hot spring.

The young Ice King's body was slightly tensed at first. Such a touch is unfamiliar, and the unfamiliar will generate vigilance. Then he relaxed a little bit, and narrowed his eyes comfortably, lazily.

Looks very satisfied.

This successfully diverted his gaze (death gaze) from the ice elk, who escaped.

After soaking in the hot springs, take the debris to other places.

She guessed that since she could control part of the power of the ice core, she should be able to take the fragments to a place where there are people.

First, she went to Beiwu Volcano, but now the volcano will not cause any harm to her. The spirit of Beiwu Volcano was frightened, but she was relieved after finding out that everything was impermanent, and complained, "I thought you guys To turn volcanoes into icebergs."

In that case, it will become the spirit of Beiwu Iceberg.

The young Ice King stared at it for a few seconds, feeling inexplicably disliked in her heart, and she kept talking to it, so she tugged at Luo Ci's clothes and said softly, "Let's go somewhere else, I don't like it here."

Fire and water are incompatible, neither can ice or fire.


The Spirit of Beiwu Volcano murmured silently in his heart, it didn't want to see this ice yet.

The ice blanket continued to fly. When passing through the Mermaid Bay, Luo Ci lowered the height of the ice blanket, which was equivalent to sliding on the sea. She sat on the ice blanket and put her hand into the sea water, creating shallow waves.

The little boy watched for a long time, then moved in sync.

Because her breath is very attractive to animals, and she has ocean crystals on her body, many small fish come close to kiss her fingers.

The young ice king watched them silently for a while, then got close and grabbed her hand, wrapping it tightly.

He swore his sovereignty in a childlike manner, with a lot of possessiveness in his light blue eyes.

is his.

The ice blanket drove over the Goblin Forest, and at a distance, she saw the ugly and cute goblins in the forest, sitting on the flying carpet and waving hello to them.

But it didn't stay long. In the sky, she saw a brown bear running with honey and holding a beehive, followed by buzzing bees, densely packed.

The brown bear finally put the hive toward the secret place and ran into the water to hold his breath.

The honeys finally left unwillingly.

The brown bear slowly climbed up to the surface of the water, shook the water on his body vigorously, the surrounding grass was full of water, and finally returned to the cave with his own honey.

Luo Ci said to the young boy, "Let's say hello to our old friends."

The ice blanket slowly stopped in front of the cave, and they entered it.

The brown bear lit the fire and roasted it lazily. Its **** nose moved, as if it smelled something it liked, and its black eyes looked over.

Seeing that it was Luo Ci, he roared softly, and this time he even said, "What did you bring this time?"

Luo Ci was stunned for a moment, thinking that the brown bear was still the greedy bear.

She handed over the flower basket and pulled the young Ice King to sit on the ground paved with hay.

The brown bear skillfully took the flower basket, and his eyes lit up when he saw what was inside, "I invite you to eat the new tricks I came up with."

It recognizes people by its breath, and although the Snow King has changed, it still recognizes it smoothly.

The cave also stored the animal meat it hunted before. The brown bear showed its sharp claws, cut the meat into small pieces, took out a jar of something similar to oil from its treasure box, and used it. Apply oil with a small brush.

The clean sticks skewered the meat and started roasting. When it was almost done, other seasonings began to be added, and finally a layer of honey was applied.

Luo Ci was a little stunned.

She wondered what happened to the brown bear.

Also too smart.

And where did these seasonings come from.

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