The Little Cutie is Taken Away by the Paranoid Male God

Chapter 467: Interstellar Cubs Daily 25

Qi Yu just rubbed her hair, "Go out and play with Zhou Yingying."

Like coaxing a child, let the cub play with her little buddies.

Even though he remembered some unpleasant memories, even though his heart was filled with anger, he didn't bring his emotions to her.

Luo Ci hesitated for a moment, reached out and hugged him, rubbed his neck intimately, and then walked out.

After Qi Yu saw her leaving the room, he released the emotions he had been suppressing. He lay down on the bed, took off his glasses, and covered his eyes with his palms, as if he could cover those past memory fragments together.

The memories that come to mind are intermittent, there is no logical order, that is when he was a child.

The disgust of one's own weakness, the anger of being powerless to change the status quo, and the despair of being ruthlessly abandoned.

Those faces that are either greedy or disgusted and rejected...

Really, very bad memory.

He doesn't need those memories.

Luo Ci, who was out of the hut, covered her heart slightly, and Fragment felt unhappy in her heart.

But the look on his face is obviously that he doesn't want people to know. If she insists on staying, the fragments will definitely feel embarrassed.

She just came out, and Zhou Yingying ran towards her, "Sister Cici, I'll re-wash all your fruits for you!"

She said apologetically, "There seems to be something wrong with our previous allocation, and I made a mistake."

It was obvious that Cici wanted Uncle Lu to give fruit to Uncle Lu, but she forgot as soon as she distributed it, otherwise she would not have almost collapsed beside the water, but fortunately, Cici held her, she didn't seem to know how to swim yet.

Luo Ci took the small backpack, "Thank you Ying Ying."

She put the washed mushrooms on a plate and put them on the table built by their adults, and then began to divide the fruits one by one.

Luo Ci hesitated whether to go in and look for the fragments. She still didn't know if the fragments had adjusted their emotions. He always hid well.

So I could only take a boring bite of the fruit in my hand, which tasted a bit like peach, but it didn't look like it.

Qi Yu opened the door and saw the mermaid cub sitting on the small bench eating fruit. He paused, then returned to his previous appearance, with a cynical smile on his face, "Didn't you prepare for me?"

When he said this, he was leaning on the door frame, he was tall and tall, with one hand in his pocket, a smile on the corner of his mouth, gold-rimmed glasses made him more elegant, white shirt and black trousers, and he had a sense of sight of a school male god.

He lowered his head slightly, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on his fair face, making his expression gentle.

The mermaid hurriedly stood up and handed him the last fruit.

Qi Yu took the fruit and took a casual bite.

He couldn't help but think of pushing the door and seeing the picture of the little guy, like a little beast standing alone at the door, waiting to be adopted, well-behaved and quiet, not crying or making trouble.

She has experienced so much since she was a child, so she is probably very sensitive to people's emotions.

They're actually...the same.

The big hand held her small hand, "I'll make you small dried fish."


[I think the actor is really in line with the image of the male **** in my mind. The scene just now has been captured, so gentle]

[Same, boy in white, it's a pity that the actor doesn't accept youth dramas]

[Where is it so simple not to accept youth dramas, it is simply the spokesperson of the villain, the devil who destroys the flowers, the kind of love that never ends]

[Ah ah ah ah, the upstairs is going to die of laughter, this analogy is good]

The dinner is very rich, half of the fish is made into sashimi, one and a half of the fish is grilled, one is made of dried small fish, and the other is cooked in mushroom soup.

This is also taking into account the fear that some people do not like to eat sashimi, so I only used half of it.

According to the average food intake of modern people, a four catty fish is more than enough for a family of three. Now a fish is six catties, and the food intake of interstellar people is greater than that of ordinary people, otherwise it will not be necessary to use four.

They all like strong flavors. It happened that He Xunian brought a lot of seasonings. The mushroom fish soup should have been milky white, but it turned into a spicy red.

Finally, a large table came up, which was very tempting.

【hateful! Why did the director's team put a simulated scent device, which can only be smelled but not eaten! 】

[I never imagined that the actor and Lu Yaochen's cooking skills were so good. That plate of dried fish is the old father's full love for the cubs.]

[I have learned it, Lu Yaochen, who was originally said to know a little, is so good at cooking]

[I suddenly became a fan of Lu Yaochen, and I never wanted to show off on purpose from beginning to end]

[+1+1 feels so humble]

The program team thoughtfully put two bowls, one big and one small, in each small backpack, which corresponded to adults and cubs, but when it was Qi Yu's turn, it was the other way around.

Qi Yu drank the fish soup in a bowl that was no bigger than the palm of an adult's hand, moving slowly and gracefully, while the mermaid cub held a bowl that was bigger than her face, drank it in one breath, and handed the big bowl to him. In front of him, in a milky voice, "More!"

The audience before the live broadcast was stunned.

Good guy, big appetite is really not a joke of the actor, cubs are indeed edible.

A large pot of fish soup was eaten by one of her cubs. She also ate a quarter of the grilled fish and half of the dried small fish. She had to keep the rest of the dried small fish on the road. As a snack to eat, of course, also distributed some to the other two children.

In the end, everyone was exhausted and did not finish. The hidden team members couldn't help but asked for a bowl of fish soup to drink.

It's not as good as the top chefs, but watching them eat will make them very appetizing.

It was getting dark now, and they were still sitting outside to digest food, next to the smart chandelier robot they brought. This little robot knows nothing and turns on the lights.

It seems that the interstellar people will make all electrical equipment into intelligent robots, and even some homes have even installed intelligent bathing facilities in the bathroom.

Qi Yu's house is relatively simple, with a robot housekeeper, smart dust collectors, dishwashers, etc., and the rest are relatively routine.

After a day of running in, the team members are basically familiar with each other.

Xie Lin's group is one tent per person. She brought three tents by herself. Many details were considered very carefully. They also found a place to stay. The dinner was made by catching mutant chickens on this planet. .

Maybe this group of people is not very good at cooking, but they cook according to the steps of the search, and the taste of the mutated chicken is fresh and tender, and the taste is not bad.

Xie Lin's child was a gloomy-looking little boy, like a hedgehog covered with thorns, but Xie Lin was always patient.

Both sides can see each other's situation through the live broadcast. Seeing that Qi Yu's side has built a house and moved a bed, Xie Lin's team is a little surprised and envious.

Xue Ming took a bite of the chicken skewer in his hand, quite a bit hearty as a knight in the rivers and lakes, "Fortunately, there is a tent brought by Sister Lin."

They just brought some daily necessities, clothes, insect-proof lighting, etc., and they all ignored the problem of sleeping.

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