The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 461: Interstellar Cubs Daily 19

He put his snow-white wrist to the lips of the sleeping mermaid cub, and the blood flowing there was not bright red, but a faint silver light, and the whole universe trembled.

He didn't remove his wrist until he felt the hidden dangers of her body were being driven out.

A few light coughs overflowed from the lips, and the snow-white fingers slightly pressed against the lips, and the delicate and handsome face had a fragile beauty at this time.

It's just a small loss, and it doesn't hurt.

The slender fingers gently smoothed her hair, and the light eyes quietly looked out the window.

He knew that the rules wouldn't hurt her. It wanted to experience her and give her strengths that matched her status, but those were not what she wanted.

This is equivalent to supporting an emperor and maintaining the order of the plane, and she is the primary candidate for the rules.

Once she becomes the real way of heaven, then she will cut off all emotional ties, just like what happened in the apocalyptic plane: silver hair reaching her ankles, her eyes are cold and indifferent, and there is no intimacy at all.

That rainy night, she was tall and slender, her dreamy silver hair was hazy, beautiful and distant.

(For details, see Little Cutie 18 in the end of the world).

That's her mature form.

Moreover, it is his selfishness, and he does not want her to become the real heaven.

He hoped that she could always retain her own character. She liked it if she liked it, and hated it if she hated it. She could have many small shortcomings, and she could seek comfort from him when she was sad.

You can always rely on him.

Not the cold and powerful, just and just, with the sword of judgment in hand.

Luo Ci closed her eyes tightly, her delicate eyebrows wrinkled, her little hands seemed to be insecure, trying to grab something, her lips moved slightly, as if she was saying something.

The Lord God held her little hand, and his voice broke into her mind like an ethereal voice, "Don't be afraid."

Luo Ci gradually opened her eyes, and in a trance, she felt that she had seen the Lord God, but after focusing her pupils, she found that it was a fragment.

Qi Yu's face was pale, with fine sweat on his forehead, his black broken hair was a little wet, and his dark and clear eyes were full of anxiety.

Luo Ci felt a sweet taste in her mouth, as if she had been fed something. She suspected that the fragments were secretly feeding her blood again, but she didn't smell the blood.

The dizziness and pain in her mind had disappeared, and she thought that the silver light and purple meaning she saw before opening her eyes should be the main god.

No time to investigate further, she grabbed Qi Yu's collar with her little hand, "Are you alright?"

Qi Yu's tone was full of teasing, "I still want to raise you, how could something happen?"

Luo Ci fixedly looked at him, her slender lips pursed tightly.

The debris has blocked a lot of damage for her, and it will definitely not be as calm as it seems.

She was in his arms again, next to his neck, her voice soft and soft, "You must not have an accident."

The tone was light, but with certainty.

Qi Yu's heart trembled slightly, and some unknown emotion surged in his heart, like turbulent waves, like spring breeze and drizzle, violent shocks, but there was a force that calmed it down.

He didn't understand it yet.

Rubbing her hair, "It's time for us to get off the spaceship."

Luo Ci wanted to get off him. After all, this was a live broadcast, and she didn't want to be watched by so many people on the Internet.

Qi Yu didn't stop her, and took her hand and walked out of the spaceship, and the spaceship flew towards the Central Star spontaneously. This was the auto-navigation driving function.

There were people waiting near the spaceship, but they didn't get close when they saw that the people inside had not come out. At this moment, I saw Qi Yingdi holding the hand of a little girl, walking slowly, very accommodating to the little girl's small steps , his eyes have been falling on her, and it can be seen that he is a little spoiled.

The smart camera automatically flew towards the duo of one big and one small, and Director Yun asked people to turn the camera at the right time and introduced, "This is the film emperor Qi Yuqi, and—"

Just as Qi Yu led the mermaid cub to them, Director Yun asked, "Who is this little girl?"

It's not that he doesn't know, it's all for the effect of the show, of course it's better for Qi Yu to say it himself.

Qi Yu answered with a flat tone, but with a smile, "I am her guardian."

He knew that the little guy had always resisted him being her daddy, and he only teased him occasionally. He wouldn't deliberately do things she didn't like on such occasions.

Director Yun looked rather young and exuded mature charm. He handed Luo Ci a small backpack with a kind tone, "This is the survival equipment that uncle gave you, so keep it well."

Although kind, it looks a bit like a trafficker who kidnaps children, with a seductive tone.

The small backpack can only be carried by children, and it looks very cute. She is just a white rabbit backpack, which is fluffy to the touch, with two long pricked ears and a short rabbit tail.

Luo Ci took the small backpack, "Thank you uncle."

The long fluffy silver hair fell down, the clear blue eyes were very good-looking, and the voice was crisp and vivid, looking very cute and cute.

She lowered her head, opened the small backpack, and was stunned for a moment. She thought it was just a simple small backpack, but she didn't expect that there were a lot of things inside.

Raising his eyes to look at Director Yun, his little hand raised the little rabbit's backpack, "This looks like a space button."

Director Yun smiled, "After all, with so many cuties like you, we must prepare more survival equipment."

Qi Yu's slender fingers rested lightly on Luo Ci's head, without much force, everyone could see his son's intention not to allow others to touch him.

The live broadcast room had already exploded.

【Ah ah ah ah ah! There are no dead ends in all directions, the beauty of the actor's prosperous age, love love]

[This brat is too much in love, and it's not a team of the show team, but was adopted by the film emperor? 】

[Guardian woohoo, that cub is too lucky]

[Did you find a detail, Yun Dao wanted to touch the cub's head, and then the actor's eyes became sharp in an instant, and now he has not moved his hand from the cub's head]

【Found! And the cub doesn't seem to be pressed and can't move]

【Hahahahahaha aggrieved and pitiful】

[I think the actor looks a little bad today, what happened?]

【The same question】

[Am I the only one who paid attention to that small backpack, similar to the space button, and so fluffy]

[Has Yun's Group researched such a space backpack? I really want to know its other functions]

[To be honest, I also took a fancy to it, it would be nice if there was a custom purchase channel]


Qi Yu also saw the barrage. He suddenly raised the corners of his lips, picked up the mermaid cub who was still tinkering with his small backpack, looked at her with pity in his dark eyes, and rubbed her hair by the way, with a helpless tone.

"The little guy sneaked out of the laboratory and suffered a lot of injuries. He was attacked on the way to bring her here."

【Fuck! laboratory! Is that the lab I was thinking of? 】

[The cub actually escaped from the laboratory, such a small one]

[What is the identity of the cub, how could he be targeted by the laboratory? 】

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