The beautiful young man stared blankly at the diamond rose in the girl's hand. At that moment, his ice blue pupils seemed to be full of stars.

Inexplicably, there is a kind of joy.

Is this a surprise for her?

is a miracle.

No one has more intuitively felt the kind of life change that grows from a seed into a plant.

Wherever he went, everything turned into ice and snow, and in the end it nibbled away at the life of all things, and all life died.

Whether it is plants or animals, even volcanoes will be slowly assimilated by him.

He can only hide in places that are rarely visited in his life, and take the initiative to avoid passers-by to avoid accidental injuries.

It's a lonely, unrecognized road.

The world is beautiful, but it doesn't belong to him.

He can't act recklessly, and it seems that no one can restrain him, but he has lost his freedom forever.

——Can't do what he likes, can't be like ordinary people, and won't have freedom in his life.

The young man's heart should be as clean as ice and snow, as pure and clear as his ice-blue pupils.

You can see the destruction caused by the uncontrollable power, hear the words of human rejection to him, and feel the passing away of the life breath of life, and the heart is closed little by little.

He lived in his own icy world, huddled, silently enduring the cold and loneliness.

He will be cold too.

Will also yearn for warmth and breath of life.

And she is the only exception.

He liked that she took him to see these scenery, and he liked to see her use wood magic to give birth to this rose.

But I prefer the warm embrace she brings to me.

The young Ice King suddenly hugged Luo Ci tightly, half-closed his eyes, and rubbed her cheek very contentedly.

The slender lips were slightly opened, and the voice was soft, "I like you so much."

What would he do without her.

People who once had light, if lost, may become a complete demon.

The beautiful young man was buried in her neck in a completely dependent attitude. The long-lost cub finally found his home.

Maybe it will be pulled ashore, or maybe it will be another deeper abyss.

But he just wanted to run towards her regardless.

Luo Ci's shallow eyes were stunned, her hand lightly placed on his head, and her voice was very soft, "I like you very much too."

From now on, we will get better and better.

"Cough cough!"

The witch appeared out of nowhere, "I have already thought of the general formula, but there is only one thing missing."

The beautiful young man was a little dissatisfied, but he still let go of his embrace and held Luo Ci's hand tightly. There was a deep possessiveness in his icy blue eyes, and the original light blue was somewhat biased towards dark blue.

Luo Ci was still more interested in the ability to configure growth-type magic potions, but just thought for a moment and said, "Is my magic energy bad?"

"That's right! It just so happens that I can turn magical energy into a potion form, can you help?"

"no problem!"


When she left the witch's residence, the witch said confidently, "I will be able to produce more growth potions in a few days, and I will send you some."

The last stop is the small town where she once lived.

The ice blanket was suspended above the town, Luo Ci watched quietly for a while, and had no plans to go down to meet.

She stared at her original residence. The hut was not big enough, and it was a bit shabby. There were not many furnishings in it. In winter, it was necessary to pick up a lot of wood to light the fireplace to keep warm.

But it was built with the help of the townspeople.

No one is obliged to help her for free. She is not related to them, and it is good that she can be raised by them and provide basic living utensils.

After all, the town is not very rich.

The teenager beside her tugged at her sleeve, "Aren't you going down?"

Luo Ci shook her head, "I can't go anymore."

They don't remember her anymore.

And she can't give them anything, is it a diamond rose or a sapphire?

None of those are appropriate.

Thinking of the growth potion that the witch is about to make, she might as well give them an orchard.

Luo Ci turned to look at the Ice and Snow King, smiled and said, "Let's go home."

go home……

The young man's beautiful eyes fixed on her, his lips slightly raised, "En."

go home.

He will have a home later.

Snow-white fingers tugged up her fingers quietly, and her heart was filled with satisfaction and pleasure.


In a short period of time, the fragments did not change back to their adult appearance.

That night, before going to bed, Luo Ci gently kissed the young Ice King's face, "Good night!"

She spent a lot of magic and fell asleep quickly, leaving only the pretty boy covering his face a little helpless.

The pretty little face was still snow-white. He half-covered his face and silently looked at the girl who was sleeping soundly. Bingyinyu's eyelashes were long and thick, and he looked very focused. His eyes were wet and soft and lovely.

What's this?

He seems to like it.

And it feels familiar.

It seems that she has been kissed before, but the vague impression is that she looks cramped and blushing, not as gentle as today.

She pursed her slender lips, stared at her delicate little face for a while, and finally kissed her soft and warm lips carefully, and took a small bite, as if leaving some mark.

But I was afraid of hurting her, so I didn't dare to use too much force.

Even if there is no previous memory, even if it becomes smaller, the possessiveness has not changed at all.

He whispered, "You are mine."

The youth's voice is a little soft, and it sounds like a childish declaration of sovereignty, and no one is allowed to rob it, but there is a deep possessiveness in it.


Luo Ci thinks that the younger fragments are cute and well-behaved, and they can't eat people, so it's not bad to continue to maintain them.

There is just one thing, he is much more clingy than the fragments of adulthood, and he has to follow him everywhere.

In the past, he was worried that he would bring bad changes to the things around him. Later, when he knew that she was here, he didn't care about these things at all.

Like a cub who doesn't always feel safe enough.

It's rare that I didn't stick with her once, but I was aggrieved and nestled in my own little place, looking like I was about to close myself, my eyes were wet, and I was so wronged that I wanted to cry.

Luo Ci had some thoughts that she couldn't keep up with the juvenile fragments.

She shouldn't have done anything to make Fragment sad.

After she asked the question, the beautiful young man bowed his head and said aggrievedly, "You have so many friends, you can meet them every day, you look very happy."

"But I... only you."

It's as if... he can be unnecessary and dispensable.

She has so many options.

And he was only her.

Nobody wants it.

Luo Ci inexplicably thought that the words of the fragments were a bit like she was a sea girl.

Seeing that she didn't reply immediately, the little boy was even more disappointed, "Sure enough... you don't need me anymore."

Luo Ci looked at him with shallow eyes, and said seriously, "Need, it seems to be said about objects, how can the feelings between people be described in terms of need."

It seems that it is simply not necessary to cut off everything.

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