The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 460: Interstellar Cubs Daily 18

The chat record came out, and the reputation of the crew was already ruined. Originally, this matter was not kind, and the tone of the person in charge completely lost the goodwill.

Tian Dao's face was so angry that he completely lost his wife and lost his soldiers.

At this time, the program team also followed up with a message: Originally, it was just a try attitude, but I didn't expect the actor to agree to participate in this event, very welcome.

One doesn't take Qi Yu seriously, and the other treats him as a guest. The latter has completely won the favor of Qi Yu's fans.

[We will give you the best actor, please be sure to take some shots! 】

[By the way, this variety show seems to be live, so we can watch it directly]


Qi Yu was too lazy to care about the rest, as if he had packed up his belongings and was ready to take his cubs to the show.

The robot housekeeper silently prepared the necessities of her life for the mermaid, but it seemed that it was no longer as humane as before, and Luo Ci could no longer hear the tone of his words. attitude.

No matter how she talked to him, his tone was always official and mechanical, his words were cold and considerate, and he couldn't feel the slightest intimacy at all.

Luo Ci finally didn't ask the robot housekeeper again.

But it was obviously not like this before, are those all her illusions?

Qi Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and he couldn't understand the robot's behavior, but he was happy to see the little guy not getting close to the other party.

Best, just rely on him.


Although Qi Yu is well-known in Interstellar, the interstellar people know very little about him.

The paparazzi world is proud of being able to pick up the information of the actor, but unfortunately no one can do it.

The photos of Qi Yu that have been circulated are just some stills, there are no life photos at all, and he himself does not run a star blog. This variety show is an opportunity for fans of the actor to get to know their idols up close.

On the day of the rendezvous with the program team, Qi Yu took Luo Ci on a private interstellar spacecraft to the 096 semi-barren star.

Although the location of the semi-barren star has been announced, this planet is already affiliated to Yun Dao, and his strength is relatively strong behind him, so no one dares to trespass without permission.

This planet is relatively far from the Federation Central Star, and it has to pass through four or five wormholes.

Qi Yu's expression was lazy, and he looked casual, but upon closer inspection, he could see that his eyes had been on the mermaid cub beside him, and he was also a little worried.

He didn't know whether the little guy's body could adapt to traversing the wormhole. Even if the spacecraft could block the strong tearing force from the wormhole, the radiation in it could not be blocked.

The anti-radiation materials and the materials that reinforce the defense collide, and there is no way to integrate them for the time being, so this spacecraft does not have too strong anti-radiation capabilities. Interstellar is looking for biological materials that can be used as a medium to create a new generation of starships.

In general, this kind of radiation has a relatively large impact on ordinary people and cubs, and it is very dangerous to pass through so many wormholes at one time. Although the little guy's physical fitness has reached 3S a few days ago, he has also done a lot of inspections before. But at this moment, he was still a little worried.

There have been people who could have passed through the wormhole intact, but their genes were suddenly mutated due to radiation. After that, the body of that person suffered frequent problems and their lifespan was greatly reduced.

This is also the reason why ordinary people can't take spaceships very much.

And the little guy had the mermaid gene that was forcibly transferred in his body, and he was more affected.

Suddenly there was an urge to turn around and come back.

He suppressed the emotions in his heart, rubbed her hair lightly, and said in a rare gentle and serious voice, "Is there any discomfort?"

Luo Ci looked up at him with her eyes facing each other. She seemed to see the emotions in the depths of his dark pupils through the lens. She was calm and indifferent to everything, like a god. For a moment, she felt that this was the deity of the Lord God. , but she knew it wasn't.

Shaking his head slightly, "No."

She doesn't know much about Interstellar, and she doesn't understand what Fragment is worried about.

Qi Yu suddenly took her in his arms, and a transparent mask appeared on his body to wrap the two of them. His eyes looked deeply at the wormhole that could tear everything out of the window. Small and quickly swallowed by a wormhole.

After all, he was still reluctant to let her take the slightest risk.

This mask contains space abilities and mental power combined, which is more secure.

Luo Ci did feel some discomfort at first—it came from the nerves in her brain. She reached out her hand to cover her head slightly, and whimpered softly, like a small beast.

Later, it was probably because Qi Yu strengthened the protective cover that she was able to live better.

When he was farther away from the wormhole, Qi Yu took off the protective cover, Qi Yu's face darkened slightly, and fear gradually grew in his heart.

If he didn't use the protective cover to block the radiation in time, the little guy didn't know what would happen in the end.

Luo Ci still felt dizzy in her head, her voice was soft, "What was it just now?"

It felt like some energy had entered her body.

Qi Yu's voice was a little low, "It's cosmic radiation. The radiation in the wormhole is more serious and harmful to the human body."

After research, in theory, those with a physical fitness of B-level and above can travel smoothly, while C-level and below have a chance of genetic mutation, and most of the mutations are developing in a bad direction.

And some people with special constitutions may also have genetic mutations, causing various conditions such as human organ failure.

Luo Ci felt uncomfortable, so she rested in his arms, "I'm so dizzy."

Qi Yu pursed his lips very straight, and he really regretted it this time.

In the past, it affected the body organs, but when the little guy arrived, it affected the nerves of the brain. Originally, her mental power exceeded the interstellar limit. If the mental power is disordered, the consequences will be disastrous.

Before passing through the second wormhole, he used almost 70% of his strength to block the radiation.

In the end, he did not spare any effort, and Qi Yu did not relax until the spaceship landed on the semi-desolate star 096.

At this time, his face was very pale, and the color of his lips was also a lot lighter. He didn't know when the glasses were taken off, and his dark and long eyes were very sharp. Even if he consumed a lot of mental energy, he still did not show fatigue.

I don't know when the bottom of his eyes was smudged with a little icy silver light, as well as the purple meaning hidden in the depths, he lowered his feathered eyelashes, his expression was light, and he quietly stared at the mermaid cub who had already fallen asleep.

Snow-white fingers caressed her long and curled eyelashes, and her voice was as clear as jade, "I'm sorry, I still failed to protect you."

In front of him, she was hurt.

He looked at the dark universe, and suddenly sighed, "I wanted to show you the scenery of the universe."

Obviously, he wants to spend every plane with her well, and wants to make her happy.

But the wormhole was used as a weapon to harm her.

The eyes that have always been light and light, hide the wind and the moon, the clouds and the fog, but at this time, there is a near-substantial killing intent.

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