As if there is another person, you can feel that this person is not important, and then say:

"I already have so-and-so, I don't need you anymore."

It can be replaced at will.

Whether it is family, friendship, love.

The opposite of needing is needing.

Use if necessary.

"I don't just need you."

Luo Ci tried hard to think in her mind how to express her meaning, frowned slightly, and then said seriously.

"I can't live without you."

The young Ice King's previous depression and depression to the point of autism disappeared completely.

He hugged her tightly.

It's not that he doesn't believe her feelings for him.

It's that you don't have confidence in yourself.

It seemed like he... didn't know anything.

Before meeting her, his life was a mess.

After meeting her, he can restrain his strength.

The good luck in his life started from meeting her.

Love makes people not confident, they can only see their own shortcomings and only know how to belittle themselves.

Luo Ci silently hugged the boy, stroked his hair, and comforted him silently.

Fragments... always seem to be disturbed.

Obviously he is fine.

The boy's body was slowly elongated, slender and straight, with silver hair hanging down to his ankles. It felt very smooth and cold to the touch.

She looked a little shorter than her before, and even if she was holding each other, she seemed to be buried in Luo Ci's arms, in a dependent attitude.

But now that her body is drawn, she can be held in her arms, and she can even hide her whole body in a protective manner.

When you are young and you have to rely on each other to protect you, you will feel useless.

It's different now.

The snow-white and delicate chin of the Ice King rested on Luo Ci's head, and the ice-blue eyes swept across without worry.

I didn't know he was a fool when he was a kid.

The highest level of poisonous tongue is probably, even scolding yourself.

He won't feel useless, and he won't suddenly be so self-conscious that he thinks the other party will not want him.

Luo Ci was about to stick out her head, but was fastened firmly, her whole body was enveloped by a clear and clean breath, or she was bound.

It is tightly entangled around her, forever and ever.

There was a deep and rich blue in the beautiful pupils, and the pale lips were pursed tightly.

Even if she doesn't like him, he will capture her in his own way.

"Have you recovered now?" The girl's voice was muffled, probably because she was buried in his chest and couldn't raise her head.

The Ice King hummed softly and slowly let go of her, his voice was a bit clear and pleasant, "Don't count the words before."

He won't admit it.

However, thinking of her getting along with him when she was young, her heart softened suddenly.

The regrets of the past seem to have been made up one by one.

He didn't expect those for a long time, and only then would he feel novel and eager.

He only expects her to be alone now.

She is the best gift.

He once heard a story about a demon locked in a bottle, eager for someone to let it out, but because the wait was too long, it showed no gratitude to the person who let it out, only resentment and revenge.

If he is this demon, if the person who rescued him is her, he thinks it is worth it.

If it's her, it's not too late.

He was afraid that he would never meet her.

Luo Ci tugged at the hair that had grown from fragments a few times, and this time it was even more of a beautiful **** with flawless ice and snow.

In fact, the fragments were soft and cute when they were young.

But since he would probably eat his own vinegar, she still didn't specifically praise Xiao Shard.

But this man played his cards completely out of the way.

The Ice King asked silently for a while, "Which one do you prefer?"

How should I answer this? If the fragments of different sizes have their own personalities, she likes them very much, and the fragments may not be satisfied. She even thinks that she plays fifty big boards each, which is too perfunctory.

But obviously it can't be said that he likes one of them, and he is likely to be aggrieved.

For some reason, she suddenly thought that if many fragments stood in front of her and asked her who she liked more in the future, that kind of picture would suffocate on the spot.

Luo Ci decided to pretend to be innocent, tilted her head and said softly, "Isn't it all you? As long as it is you, I like it."

This eased the Ice King's face and made his eyes happy.

But the ice blue eyes looked at her faintly, and the voice was a little dull, "But you are very gentle to him."

It's a dark grievance.

"Not to me."


too difficult.


After the fragments change back, it means that the magical energy in the body has gradually stabilized, and it can even gradually change its body temperature.

The big ice cube that I hold every day suddenly becomes a big heater, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the experience is very good.

Luo Ci can use the power to control him, and correspondingly, he can also use the power of Luo Ci, which will no longer bring destructive damage to people.

Even so, the Snow King was unwilling to get along with outsiders.

It was probably because he had turned into a young boy before, and even his temperament had undergone some fusional changes.

He is indeed more clingy, but clingy only at certain special times. When Luo Ci went out, he didn't follow her very much. He only looked at her silently after she came home, resisted with silent grievance, and then sought a benefit.

Sometimes he also feels very strange, obviously his personality is not like this, but he has the idea of ​​wanting to occupy all her time.

He is the only one in the world that wants her.

But he restrained himself and did not show it.

Not only did he not follow him because he didn't like to be in contact with outsiders, but he wanted her to get along happily with her friends, to control her time less, and to control her own possessiveness.

Love beyond that is morbid.

But sometimes, he would become small and follow quietly. He hid his breath so that she would not find it, but he wanted her to know his existence.

Like now.

Luo Ci is digging a few flowers in the goblin forest, and she is going to transplant them back to plant.

The miniature version of the Snow King quietly stuck his head out, looking at her with icy blue eyes.

He had been following her for a long time, but she hadn't found herself yet.

Are those flowers so pretty?

The Snow King, who was hiding in the flower basket, had some resentment in his heart.

He's pretty much like an out of favor cub now.

The Ice King grabbed the flower she had put in, and wished to destroy it with some force, but in fact it only left some folds on the petals.

He always remembered that this was the flower she was going to bring back, and it couldn't be torn apart. If it didn't look good, she would be unhappy.

He silently crawled into the flower and lay on his stomach, the petals closed, hiding himself.

Obviously...their breaths have already blended together, how could they not find him.

She just ignored him on purpose.

Luo Ci opened the flower basket and saw a flower with gathered petals inside, and paused.

Fragment likes hide and seek so much.

His fingers lightly touched the white flowers, and the petals slowly unfolded, revealing the beautiful snow-like villain inside.

Like a fairy in a flower.

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